Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 22, 2016, Page 2, Image 2

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Spill puts
focus on
oil transport
Leaders from the Colum-
bia River tribes met at
Mosier on June 9. They
gave the tribal view on the
issue of oil terminals and oil
transport by rail through the
Gorge, re-affirming tribal
“The tragic derailment of
the Union Pacific oil train in
the Columbia Gorge was no
shock or surprise,” said
War m Springs Council
Chairman Austin Greene Jr.
“This sort of catastrophe
is inevitable when hubris and
greed blind men. Oil trains
in our lands will stain them
deeply over time if we do
not stop them now.”
Councilwoman Carina
Miller gave her support at
the June 9 conference, along
with leaders from Yakama,
and the Columbia River In-
ter-Tribal Fish Commission.
June 22, 2016
Journey to Space
field trip coming up
The OMSI Journey to
Space field trip is coming
up on Thursday, June 30.
The bus will leave the
Community Center at
8:15 a.m., and will return
about 7 p.m.
The field trip is hosted
by the tribal Recreation
The field trip is free to
the first 35 youth to sign
up; sign-up is now under
way. Contact Recreation
at the Community Cen-
ter, or call 541-553-3243.
If you go, bring a light
jacket, good walking
shoes, spending money
and a sack lunch.
Permission forms are
available at the Commu-
nity Center.
Courtesy photo.
Warm Springs Tribal Council Chairman Austin Greene Jr. addresses the oil transport
issue at Mosier.
The event that brought
this issue to the forefront was
the June 3 train derailment at
Mosier. Several oil calls de-
railed, spilling oil near the
Columbia and causing an ex-
“The accident is a reminder
that we should be reducing,
not increasing, the number of
oil and coal trains along the
river,” said CRITFC chair-
man Paul Lumley.
“If projects like the cur-
rently proposed Tesoro-Sav-
age oil terminal or Millen-
nium Bulk coal terminal are
allowed to move forward,
(the Mosier) accident will
only be the first of what
could be many more to come.
We cannot stand idly by this
danger to the river, the
salmon, the people and com-
munities who rely on them.”
Meanwhile, officials from
ODOT, and cities and towns
along the river have also
called for a halt to oil trans-
port by rail along the river.
Recreation to host July 4 Parade
The Recreation Depart-
ment will host the Fourth of
July Parade, with the theme
this year of “Welcome
Home Veterans—Native
The parade line-up will be
at 9 a.m., with judging at 10
a.m. The parade start is at
11, followed by the barbe-
cue and family games.
For more information,
contact Recreation at 541-
wsnews.org for the latest Warm Springs news!
Warm Springs Community Calendar
Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM
Thursday, June 23
On today’s fitness
schedule: at noon there
is Functional Fitness
class in the Community
Center social hall, Turbo
Kick class in the aerobics
room, and volleyball in the
Community Center gym.
Guiding Butterflies &
Mighty Warriors classes
meet today from 1 to 3 in
the Prevention room at
Community Counseling.
The class is for adults to
participate in cultural-
based teachings, crafts
and activities.
Warm Springs jurors
will need to check-in at
9:30 this morning at Warm
Springs Tribal Court.
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting to-
day at noon at Community
Counseling, Positive In-
dian Parenting class at
4:30 at the Counseling
center, and a Narcotics
Anonymous meeting this
evening at 6 at the Shaker
Friday, June 24
Fitness Opportunities
today include: Senior Fit-
ness class at the Senior
Center at 10:45. At noon
there is basketball in the
Community Center gym
and Functional Fitness
class in the Aerobics
room. And at the Health
& Wellness Center,
Pilates Yoga Class is at
Saturday, June 25
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting this
morning at 10 at Commu-
nity Counseling.
Sunday, June 26
The Warm Springs
Food Bank is located at
the Presbyterian Church.
They are open today from
11:30-1:30. All food banks
and pantries do take do-
nations of non-perishable
food or cash
Monday, June 27
A Women’s Prayer
Group meets Mondays
from 12:05 to 12:35 at the
Warm Springs Presbyte-
rian Church.
The Warm Springs Vo-
cational Rehabilitation
program has orientation
today at 3 p.m. at their of-
fice in the industrial park.
