Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 11, 2016 Page 7 Council business Tribal Council has a full agenda during May, the first month for the new Council. The Council members spent the first part of the month with orientation and appointments, decid- ing to advertise the secre- tary-treasurer position. Council then spent the first part of this week working on a Proclama- tion and priorities. These documents will be the guiding policies for the next three years at Coun- cil. The agenda for the middle of this week in- cludes committee discus- sion, board and voting del- egations, enrollments and an introduction to Oregon House representatives. Next week will be enter- prise updates with Indian Head Casino, Kah-Nee- Ta, Credit, Power and Water, Ventures and the museum. Updates are also scheduled with Telecom, Housing, High Lookee, Composite, and Forest Products Industries re- ceivership. Later in May are meet- ings with the Legislative Commission on Indian Services; the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest In- dians; and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. A future items for the Births Alvina Nevaeh Polk Melanie Polk of Warm Springs is pleased to an- nounce the birth of her daughter Alvina Nevaeh Polk, born on April 30, 2016. Alvina joins brothers Sunny and Jessage; and sister Millieanne. The grandparents are LeiLani Polk of Warm Springs, and Winona Strong of Warm Springs. At the swearing-in ceremony earlier this month: New Council members Carina Miller and Val Switzler (above) visit before the first Council session; and new Council members Ron Suppah (at center) and Jody Calica meet with Orvie Danzuka and other members wished the new Council well. Jayson Smith photos. agenda are the Centennial anniversary of the Historic Columbia River Highway at Multnomah Falls. Recurring problem by landfill The Utilities Depart- ment workers at the Dry Creek Landfill and Trans- fer Station just spent many days cleaning up an area that is near the landfill- transfer station. The area had been used for illegal dumping for many months. The area, an old shoot- ing range, stayed clean for a short time, and then someone recently began leaving garbage there again. This is especially dis- couraging, as the landfill- transfer station is located about a third of mile fur- ther down the road, said Tony Wergin, recycling technician with the Utili- ties Department. The transfer station is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and the landfill is open 8 to 5 p.m., Mon- day through Friday. Utilities is asking members to use the fa- cilities, rather than undesignated areas where dumping is pro- hibited. And if you see someone who is violat- ing the prohibition, please call the police. The area is clearly marked with ‘no dumping’ signs. For information, you can reach the trans- fer station at 541-553- 3163. The Tribal Council Chair and Chief Delvis Heath are specifically invited, with a request from the U.S. For- est Ser vice for Chief Heath to perform a bless- ing as part of the event. Getting ready for powwow The Pi-Ume-Sha Com- mittee is getting ready for the Forty-Seventh Annual Pi- Ume-Sha Treaty Days. The June powwow will com- memorate the 161st anniver- sary of the signing of the Treaty of 1855. Food Gathering ~ Usual and Accustomed is the theme this year. There will be Ol’ Style, and other specials. Plus the Men’s Round Bustle, and Women’s Shell Dress; 3-person hand-drum contest; Owl Dance/Rabbit Dance; Queen’s Special; Miss Warm Springs Special. The Traditional Dress parade will be on Saturday morning of Pi-Ume-Sha weekend. Here is some pow- wow information: Isaac Mitchell and John Katchia are co-chairs; and Carlos Calica and Captain Moody. You can reach Cassie Katchia at 541-325-1573 (c); 541-553-6293 (w); and Louise Katchia, 541-460- 0224. Here are some other contact numbers: Traditional Dress Pa- rade, Ramona Greene Baez, 541-553-2406; 460-0077. Stick Game Tournament, Sam Starr, 541-553-1131. Endurance Horse Race, Ricky Graybael, 541- 553-1161. Rodeo, Cheryl Tom, 541-460-1454. Box- ing, Austin Smith, 541-325- 2798. Softball, Sandra Greene/Jerry Sampson, 541-553-6619; 325-1866. Tribal employment opportunities The following jobs were advertised recently with the Warm Springs Human Resources Department: Secretary/Treasurer CEO - Contact Leontyne Lynn Davis, 541-553- 3212. Chief Judge - Con- tact Lynn or Alyssa Macy, 541-553-3212. Probate Assistant/ Vita Stat Receptionist - Lynn, 