Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Hello people of Warm Springs. My name is Laki Jones born February 12th 2012, and I’ve been raised here in Warm Springs. I also would like to intro- duce you to my new baby brother Reiko Jones born April 12th 2016. Our par- ents are Alaina and Isaac Jones. Our mother’s mom is Sandra Johnson, the daughter of Myra Johnson. We are descen- dants of Chief Oits Johnson. My mom and dad are buying a home in San Nashville, Oregon, and we plan to live here as long as we are able to. My brother and I will grow up here and do all we can to participate in traditional and culture ways of life and hope to learn the lan- guage of our people. My mom will be learning with us too, so that we can build strong bonds with our family and commu- nity. We also plan to play sports and go to school here so that we can be a strong part of our com- munity in that way too. So please vote Yes so we can My name is Vivian Yazzie. I have lived here on the reservation all my life. My biological mother is Nesbah Yazzie, my grand- mother is Vivian Adams, my great-grandparents are Caleb Adams and Beatrice Scott. I give thanks to Louella Heath, Radine Johnson, Alicia Adams and Maria Godines who have assisted with my upbringing. Through them, I have learned Washut and many of our traditional arts and culture as well as discipline and respect for our tradi- tions and elders. In October of this year I will be leaving to boot camp to join the Marines, however, Warm Springs is my home. Being an enrolled is validation of who I am. It be proud Warm Springs tribal members too. Thank you all Please vote yes for all Laki Jones The candidates The following is a list of all of the adoption election candi- dates who are on the June 13 ballot, as provided by Vital Sta- tistics. The candidates are listed al- phabetically, with the last name first. The name is followed by the individual’s date of birth, age, quantify of CTWS blood, quantity of overall Native blood; followed by the parent/ grandparent (information seperated by a dash - ): Adams, Jr. Troy Allen - 05/24/86 - 30 - 13/64 - 13/ 64 - M. Sheilyn Adams/ Wanda Calica Adams, Mariah - 08/04/ 92 - 24 - 13/64 - 13/64 - M. Sheilyn Adams/Wanda Calica. Adams, Melanie Shielyn - 12/30/89 - 26 - 13/64 - 13/64 - M. Sheilyn Adams/ Wanda Calica. Adams, Raymond - 1/7/ 1994 - 22 - 13/64 -13/64 - M. Sheilyn Adams/Wanda Calica. Adams, Samuel Joseph Wallace(Jodell Yazzie) - 09/ 02/96 - 19 - 13/64 - 63/128 - Nesbah Yazzie/Vivian Lee Adams. Adams-Guijosa, Muirinn Janae - 08/25/96 - 19 - 15/ 64 - 15/64 - Alicia Rae Adams/Myrtle Julia Adams. Alvarez Jr., Tommy Joe - 12/08/05 - 9 13/64 - 13/64 - Tommy Joe Alvarez Sr/Lois Kay Estimo. Antekeier, Brandon Tyler - 12/09/96 - 19 - 3/16 - 3/ 16 - Susan Kay Antekeier/ Arlene Boileau. Aragon, Anaveya Nadine - 09/24/09 - 6 - 15/64 - 39/ 128 - Tianna Franciana Aragon/Nadine Scott. Archer Jr., Leroy - 09/02/ 63 - 47 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Rose Mary Martinez/Henrietta Johnson. Archer, Angel V F - 02/ 25/89 - 27 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Ernestine Martinez/ Henrietta Johnson. June 8, 2016 Archer, Annette Carol - 10/15/68 - 46 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Caroline Martinez Cruz/ Henrietta Johnson. Barta, Daniel Aaron - 05/ 16/08 - 8 - 3/16 - 3/16 - Marcella M Barta/Garland Brunoe. Barta, Isabella Marie - 04/ 16/04 - 12 - 3/16 - 3/16 - Marcella M Barta/Garland Brunoe. Barta, Jeren Michael - 09/ 20/09 - 6 - 3/16 - 3/16 - Marcella M Barta/Garland Brunoe. Belgard, Murray Blaine - 08/10/09 - 6 