If you or someone you
know has or may have a
disability that is a barrier
to employment or employ-
ment advancement, they
can learn about their op-
tions at an orientation or
by calling 553-4952.
Fitness Opportunities
today include: Senior Fit-
ness class at the Senior
Center at 10:45. At noon
there is basketball in the
Community Center gym
and Functional Fitness in
the Aerobics room, and at
the Health & Wellness
Center, Pilates-Yoga
Class is at noon.
There is a Survivors of
Suicide Talking Circle
from 9-10:30 this morning
and an Aftercare Relapse
Support Group at 5:30 at
Community Counseling.
Victims of Crime Ser-
vices has a Women’s
Support Group this
evening at the VOCS of-
fice, 1108 Wasco Street,
behind the Old Boys’
Dorm. It’s from 3-5 p.m.
There is a 509-J
School Board meeting at
7 p.m. at the Support Ser-
vices Building in Madras.
Tuesday, June 28
On today’s fitness
schedule: at noon there is
Functional Fitness class
in the Community Center
social hall, Turbo Kick
class in the Aerobics
room, and volleyball in the
Community Center gym.
Today at Community
Counseling: There is an
Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting at noon, Adult Al-
cohol Education Class is
at 1:15, Relapse Preven-
tion group at 3:30 and
Positive Indian Parenting
class at 4:30.
The Jefferson County
Food Bank is located at
556 SE Seventh Street.
They are open for distribu-
tion this afternoon. All
food banks and pantries do
take donations of non-per-
ishable food or cash.
The Warm Springs Vo-
cational Rehabilitation Pro-
gram has orientation today
at 3 p.m. at Community
dance and drum prac-
tice for beginners and any-
one who would like to prac-
tice is today from 5:30 to
7 at the Community Cen-
ter aerobics room.
AGLOW weekly Bible
study is this evening from
6-7:30 at High Lookee
Lodge. It is open to all and
a light snack is provided.
The Mobile Medical
Unit will be at the Commu-
nity Center on Tuesday.
Call IHS to schedule an ap-
Wednesday, June 29
Little Miss Warm
Springs meetings are
held Wednesdays from 6-
7:30 at the Community
Center. All interested girls
and parents are welcome.
Today at Community
Counseling: There is
morning aftercare at 8:30,
Women’s Group meets at
1:30, Anger Management
group at 3:30, Wellbriety
Group at 5:15 and there is
an Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting at 7pm.
Fitness Opportunities
today include: Water Aero-
bics at 9:15 at the Kah-
Nee-Ta Village Pool. At 10
there is Senior Fitness
class at the Senior Center.
At noon there is basketball
in the Community Center
gym and Functional Fit-
ness in the Aerobics room.
And at the Health &
Wellness Center, Pilates
Yoga Class is at noon.
Thursday, June 30
On today’s fitness
schedule: at noon there is
Functional Fitness class in
the Community Center so-
cial hall, Turbo Kick class
in the Aerobics room and
volleyball in the Community
Center gym.
Guiding Butterflies &
Mighty Warriors classes
meet today from 1 to 3 in
the Prevention Room at
Community Counseling.
The class is for adults to
participate in cultural-
based teachings, crafts
and activities.
Warm Springs jurors
will need to check-in at
9:30 this morning at Warm
Springs Tribal Court.
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting to-
day at noon at Community
Counseling. Positive In-
dian Parenting class is at
4:30 and a Narcotics
Anonymous meeting this
evening at 6 at the Shaker
Friday, July 1
Fitness Opportunities
today include: Senior Fit-
ness class at the Senior
Center at 10:45. At noon
there is basketball in the
Community Center gym,
and Functional Fitness
class in the Aerobics room.
And at the Health &
Wellness Center, Pilates
Yoga Class is at noon.
The Warm Springs Out-
door Market is today from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. next to
the Re-Use It Thrift Store
by Warm Springs Market.
Saturday, July 2
There is an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting this
morning at 10 at Commu-
nity Counseling.
Sunday, July 3
The Warm Springs Food
Bank is located at the
Presbyterian Church.
They are open today from
11:30-1:30. All food banks
and pantries do take dona-
tions of non-perishable food
or cash.