Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 22, 2016, Page 8, Image 8

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Yukon, Warm Springs Youth Dancers
June 22, 2016
A thank you for Honor Elders Day
Courtesy Senior Wellness Center.
Oregon Youth Authority at Honor Elders Day.
Jayson Smith photos
The Museum at Warm Springs hosted a Youth
Dance Exchange this month on the museum
grounds. The exchange featured the Warm Springs
Youth Dancers, and the Selkirk Spirit Dancers from
the Yukon Territory of Canada.
Casino Car Show
Heriberto ‘Papo’ Cruz shows his 1938 Chevrolet at
the Indian Head Casino car show. Earlier in the
month Cruz won a first-place award at a car show in
Redmond, where there were 374 cars in the show.
Kindred Spirits:
(Continued from page 1)
Lillian says, “I’ve learned
about the flexibility and en-
durance of my River People,
who thrive to this day, and
still have the basket making,
bead working, carving, fish-
ing equipment making—all
the many skills it takes and
took to continue the culture
that has been there for thou-
sands of years.
“I feel humbled and
blessed to have been given
some skills to help continue
the teaching, the culture, and
what I know of my ancestry
with the blessing of my El-
ders. So many have shared
their knowledge, knowing I
would make something of
what was said, and having
faith in me even if I never
believed I could do half of
Opens Thursday
what was told. They knew
they were kindred spirits, as
they saw something in me I
didn’t know I had.”
Everyone is welcome on
Thursday to come share an
incredible afternoon with an
amazing artist. The exhibition
will be on display from
through early September.
UAS test: unique facilities
(Continued from page 1)
He said, “We look for-
ward to returning to
Simnasho in the next few
weeks to begin field tests
of some products we’ve
designed specifically for
the powerline inspection
Stwyer noted, “It’s ex-
citing to be able to help
customers like AIR who
have identified the value
that the Simashno site of-
fers. There’s simply noth-
ing like it anywhere else
in the Northwest. Com-
bine that with the ease of
flight approvals through
the test ranges, and we’ve
got a great combination.”
For more information
about the Warm Springs
UAS Test Range, please
Or contact Aurolyn
Or call 541-553-3565
The War m Springs
Tribal Elders would like to
thank each and every de-
partment that helped make
the Twenty-Sixth Annual
Honor Elders another suc-
cess. We would like to ac-
knowledge the Oregon
Youth Academy for being
here to post the colors and
honor our elders with a drill
routine. The Oregon Youth
Academy pitched in with fil-
leting the salmon for our el-
ders day, a most memorable
event. Again, thanks to all for
your participation in mak-
ing this a successful and
memorable event! Re-
War m
Tribal Elders, and the
Senior Wellness Center
Quentin Scott’s
Fa r e w e l l t o Fa r g o ,
North Dakota, and Jo-
seph Scott III’s Fare-
well to Gillette, Wyo-
Good luck to Quentin
Scott and Joseph Scott III.
They are going to national
competitions in wrestling,
and rodeo. The family is
hosting Bingo, and a barbe-
cue dinner fundraiser from 6
to 9 p.m. on Friday, July 8 at
Elmer Quinn Park.
There will be a raffle, and
an art auction.
The goal is to raise the
needed travel money to send
both boys to both national
competitions. Look for con-
cession stands during Pi-
Ume-Sha and the Fourth
of July.
Raffle tickets are avail-
able at the concession
stands, and also can be
bought in person from
Joseph and Quentin. Call
541-420-9116 and 541-
your local athletes!
Reconsider decision on Warm Springs ROOTS program
Last week I was so disap- is a mistake.
pointed to learn that the
Apparently the district’s
509-J administration and desire is to model the
school board made the deci- ROOTS program after their
sion to oust Dawn
new Bridges Alterna-
Smith as the direc-
tive High School
tor of the Warm
Opinion which will be located
Springs ROOTS
at Westside in Ma-
program, an alter-
dras. Warm Springs
native program for Madras is not Madras.
High School.
Alternative programs will
An annex in War m have a principal and Bridges
Springs has existed for many will have two teachers. They
years, similar to the annex now want ROOTS to have
that is located at Westside. two teachers instead of a di-
ROOTS was different, ap- rector and a teacher. What’s
plying the same online credit the big deal with allowing
recovery objectives but pair- ROOTS to continue to build
ing it with CTE classes that on their success with a direc-
were focused around Warm tor and a teacher? Just leave
Springs Natural Resources.
the program alone.
With local connections to
tribal programs and depart-
ments, students got real
world experience and access
to experts in the field, and
in those experts, Native role
models for our youth.
The reason the program
has grown and demonstrated
success, far more than any
previous annex program, is
because of Dawn Smith.
She is a trusted educator and
has relationships in Warm
Springs, built over a lifetime
of teaching and living here.
Replacing her at the two-
year old ROOTS program
I am not sure how the de-
cision-making process was
handled in this matter, but it
was done without any local
consultation of ROOTS stu-
dents, families, staff, the
Warm Springs Community,
Tribal Council, or Tribal
Council’s Education Commit-
Sadly, this is just another
example of the Jefferson
County 509-J school district
not valuing consultation with
the Warm Springs commu-
nity. My experience is that
the district placates individu-
als when they ask to be heard,
but that input is rarely given
any weight or value.
I don’t know if this deci-
sion will be reversed. I hope
it is. Regardless, this is an op-
portunity for youth, families
and the Warm Springs com-
munity to come together and
advocate for our kids.
Administrators in our
school district don’t under-
stand our community but
Warm Springs people do. Let
your voices be heard and
speak up for your children.
Demand the district provide
high quality education for all
the kids.
The next school board
meeting is Monday, June 27
from 7-9 p.m. at the school
district office. Let’s all be
there to share our concerns
and hopes for our students.
Sue Matters