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Canssandra Ann Lopez Frutos & Nicholas Belgard (Siletz). Beymer, Shain Kelly - 05/ 06/03 - 13 - 13/64 - 13/64 - Waylon Russell Beymer/Ruth “Pinky” Beymer. Beymer. Wessley Hawke - 04/07/00 - 16 - 13/64 - 13/ 64 - Waylon Russell Beymer/ Ruth “Pinky” Beymer. Bisland, Amaya Mabel - 06/28/01 - 14 - 7/32 - 11/32 - Roxanne Johnson- Bisland/ Tharon Johnson. Bisland, Sebastian Jakob James - 10/31/04 - 11 - 7/ 32 - 11/32 - Roxanne Johnson-Bisland/ Tharon Johnson. Bisland, Serenity Ellea - 10/18/06 - 9 - 7/32 - 11/32 - Roxanne Johnson-Bisland/ Tharon Johnson. Boyd, Saige Anthony - 06/ 07/06 - 9 - 1/8 - 1/8 - Alexxis J’Nay Jim/Rowena Johns/ Bruce Jim-Barbara. Briseno Stanfill, Alexander Michael - 02/10/97 - 19 - 15/64 - 15/64 - Alberto Briseno Jr/Joannie Greely. Brunoe, Ashley Irene (aka Aubrey Jan Miller) - 08/14/ 96 - 19 - 5/32 - 5/32 - Angie Michelle Brunoe/ Ann Seyler. Brunoe, Caramon Koda I want to be adopted because I feel like I be- long already. My dad’s whole side of the family has some tribe they belong to, connecting them back to their ancestors for gen- erations. I, however, am not a member and feel cut off from my ancestors like they all are accepted and good enough and I am not. When I meet new people and they ask me what I am and I tell them Native, they always follow up with what tribe. I feel homeless and awkward not being able to say with complete certainty this is Raven - 05/02/06 - 10 - 97/ 512 - 97/512 - Sean Xavier Brunoe/ Gilbert Brunoe. Brunoe, Ikena Lo’Le - 01/ 07/07 - 9 - 3/16 - 3/16 - John Gilbert Brunoe/ Marcella Gibson. Brunoe, LaKecia Marie Antoinette - 11/20/02 - 13 - 97/512 - 97/512 - Sean Xavier Brunoe/ Gilbert Brunoe. Brunoe, Machea Dahyeah - 10/02/09 - 6 - 3/16 - 3/16 - John Gilbert Brunoe/ Marcella Gibson. Brunoe, Oudeah Aiyanna - 08/07/01 - 14 - 3/16 - 3/ 16 - John Gilbert Brunoe/ Marcella Gibson. Brunoe, Tsoyah Marie - 07/20/04 - 11 - 3/16 - 3/16 - John Gilbert Brunoe/ Marcella Gibson. Brunoe, Urban Sidney - 01/12/98 - 18 - 3/16 - 3/16 - John Gilbert Brunoe/ Marcella Gibson. Camara, Adam Rodrigo - 07/23/06 - 9 - 7/32 - 7/ 32 - Tallulah Fawn McGill/ Debra McGill. Camara, Monika Araceli - 04/11/08 - 8 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Tallulah Fawn McGill/ Debra McGill. Camara, Natalya Miranda - 07/23/06 - 9 - 7/32 - 7/32 - Tallulah Fawn McGill/ Debra McGill. Canute-Brunoe, Raistlin Xavier Lee - 12/31/2000 - 15 - 97/512 - 97/512 - Sean Xavier Brunoe/ Gilbert Brunoe. Casey, Kayla Desirae - 05/ 11/89 - 27 - 1/8 - 1/ means family, friends, and tradition. It gives me privi- leges of being able to har- vest our traditional foods on our reservation and ceded lands. Please vote for me- Vivian Yazzie and my sis- ters Melissa Meltingtallow, Victoria Godines and my brother George Yazzie. Thank you, Vivian Yazzie my tribe because techni- cally I am not a member. Being adopted in would mean acceptance to me, connecting me for- ever to a tribe and my past. Courtney Nolan Page 11 Adriel Pineda, dob 3- 10-92. Carlos Reynoso, dob 10-27-90. Damien Reynoso, dob 2-23-92. Jolene and Joy Soto— mother, Avon Arthur Tapedo. Father, Freddie Soto. Avon Arthur Tapedo, mother Geraldine Arthur. Geraldine Arthur, mother Jessie Anderson Arthur. Father, McKinley Arthur. They had nine children, married in 1918 in The Dalles. Jessie Ander Arthur— Susan Polk Anders, father of Jessie-John Anderson. John Anderson and wife Susan had six children, Harrison David, Emily Waheneka, our mother was Anna Anderson Tewee, full sister to Jessie A. Arthur, Margaret Pe- ters Charley, daughter of Mary Anderson Peters, full sister to Jessie Arthur, McKinley