Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 06, 2016, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
July 6, 2016
Oxbow Restoration in final phase
Tribal natural resource
workers this week are at the
Oxbow Conservation Area
on the Middle Fork of the
John Day River.
They will be moving fish
from a channel that will then
be filled in, creating a more
natural river course. This
is part of the fifth and final
phase of the Oxbow Dredge
Mining Restoration Project.
Other aspects of the
work involve planting thou-
sands of trees for shade, and
grading and excavation to
create a new floodplain.
The Confederated Tribes
acquired the 1,022-acre
Oxbow Conservation Area
in 2001, through the BPA
mitigation program.
The tribes began re-
searching the restoration
project about ten years ago.
Phase 1 began in 2011,
Phase 4 was completed last
year, and phase 5 will be
completed this year, bring-
Courtesy BNR
Creating in-stream features, during phase 4 of the project.
ing the over $6 million project
to a conclusion.
This part of the river was
mined for gold from 1939 to
1942, impacting about 200
acres of river. The process
involved a gold dredge, simi-
lar to the one in Sumpter,
This type of dredge
worked by pulling up the river
bed in buckets. The soil was
processed, and the tailings
were discarded. The damage
to the river was extensive.
Confluences of the Beaver,
Ruby, Granite Boulder and
Butte creeks were affected.
The restoration work has
also been significant, requir-
ing the five-phase, multi-year
approach. The work so far has
been a success, and the final
phase will continue the effort.
Tribal Fisheries explains
some key aspects of the res-
toration work:
Creation of 5,800 feet of
new river channel, and 1,100
feet of new creek channels.
Enhancement of 5,700
feet of existing river channel
Utilization of 2,600 whole
trees, comprising at least 260
in-stream structures. Plant-
ing more than 40,000 plants.
The Oxbow project ben-
efits the habitat of spring
Chinook salmon, summer
steelhead and lamprey.
Partners include the BPA,
the Bureau of Reclamation,
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice, the Oregon Watershed
Enhancement Board, the
Oregon Department of Fish
and Wildlife, the U.S. Forest
Service, the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administra-
tion, and others.
on Friday
The Warm Springs
Outdoor Market is ev-
ery Friday from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. next to the Re-
Use It Thrift Store by
Warm Springs Market.
Contact the Warm
Springs Community
Action Team to find out
about setting up as a
Healthy Cooking Class
When: This Thursday, July 7 from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Where: IHS Clinic Kitchen
What: Learn to make healthy, delicious
salad dressing plus a Strawberry Spinach
Who: The first 30 people to attend.
Call 541-553-2460 if you have any questions
Warm Springs Community Calendar
Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM
Thursday, July 7
On today’s fitness sched-
ule: at noon there is Func-
tional Fitness class in the
Community Center social
hall, Turbo Kick class in the
Aerobics room and volleyball
in the Community Center
Guiding Butterflies &
Mighty Warriors classes
meet today from 1 to 3 in the
Prevention room at Commu-
nity Counseling. The class
is for adults to participate in
cultural-based teachings,
crafts and activities.
Warm Springs jurors will
need to check-in at 9:30 this
morning at Warm Springs
Tribal Court.
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting today
at noon at Community Coun-
seling and a Narcotics
Anonymous meeting this
evening at 6 at the Shaker
Friday, July 8
Today at Summer Rec
they are playing Lacrosse at
10:30. There’s a Morning
Walk Raffle and it’s Free Play
Fitness Opportunities to-
day include: Senior Fitness
Class at the Senior Center
at 10:45. At noon there is
basketball in the Community
Center gym, and Functional
Fitness class in the Aerobics
room. And at the Health &
Wellness Center, Pilates
Yoga class is at noon.
Saturday, July 9
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting this
morning at 10 at Community
Sunday, July 10
The Warm Springs Food
Bank is located at the Pres-
byterian Church. They are
open today from 11:30-1:30.
All food banks and pantries
do take donations of non-
perishable food or cash
Monday, July 11
A Women’s Prayer Group
meets Mondays from 12:05
to 12:35 at the Warm Springs
Presbyterian Church.
The Soaring Butterflies -
Warrior Spirit class meets
today at 3:40 at the Warm
Springs K-8 Community
Room. This is for 3rd to 8th
grade youth and includes
culturally based teachings,
hands on activities as well
as drug and alcohol preven-
tion education.
The Warm Springs Voca-
tional Rehabilitation pro-
gram has orientation today
at 3 p.m. at their office in the
industrial park. If you or
someone you know has or
may have a disability that is
a barrier to employment or
employment advancement,
they can learn about their op-
tions at an orientation or by
calling 553-4952.
