Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 06, 2016, Page 7, Image 7

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
July 6, 2016
Page 7
New Committees on board
Spirit Fest starts
Friday at HeHe
The Twenty-Second
Annual Spirit Fest is com-
ing up in July at the
HeHe Longhouse. This is
a campout event sup-
porting sobriety in Cen-
tral Oregon.
There will be camping,
potlucks, talking circle,
crafts, music and family
fun. The Friday night pot-
luck is set for July 8. Sat-
urday night dinner, July
9, provided. And on Sun-
day, July 10: Real Men
Cook Breakfast, and
For information con-
tact Jamison at 541-460-
0913. Janice, 541-325-
3040. Carolyn, 541-325-
9339. Or Davis at 541-
There are RV hook-
ups, running water and
toilets available. Register
early, so organizers can
have a head count. You
can mail to Box 86, Warm
Springs, 97761. Registra-
tion $10 per person, in-
cludes camping two
nights, meetings, salmon
dinner Saturday, and Sun-
day breakfast. T-shirts
available, $12 each.
Summer powwow at Simnasho
The new Committee members of the Confederated Tribes took the oath of office on Tuesday of this week. For a
list of the new committee members, see page 6.
Kindred Spirits at Museum
The Museum at Warm Springs is hosting Kindred
Spirits: The Artistic Journey of Lillian Pitt
through early September.
The exhibit features Ms. Pitt’s artwork in a variety
of media. There are masks, paintings, sculptures and
other unique and beautiful items.
Ms. Pitt was born on the Warm Springs Reserva-
tion. She is Warm Springs, Wasco and Yakama.
Ms. is the recipient of numerous awards, including
the 2007 Earle E. Chiles Award for Lifetime
Achievement, the 1990 Governor’s Award of the
Oregon Arts, and the Twanat Award from the Mu-
seum at Warm Springs in 2012.
A Warm Springs Elders
Picnic is planned for July
14 at the Senior Center.
Lunch will start at noon and
eels and buffalo burgers are
on the menu!
Jayson Smith photos.
At the opening reception (above, below); at lower left, Lillian receives gift blanket.
The 2016 Portland to
Coast Walk Team is hosting
a raffle, with the drawing
scheduled for July 11.
Raffle items include an
Office Jet printer, Pendleton
bag, beaded medallion, wam-
pum necklace, Lottery
scratch-offs, 8x10 Indian
print, Seahawks earrings,
among many other prizes.
Tickets are $1 each or six
for $5.
See the following to get
your tickets:
Nancy Seyler, Rosanna
Jackson, Roxanne Bisland,
Amaya Bisland, Andrea
Sohappy, Marceline Smith,
Saphronia Coochise, Marsha
Spellman, Mary Iwomoto,
Melissa Benson, Susan Jim or
Val Squiemphen.
Wednesday at 10:30am is
the Sixth Annual Hot Sum-
mer fun walk. That evening
is a potluck barbecue meal.
The specials will be a
round bustle and puth-la-pa,
the Sixth Ever Drummers
Relay Race honoring Mackie
Begay, and the ninth running
of the Simnasho Derby.
Bring your lawn chairs! It’s all
about fun, social dancing and
good times.
Community notes...
She Who Watches by Lillian Pitt
Raffle for Hood to Coast team
Simnasho’s Hot Summer
Nights Powwow is Tuesday
and Wednesday, July 12-13,
at the Simnasho Powwow
Grounds. Meals will start
around 6 each night and pow-
wow at 7.
Tuesday night is the weenie
roast and there will be a Tiny
Tots Special, Sweep Your Tee-
pee Championship of the
World and a Family Team
~ Hay ~ Hay ~
Excellent grass hay for sale:
$200 a ton. Pick-up in Madras.
We provide a
squeeze; no
rain (delivery
Call Rod at
War m Springs Head
Start is taking applications
for Fall enrollment. Head
Start is a free preschool pro-
gram for children who will
be age 3 by September 1
through 5 years old.
There are part and full
day programs. Head Start
also provides assistance with
accessing health care and
comprehensive services for
families. Stop by the Early
Childhood Education Cen-
ter or call 541-553-3242 to
learn more. July 22 is the
deadline to apply for Head
Summer Training to Re-
vive Indigenous Vision and
Empowerment (STRIVE)
is a residential summer pro-
gram for Native American
high school students in Cen-
tral Oregon.
It is July 15-17 at the
COCC Bend Campus. Stu-
dents take culturally appro-
priate classes from college
professors in a variety of
subjects and work with suc-
cessful Native college stu-
dents. It is open to students
with at least a 2.0 GPA in
high school – incoming
freshmen through seniors.
It’s free for all students. For
information contact Gina
Ricketts at COCC 541-318-
All youth age 18 and un-
der are welcome to get nu-
tritious meals for free
through the Summer
Food Service Meal Pro-
gram. Breakfast is served
at the Warm Springs Youth
Center in the Boys & Girls
Club from 8:15-9, and
lunch from 11:45 to 12:30.
There will be a co-ed
softball tournament on
Saturday, August 6, and a
men’s softball tournament
on Sunday, August 7 at Ju-
niper Hills in Madras.
For information on both
text or call 541-460-9151.
Entries are due by August
The Boomer Classic
Benefit Golf Tour na-
ment put on by the Mu-
seum at Warm Springs is on
Saturday, July 9 at the Kah-
Nee-Ta Resort Golf
Course. Shotgun start is at
9 a.m., it’s a 4-person
scramble. The entry fee in-
cludes greens fees, two golf
carts per team and lunch.
Proceeds benefit museum
The 9th annual MAC
Dash Sprint Triathlon will
be held on Saturday, Sep-
tember 10. They are look-
ing for volunteers to help
during the event. All vol-
unteers will receive a free
t-shirt and lunch. You can
also sign up now to com-
pete individually or on a
team. Find out more and
register at macdash.org.
Proceeds from the MAC
Dash support the Madras
Swim and Water Polo
- Alfalfa Hay -
Alfalfa hay – 100 pound – two
string – 40 inches long – Very nice
and green, no weeds – $10 per
bale – Call Bob at 541-408-5463