Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 08, 2016, Page 8, Image 8

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Itukdi Wigwa and Niix
My name is Mateyis
Michael Penney-Jackson.
I am 3 years old and like
playing with Star Wars
toys, reading books, and
singing songs on my hand
Kahseuss Jackson (en-
rolled Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs)
and Sarah Penney (en-
rolled Nez Perce) are my
parents. My paternal
Deborah Jackson (en-
rolled Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs)
and Burl Williams (en-
rolled Owens Valley
Paiute Shoshone). My
maternal grandparents are
David Penney (enrolled
Nez Perce) and Marie
Penney (enrolled Santee
Sioux). My paternal
great-grandparents were
Vernon and Louise Jack-
Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
son and my paternal great,
great-grand parents were
Charlie and Georgianna
(Miller) Jackson.
I am proud to descend
from several tribes but I
would like to be enrolled
in Warm Springs like my
Mateyis Michael
Logan Kylish Phifer
and Inorah Kyrene Phifer
are candidates in the
adoption election.
Their mother is Trisha
Johnson. Grandparents
are Marissa Stradley and
Rick Stradley.
Great grandma is
Lenora Polk. And great
Hattie Symentire and
James Polk.
We would like to be
enrolled as CTWS Tribal
Members because this is
has and always will be
We are active mem-
bers in the community
My name is Elke
Littleleaf Kirk. My fa-
ther is Charles Kirk, aka
The Warm Springs
and Wasco is from my
great grand parents,
James Greeley and
Merle Scott.
My background with
the tribes are roots, ber-
ries, hunting and fishing,
Longhouse and pow-
I’ve started a few
businesses here in Warm
Springs. My current busi-
ness is a fishing guide ser-
vice I share with my wife
Alysia Aguilar, who is
also a tribal member.
I have made many
sacrifices to come and
live in Warm Springs.
Not many know how
much love and work we
do with the tribe as a
small business. I’m also
an activist for our tribes
to protect our rivers and
streams. We helped fight
against Nestle and the
Tesoro oil plant.
Being an enrolled
member will make my
(LongHouse, 4-H, Danc-
ing). Thank you.
Logan Kylish Phifer
and Inorah Kyrene
Hello, my name is
Devynn Rodriguez. I’m
19 years old, and I am
from Warm Springs. I was
raised by two of the best
people our community
has to offer, my grandpar-
ents Bob and Kim
Medina. However, if you
truly knew me you’d un-
derstand that they are my
I have lived in Warm
Springs my whole life,
learning the many traits
our culture has to offer. I
have great teachers and
advisors, elders, who I’ve
learned our ways from.
Not being a tribal
member has restricted me
from all the things others
have done that could
have been life changing
like jobs, housing and out-
door traditions.
I do understand the
part I would rather have,
of knowing where we’re
coming from to under-
stand both the people side
and the political side. But
because my enrollment
has been pending since I
was a baby, Pending still
doesn’t make you a mem-
As much as I’d love
my son to grow up in
such a beautiful place as
his mother, unfortunately
I’m unable to do so, be-
cause I’m not a tribal
member and I’m not able
to have a home under my
I have many tribal
I am Monica Rose
LittleLeaf (Kirk) Tufti. I
am the daughter of An-
thony James Little Leaf
My Grand-
mother is Lolita Greeley
and my Great-grandpar-
ents are Merle (Scott) and
James Greeley.
I am married to Alex
Tufti, he is my best
friend, my soul mate. His
mother was Atwi Caroline
Johnson, she was a won-
derful, loving mother-in-
Currently, I work at
the Early Childhood Edu-
cation Department, a job
I really enjoy. Previously
I worked at the Indian
Head Casino and for a
short time at Tribal Court.
Through the JTPA
Program, I attained work
experience in jobs I
thought I could never ac-
quire. Although, I have
some college education in
business administration
and computer science. I
am grateful to the JTPA
Program for work expe-
rience in the War m
Springs Police Depart-
ment/Dispatch, Warm
member family that are
here today and some that
are gone such as my
mother Terri Philpot,
grandmother Kimberly
Medina, great grand-
mother Billy Joe Bagley,
great great grandmother
Gertrude Bagley, and my
great uncle Alfred Bagley.