Today at Summer Rec kids
can go on the morning walk
and water the children’s gar-
den, it is Mario Monday in the
game room, Manicure Mon-
day and Kickball League
Fitness Opportunities to-
day include: Senior Fitness
class at the Senior Center at
10:45. At noon there is bas-
ketball in the Community Cen-
ter gym, and Functional Fit-
ness in the Aerobics room.
And at the Health & Wellness
Center, Pilates-Yoga Class is
at noon.
There’s an Aftercare Re-
lapse Support Group today at
5:30 at Community Counsel-
Victims of Crime Services
has a Women’s Support
Group this evening at the
VOCS office, 1108 Wasco
Street, behind the Old Boys’
Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m.
There is a food handler’s
class from 2-4 p.m. in the IHS
Tuesday, July 12
On today’s fitness sched-
ule: at noon there is Func-
tional Fitness class in the
Community Center social
hall, Turbo Kick class in the
Aerobics room and volleyball
in the Community Center
Today at Community
Counseling: There is an Alco-
holics Anonymous meeting at
noon, Adult Alcohol Education
Class is at 1:15 and the
Veteran’s Group meets from
The Jefferson County
Food Bank is located at 556
SE Seventh Street. They are
open for distribution this af-
ternoon. All food banks and
pantries do take donations of
non-perishable food or cash.
The Warm Springs Voca-
tional Rehabilitation Pro-
gram has orientation today at
3 p.m. at Community Coun-
seling. If you or someone you
know has or may have a dis-
ability that is a barrier to em-
ployment or employment ad-
vancement, they can learn
about their options at an ori-
entation or by calling 553-
Powwow, hoop dance
and drum practice for begin-
ners and anyone who would
like to practice is today from
5:30 to 7 at the Community
Center aerobics room.
Today at Summer Rec they
will take a morning walk and
water the children’s garden,
it is Tournament Tuesday in
the game room and Active Af-
ternoon activities start at 1:15.
From 2-4 p.m. they will do
Pretty Toes Pedicures!
AGLOW weekly bible
study is this evening from 6-
7:30 at High Lookee Lodge.
It is open to all and a light
snack is provided.
Wednesday, July 13
Little Miss Warm Springs
meetings are held Wednes-
days from 6-7:30 at the Com-
munity Center. All interested
girls and parents are wel-
Today at Community
Counseling: Women’s Group
meets at 1:30 and there is an
Alcoholics Anonymous meet-
ing at 7 p.m.
Fitness Opportunities to-
day include: Water Aerobics
at 9:15 at the Kah-Nee-ta Vil-
lage Pool. At 10 there is Se-
nior Fitness Class at the Se-
nior Center. At noon there is
basketball in the Community
Center gym, and Functional
Fitness in the Aerobics room.
And at the Health & Wellness
Center, Pilates Yoga Class is
at noon.
The Soaring Butterflies -
Warrior Spirit class meets
today from 4-6 p.m. at the
Community Counseling Cen-
ter. This is for 3rd to 8th grade
youth and includes culturally
based teachings, hands on
activities as well as drug and
alcohol prevention education.
Today at Summer Rec they
will take kids on a walk this
morning and water the
children’s garden. It is Wii
Wednesday in the game
room. Active Afternoon activi-
ties start at 1:15, and Water
Play is from 3-4:30
Thursday, July 14
On today’s fitness sched-
ule: at noon there is Func-
tional Fitness class in the
Community Center social
hall, Turbo Kick class in the
Aerobics room and volleyball
in the Community Center
Guiding Butterflies &
Mighty Warriors classes
meet today from 1 to 3 in the
Prevention room at Commu-
nity Counseling. The class
is for adults to participate in
cultural-based teachings,
crafts and activities.
Warm Springs jurors will
need to check-in at 9:30 this
morning at Warm Springs
Tribal Court.
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting today at
noon at Community Counsel-
ing and a Narcotics Anony-
mous meeting this evening at
6 at the Shaker Church.
Friday, July 15
Today at Summer Rec they
are playing Lacrosse at
10:30. There’s a Morning
Walk Raffle and it’s Free Play
Fitness Opportunities to-
day include: Senior Fitness
class at the Senior Center at
10:45. At noon there is bas-
ketball in the Community Cen-
ter gym, and Functional Fit-
ness class in the Aerobics
room. And at the Health &
Wellness Center, Pilates
Yoga Class is at noon.
Saturday, July 16
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting this
morning at 10 at Community
The Warm Springs Chris-
tian Community Potluck and
Prayer Gathering meets the
third Saturday of every month
(except in December) at the
High Lookee Lodge commu-
nity room. Potluck dinner is at
6 p.m. and prayer from 7 to 8.
Sunday, July 17
The Warm Springs Food
Bank is located at the Pres-
byterian Church. They are
open today from 11:30-1:30.