Arthur, father Ashlie DeCora Chester Arthur. Chester and Katherine had six chil- dren, all died at an early age. Youngest daughter Isley Arthur died giving birth to a still born, 1934 McKinley Arthur, 1967. I could go back an- other generation but most are Indian names, only Susan Polk Ander, Jessie Anderson Arthur mother had War m Springs numbers. This is the family his- tory of Adriel Pinea, Carlos Reynoso and Daminem Reynoso. They have lived with the Warm Springs Reserva- tion since birth, grand- children. I am the only elder left along with Taylor Arthur and Harrison Davis and Margaret Peters Charley. Dated March 1996. Quinn Swazo 8 - Roxanne Langnese-Chi- nook/Lupe Garcia. Chaplin, Charles Jerome - 03/06/81 - 35 - 1/8 - 1/8 - Dawn Osmond/Delores Philpot. Family picture with mom Sheena and uncles Chaplin, Joseph Alexander John - 02/26/83 - 33 - 1/8 - 1/8 - Dawn Osmond/ Delores Philpot. Dimmick, Leo Marcus - 08/07/12 - 3 - 1/8 - 57/ 128 - Charlene Dimmimick/ Raymond Moody. Clemens, Aiden Estelle - 09/25/92 - 23 - 3/16 - 3/16 - Nicole Rae Kerr/Barbara Starr. Estrada, Makiah Lei - 03/ 10/03 - 13 - 13/64 - 23/64 - Sacheen Thea Estrada/ Thea Barney. Cole, Alyson Bethany - 08/17/90 - 25 - 3/16 - 7/16 - Anita Zonnie McEwen/ Joan Bryant. Frank, Brennan Lee - 04/ 28/08 - 8 - 13/64 - 21/64 - Renso Rodriguez/ Leminnie Smith. Cole, Samantha Maureen - 10/06/91 - 24 - 3/ 16 - 7/16 - Anita Zonnie McEwen/ Joan Bryant. Frutos Lopez, Izeyah Rob- ert - 01/03/06 - 10 - 13/64 - 13/64 - Casandra Frutos Lopes/ Angelena Sorrelhorse. Crawford, Maggie May - 04/08/12 - 4 - 7/32 - 9/ 32 - Howard Crawford Jr./ Luceilia Berry. Galan, Rufino Arriel - 08/ 27/09 - 6 - 13/64 - 13/64 - Randi Yorei Smith/ Leroy Smith Sr. Danzuka, Lynelle Marie - 03/04/10 - 6 - 3/16 - 3/16 - Melissa Raye Danzuka/ Kathy Danzuka. Garcia, Josue - 06/03/02 - 14 - 7/32 - 57/128 - Tallulah McGill/ Debra McGill. Davis, Myles Kairees - 11/04/99 - 16 - 1/8 - 1/8 - Anthony Davis Sr./ Anita Davis. Gerba, Keenan Zachary - 01/02/02 - 14 - 15/32 - 15/ 32 - Victoria M Spino/ Laura Robinson. Dawalt, Angela Ellen - 11/ 19/77 - 35 - 1/4 - 1/2 - Doris M Picard ( Grand- mother)/ Amy Reed (Grt Grandmother). Gillespie, Gene S - 12/15/ 97 - 18 - 1/8 - 1/8 - Rae Jean Gilliespie/ Delores Philpot. Decora, Ashlei Michelle - 03/09/03 - 13 - 31/128 - 51/64 - Sheena D M Courtney/ Sheryl Courtney. Dimmick, Ivan Hardisty - 06/01/11 - 5 - 1/8 - 57/ 128 - Charlene Dimmimick/ Raymond Moody. Godines, Victoria Chanell - 04/10/99 - 17 - 7/32 - 7/ 32 - Maria Ellena Godines/ Lolita Greely. Graybael, Jasmine Lirelle - 03/02/90 - 26 - 13/64 - 13/64 - Tracy Graybael/ Marie Calica. Graybael, Wesley Swan - 05/24/88 - 28 - 13/64 - 13/ 64 - Tracy Graybael/ Marie Calica. Hance, Illiana Hazelynn - 01/29/00 - 16 31/128 - 31/128 - Farrell K Lucei/ Hazel Saligan. Hance, James Alexander - 01/29/00 - 16 - 31/128 - 31/128 - Farrell K Lucei/ Hazel Saligan. Harrington, Jansen Cody - 12/10/1988 - 27 - 13/64 - 27/64 - Lori Smith/ Stanley “Buck” Smith Jr. Henderson, Cameron Jo- seph - 08/30/94 - 21 - 7/16 - 7/16 - Edward Robert Henderson/ Carol Cochran. Hill, Denise Francine - 01/ 15/70 - 44 - 7/32 - 7/ 32 - Rose Mary Alacron/ Henrietta Johnson. Hoaglin, Virginia Marie - 07/01/00 - 15 - 7/32 - 43/ 128 - Mandy Mae Switzler/ Amos Switzler Jr. Hurtado Smith, Joshua Dane - 04/06/88 - 28 - 3/8 - 3/8 - Dana Jolene Hurtado/ Anna Hurtado. Hurtado, Braiden Rowel - 03/02/06 - 10 - 55/128 - 56/128 - Trevor Teton Lewis Hurtado/Anna Hurtado. Hurtado, Cooper Eileen - 10/24/07 - 8 - 55/128 - 56/128 - Trevor Teton Lewis Hurtado/Anna Hurtado. (The list of candidates continues on page 12.)