Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 06, 2016, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
July 6, 2016
Pi-Ume-Sha Celebration
Health care careers at COCC
The 2016 Pi-Ume-Sha
Parade saw a large turnout
of riders and walkers, and
spectators along the parade
route. Here are the parade
category winners (in order,
starting with first):
Youth 16 and under
male: Jeremy Kills First.
Dylan Heath. Hayden Heath.
Female 17 and over:
Pat Heemsah.
Male adults 17 and
over: Terry Heemsaw Sr.
Youth 16 and under fe-
male: Samantha Tapp.
Shirleen Kills First
Archie Caldera. Aiden War-
der: Heaven Walsey. Arelia
Hay. Kayleen Joseph.
Female adults 17 and
over: Katrina Walsey. Tyera
Pete. Wilman Buck.
Tr a d i t i o n a l f l o a t s :
Starla Green. Jar vis and
Shayla Stwyer. Aurolyn
Youth males 16 and
under: Jason Jim. Josiah
Barney. Jeremiah Lewis.
Youth females 16 and un-
Contemporary f loats:
Soaring Butterflies. Indian
Head Casino. Reovery (Aldo
Central Oregon Com-
munity College is offering
an information session
about its Allied Health
This will be at 9 a.m.
on Monday, July 11, in
Room 306, Building 3 on
the COCC Redmond
Campus. The programs
include Dental Assisting,
Massage Therapy, Medi-
cal Assistant, Pharmacy
Technician and Veteri-
nary Technician.
There will be a review
of the structure, length
and cost of each of the
programs. It is not nec-
essary to be enrolled at
COCC to attend this ses-
sion. Reservations are not
needed. The session will
last approximately one
hour. For information,
call 541-383-7420.
A first at COCC
Stolen fish: Tribal
elder Geraldine Jim had
drying salmon stolen
recently from her
residence on Looksh.
It was not the first time
this has happened.
This time drying
backbones were stolen.
She and her family are
asking people to be
aware of anyone selling
dried salmon
backbones. If you have
information that may
help resolve this, please
contact the police at
Courtesy photo.
Truman was one of three students to speak at the President’s Scholarship
Luncheon at COCC. The students, addressing the COCC Foundation
Scholarship administrators, talk about their life backgrounds, and the ways
the scholarships have helped them. Truman focused on tribal cultural matters,
and the speech was well received.
Courtesy photo.
Stolen item: This prize-winning beaded yoke
was stolen from a residence recently. This has
great sentimental value. If you have information,
please contact the Warm Springs Police, 541-
553-1171. The item may also be returned, no
questions asked, at the Media Center.
(Continued from page 1)
During the school
year, his schedule requires
that he works weekends
and evenings. He’ll spend
half-days at work and the
other half at school. His
supervisor and co-workers
at Fire Management have
been great in supporting
Truman in his goals, both at
college and at work.
And for now there is no
telling where these recent
developments might lead.
This could lead, for in-
stance, to an interest in
pursuing some other
elected office. “It’ll open
doors along the way,” he