I love the outdoors,
hunting, fishing, berry
picking, camping. I’d love
to be able to do those
things on my own, with-
out having to wait to see
if someone is willing to
take me. Instead of hav-
ing my grandma with me
to gather, I’d like to able
to go out on my own and
gather things for my fam-
ily. Not only do I not have
the privilege of such
things, but so do others,
so I ask please vote Yes
to All.
Devynn Rodriguez
June 8, 2016
My name is Nathan
Carl Strong. I'm 5 years
old and live in Madras.
My mom is Leora
Strong who is tribal mem-
ber attending school to be
a nurse. My dad is Tho-
mas Strong and works at
the Warm Springs Com-
modities warehouse.
I would like to be a
member of the Warm
Springs reservation be-
cause my family is, and I
am a part of them. I fall
short of automatic enroll-
ment requirements by 1/
16. Vote for me Nathan
Strong on June 13.
Family tree: Mother:
Leora Strong. Father:
Thomas Strong. Grand-
mother: Vernita ‘Tuhee’
Adams. Great Grand-
mother: Beatrice Scott.
Great Grandfather: Caleb
Thank you.
My name is Denise
Francine Hill and my
mother is tribal member
Rose Mary Alarcon. My
grandmother was also en-
rolled. Her name is
Henrietta “Etta” Kalama.
I worked for Kah-Nee-
Ta and the Indian Head
Casino for the past five
years. I lived in the Ham-
lets for almost three years,
and lived with my mother
for around six months. I
am currently living with
my mother temporarily
for the past five months.
I have learned many
things about War m
Springs, such as traditions,
cultures, elders, season for
roots-luuksh, Bitterroot-
piaxii, wild carrots-sakwi’it
winwanu. I learned this at
work through my co-
workers with whom I am
related: the Smiths, the
Kalamas, the Martinezes.
I met a lot of my family
for the first time and was
amazed at how many there
Since I have been com-
ing to Warm Springs since
birth every year, I would
come and stay here with
family members. I love it
here, learned new things,
and met new family mem-
bers that I have never
met before.
I would like to be a
tribal member. I would
do great things. I have
been helping elders while
working at the casino and
before working at the
casino. I aspire to be a
War m Springs tribal
member to learn more of
my tribal history and cus-
toms, knowing my people
are Warm Springs.
Denise Hill
Springs Fire and Safety
Department where I at-
tained my Ambulance
Driving Certificate and
the Range and Agriculture
I have lived in Warm
Springs for several years
now. Warm Springs is my
home. I appreciate the
traditional learning expe-
rience provided by my
War m Springs/Wasco
Thank you for taking
the time to consider my
request for a “yes” vote
for enrollment from all of
us who wish to be an of-
ficial Warm Springs Tribal
life complete. It’s already
been one of the happiest
moments of my life…
even if I’m not enrolled.
That piece of paper
will not stop me from
being Warm Springs and
Wasco. For it’s already in
my heart of who I am
forever. When my last
breath is taken on this
earth, my truest desire is
to be buried with my
family in Warm Springs.
Elke Littleleaf Kirk
Hello, my name is
Buck Littleleaf Kirk. My
father is Elke Kirk. My
grandfather is Charles
Kirk, aka Littleleaf.
My Wasco and Warm
Springs bloodlines come
from my great grand par-
ents James Greeley and
Merle Scott. I was raised
to harvest berries and to
fish and hunt. I also was a
member of the 4-H Wasco
Dance Team here. We did
performances all over.
It’s my ultimate goal to
become an enrolled mem-
ber. Warm Springs is and
will always be my home. I
only wish to live as a tribal
member with all my fam-
ily and friends. Thank you
all for your support.
Buck Littleleaf Kirk
Vote on June 13!
The Tribal
Adoption Election