Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 6, 2016 Pi-Ume-Sha 2016 Greg Vaughn Photography courtesy. Jayson Smith photos Owl Dance/Rabbit Dance Contest: Gar y and Leah Villa, War m Springs. Carla and Brian George. Katie and John Bears, Pendleton. Delvis and Lucinda Heath, Warm Springs. Teen Girls Traditional, 12-16 year s: Mar jorie Heath, War m Springs. Jackie Zamora Heath, War m Springs. Susie Patrick, Pendleton. Lalani Bull Bear, Kyle, South Dakota. Wambli Bull Bear, Kyle. Teen Boys Traditional, 12- 16: Myles Bull Bear, Kyle. Andrew Maldanado, Toppenish. Brylen ScabbyRobe, White Swan. Colby Donaghey, Crown Point, New Mexico. Anthony Nix, Pendleton. Women’s/Gir ls’ Team Round Dance: BFFs. Fancy Babes. River Qs. Pi-Ume-Sha Roy- alty. Men’s/Boys’ Team War Dance: Stompin’ Bustlers. The Number 1s. Coyotes. Chicken Boys. Women’s Traditional, 17 and up: Wilman Buck, White Swan. Katrina Walsey, Satus. Ida Adams, Toppenish. Katie Blackwolf Beavis, Pendleton. Leah Villa, War m Springs. Three-person Hand Drum: Blacklodge - Algin Scabby Robe. The Other Guys - LeeJon Tutus. Them Fellas – Rod Begay. Men’s Fancy/Grass, 17 and up: Gary Villa, Warm Springs. Allen Roy Pay-Kwin, Route 66 non-land USA. Terry Heemah Jr., Toppenish. Jeremy Barney, Portland. Jay Mennick. Women’s Fancy/Jingle 17 years and up: Keeli Little Leaf, Takilma. Norberta Scabby Robe, White Swan. Katrina Blackwolf, Toppenish. Kassie John, Clearfield, Utah. Tennille Wahtomey, Wapato. Men’s Traditional, 17 and up: Logan Queampts, Mission. Kellan Joseph, Pendleton. Teminah Greene, Lapwai. Jarvis Stwyer, War m Springs. Louis VanPelt,Nixyaqwii. At the start of the 2016 Pi-Ume-Sha Run. Here are the results of the 2016 Pi-Ume-Sha Fun Run: One mile 20-29 years female: Inez Jones, 14:51. 30-39 years female: Morn- ing Rae Ferris, 17:44. 40-49 male: Alllen ‘Stretch’ Jones, 14:50. 50-59 male: Levi VanPelt, 15.52. 60-69 male: Richard Smith, 16.08. 5k female 9-13 years. First, Fontaine Fuentes, 27:47. Second, Kalyssa Florendo, 32:01. 20-29 years. First, Arianna C, 48:34. Second, Cheyenne Wahnetah, 50:03. 30-39. First, Taralee Suppah, 29:26. Second, Shirelle Hurtado, 48:16. Third, Nicole Garcia, 48:33. 40-49. First, Alssa Macy, 32:02. Second Carol C, 42:09. Third, An- gela Smith, 48:30. 50-59. First, Fay Hurtado, 48:17. Second, Tine Allen, 49:40. 60-69. First Cheryl Lohman, 35:09. Second, Janice Alexander, 42:52. Third, Sylvia McCabe, 43:34. 5k male 8 and under. Joseph Brager, 42:08. 9-13 years. First, Leander Smith, 26:44. Second, Isiah Florendo, 32:01. 14-19. Amial Rhoan, 26:34. 20-29. First, Armando Ribeiro, 32:00. 40-49. First, Vernon Squiemphen, 27:48. Second, Rich- ard Suppah, 33:01. 50-59. First, Don Courtney, 28:24. Second, Lincoln ‘Jay’ Suppah, 29:44. 10k male 14-19 years. Jose Aguilar, 42:57. 30-39. Tilden McDonald Jr.: 48:18. 40-49. Jose L. Aguilar, 42:57. 50-59. Dan Ahern, 54:22. 60-69. Kurt Lynam, 59:03. Overall results 1 mile. First, Allen ‘Stretch’ Jones. Sec- ond, Inez Jones. Third, Levi VanPelt. Fourth, Richard Smith. Fifth, Morning Rae Ferris. Overall results 5k. First, Amial Rhoan. Second, Leander Smith. Third, Fontaine Fuentes. Fourth, Vernon Squiemphen. Fifth, Don Courtney. Overall results 10k. First, Jose Aguilar. Second, Jose L. Aguilar. Third, Tilden McDonald Jr. Fourth, Dan Ahern. Fifth, Kurt Lynam. 341 SW Sixth St. Redmond 541-923-8071 Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 15% OFF product purchases Complimentary brow wax with any hair service - ($15 value) To redeem: bring in the coupon, mention this ad, or show your tribal ID.