541-553-3212. Surveillance Agent I - David Suppah, 541- 460-7762. Surveillance Lead Technician/Observer - David. Children’s Mental Health Specialist - Caroline Cruz, 541-553- 0497. Adult Mental Health Specialist - Caroline. Dual Diagnosis Thera- pist - Caroline. Adult Substance Abuse Treatment Spe- cialist - Caroline. Adolescent Sub- stance Abuse Treat- ment Specialist - Caroline. Sports and Athletics III - Austin Greene , 541-553-3243. Job Coach Devel- oper - Jolene Estimo-Pitt, 541-553-4952. Lead Teacher - Cheryl Tom, 541-553- 3240. Teacher Assistant - Cheryl. Teacher Aide - Cheryl. Support Services Coordinator - MayAnne Mitchell, 541-553-3241. Daycare Teacher - MayAnne. Bus Driver - Jodi Begay, 541-553-3242. Family Service Advo- cate - Jodi. Lookout (Eagle, Sidwalter) - Bob Medina, 541-553-8311/8308. Wildland Fire Mod- ule- Squad Boss (2 po- sitions) - Dorian Soliz, 541-553-8198. Equipment Operator/ Operations - Jabbar Davis, 541-553-1146. Assistant Engine Op- erator - Adrian Tulee / Lionel Smith, 541-553- 8309 /1147. Engine Operator - Adrian/Lionel. BNR Conservation Law Enforcement Ranger - Oswald Tias, 541-553-2033. Fisheries RME su- pervisor - Brad Houslet, 541-553-2039. Fish Technician I - Keith Karoglanian, 541- 553-2027. LD Lamprey Project Tech IWillamette Falls - Cyndi Baker, 541-553- 3586. Fisheries & Wildlife Technician I - Marc Manion, 541-553-2042. Restoration Crew Boss - Doug Dunlap/Bill Reynolds, 541-553-2001. Restoration Crew Driver/Member - Doug/ Bill. Police Officer (4 po- sitions) - Lt. Jason Schjoll, 541-553-3272. (Limited Duration) Communications Of- ficer - Ron Gregory, 541- 553-3272. Corrections Officer (6 positions) - Ron. HWC-Facility Man- agement/House Keep- ing (Limited Duration) - Janis Gunshows, 541- 553-3246. J o u r n e y m a n Plumber - Don Courtney, 541-553-3246 Gift Shop Clerk - Lucinda Sohappy, 541- 553-3331. Elizabeth Maricella Yam-McGill Rigoberto Yam-Canche and Eilene Vivian McGill of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Elizabeth Maricella Yam-McGill, born on April 19, 2016. Elizabeth joins brother Krystian Enrique, 5, and sister Letticia Lynn, 3. Grandparents on the father’s side are Audomaro Yam Novelo, and Obdulia Canche Solis. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Debra McGill and Melvin Victor McGill. Lucille Jewell Sam Thomas Chester Sam and Dena Marie Thomas of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lucille Jewell Sam, bor on April 26, 2016. At birth Lucille Jewell weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces, and measured 18 inches in length. Lucille joins brothers Isley Jayden, 4, Orion Robert, 3, and Corbin Benard, 2. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Lavena Ike of Warm Springs, and Ronald Thomas of Warm Springs. Great grandparents are the late Daisy Ike of Warm Springs, and the late Fred Ike Washington. Grandparents on the father’s side are Robert Sam Sr. and Marella Sam. Great grandmother is Eliza Jim, and grandfather the late Harvey Jim. And the late Chester Van Pelt Sr. of Warm Springs. And the late William “Bill” and Evelyn Wesley Sam. Tryston Jace Williams Jacob Williams and Briana Stacona of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their son Tryston Jace Williams, born on April 27, 2016. Tryston joins sister Hannah, 2. Grandparents on the father’s side are Richard Wil- liams and Durinda Sanders of Culver. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Andrew Stacona of Warm Springs, and Blanca Plazola of Ma- dras. Aaliyah Rae Katchia Alex Katchia and Amanda Franks of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Aaliyah Rae Katchia, born on May 3, 2016. Aaliyah joins sister Mae Joy, age 23 months. Grandparents on the father’s side are Louise Katchia of Warm Springs, and the late Alejandro Hernandez. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Shirley Mit- tens Westwolf, and George Westwolf Clara of Mon- tana. High Desert Museum otter exhibit opens soon The High Desert Museum’s two resident river otters, Brook and Rogue, have settled into their recently renovated exhibit space. Closed since the fall, the exhibit will reopen Saturday, May 21. The Autzen Otter Exhibit first opened in 1983 and re- 4202 Holliday St. mains one of the most popu- lar exhibits at the museum. Over four million visitors have watched these amazing creatures swim and frolic in this exhibit. View the Museum’s website for additional infor- mation: highdesertmuseum.org Call 541- 615-0555