Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 30, 2016 Page 9 Seekseequa District Agency District Lee Harvey Tom Gabriel Walker Dear Members of the Seekseequa District: My name is Lee Harley tom. I have been nominated to run as a Tribal Council represen- tative of our district. I am the son of the late Christine Wewa Tom and Elmer Tom Sr. I was born and raised in Warm Springs, and have lived here my whole life on the Metolius Bench in the Seekseequa District. I built my home there and raised me kids Justin, Li- ana and Kristen there. I have a long line of history and teaching from my family members serving on prior Warm Springs Tribal Councils. My grandfather, Sam Wewa, served on the very first Tribal Council. My mother Christine Wewa, uncles Melvin Wewa and Wilson Wewa Sr., and my cousin Wilson Wewa Jr., also served as represen- tatives of our district. I attended the Warm Springs boarding school, Madras junior and senior high schools, and Chilocco Indian School in Oklahoma and Chemawa Indian School. I have an Associate’s Degree in Building Technolog y from Portland Commu- nity College. I furthered my education in the construction field and obtained my Building Inspec- tor Certificate and Home Appraisal Certificate from Chemeketa Community Col- lege, and have attended many other classes and training in Small Business Manage- ment, Accounting and Lead- ership. I started work at a young age in the potato and berry fields, and with the Boys Youth Camp, where were worked for only $1 an hour. I worked as a laborer behind a shovel; I was a logger (choker setter and timber faller); worked for Warm Springs Forest Products In- dustries; and I’ve been a rancher all my life, taking care of my livestock. The last 25 years I have worked off and on the res- ervation for the Carpenters Union Local No. 306, Washington State Union, Southwest Union in Las Vegas. I have been trainer for apprentices; I have been a building inspector, Senior Housing Coordina- tor, and served on the Land Use Planning and Range and Ag commit- tees for six years. I have been newly selected to ser ve on the Tribal TERO Commission. I feel I could use my vast experiences and knowledge in many ways to help the Tribe move in a positive direction. There are many issues right now that need a strong voice for the people to protect our history and the sov- ereign right of the people, and especially for our youth. I would be extremely honored if you would vote for me to be one of the Seekseequa represen- tative on the War m Springs Tribal Council, not only to represent the Seekseequa District but all members of the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs in a re- spectful and professional manner. Thank you, Lee H. Tom Dear Tribal members of Warm Springs, I’m Gabriel Walker from the Agency District running for the Twenty- Seventh Tribal Council. My lineage is from the Wheeler-Greene-Stacona family from my mother’s side, Michelle Holliday. I’m blessed and hon- ored to be nominated for such an important role in our Tribe’s democracy. I would like to thank the members from my dis- trict for the nomination. I believe this election is critical to our well-be- ing, livelihood, and the economy in future busi- ness ventures. I stand strongly for new direction with a business sense plat- form to help reach ob- tainable goals for our tribal economy, and all memberships’ livelihood. We’re facing real is- sues within our tribes, and they need to be ad- dressed. Some examples are: High percentage of poverty and unemploy- ment; No new avenues for jobs; Minimum wage gaps, equal pay for woman, minimal focus on the small business sectors within our economy; And the overall confi- dence in our Tribal Coun- cil decisions and leader- ship. A lot of these con- cerns are voiced by our tribal membership and are consistent topic within the community. I know and be- lieve it’s time to voice your concerns. I will stand with in- tegrity, humble-ness and com- passion as a future leader for our nation. My platfor m for this Tribal Council term is prima- rily focused on the culture of our livelihood and econom- ics for the Confederated Tribes of War m Springs. Honor and live by our Treaty, exercise our sovereignty as a nation, and unite the tribes of Warm Springs to stand to- gether, as our ancestors stood traditionally in the past. I’m strongly advocating doing what is right for our people, our reservation and future generation to come. I stand with every other tribal member to see the future in business development—new enterprises and creating the small business sector. This translates to jobs, steady growth in wages, and an increase in our minimum wage to a liv- able standard for our membership. We can no longer live in poverty. As a future leader in Tribal Council, I will work with others and make those decisions, helping our membership become self-sustaining and out of the status quo “living in poverty” in In- dian Country. I believe in creating a true tribal member job de- velopment program— with tribal member pref- erence, and embracing our future leaders to gain experience in all depart- ments and enterprises. I will stand with our people, and we all need stand together. I encourage electing and voting that best rep- resents you. Your voice is important and respected. I’m interested to hear from each of you no mat- ter what tribe you reside in, and I hope the other candidates will do this as well. I appreciate your sup- port and vote. Together we will fight further more into the future. God bless our tribe and membership. #Vote4Gabriel Kind Regards, G ab r i e l Wa l ke r #3273 Simnasho District Seekseequa District Evaline Patt Greetings everyone. My name is Evaline Patt from the Simnasho District. I grew up in the Northend of the reser- vation on Schoolie Flats. My parents are Atwais Amos Simtustus, Sr. and Dorothy Thomp- son Simtustus. I was sec- ond oldest of eight sib- lings, five brothers and two sisters. I have had two chil- dren, William “Hobo” Patt, who has four chil- dren, and Jordan J. Patt, who is now an angel in heaven. I have ser ved on Tribal Council during this latest ter m, the Twenty-Sixth Council, and would like to serve again. I have worked for the tribes in a career as an Acountant, then in the field of Archives, pre- serving photos, tapes and paper documents regarding the three tribes. After building two careers, I gained experi- ence and knowledge of the various aspects of the tribal organization. This has been valuable, and I feel most helpful in working as a Tribal Council member. I have worked for the tribal organization for al- most 40 years in various areas, such as Account- ing, Kah-Nee-Ta Ac- counting, and at the Museum at War m Springs. I have served on the Education Committee for 12 years, and the Land Use Planning Committee for three years. I served as a board member for the Credit Enterprise since 1997, and the Warm Springs Housing Authority since 2013. I knew that Tribal Coun- cil as the governing body of the tribal organization, the topics and issues would be wide and the responsibilities would be huge. Going into the Twenty-Sixth Council term there were many chal- lenges with the most critical being the dwindling of rev- enues. As I’ve learned, building revenues is not an overnight deal, and the Twenty-Sixth Council has initiated two programs to generate rev- enue for the tribes. And change is necessary as time progresses, as long as we continue the path set out for us by the former Council members’ vision for self-suf- ficiency of the Confeder- ated Tribes of Warm Springs. Continuing with the distinct identities of the three tribes in their tra- ditions, culture and lan- guages, I think will carry us to the future in that way. I would appreciate your vote for me to serve again on Tribal Council. I am an elder with many years experi- ence working for the tribes, ready to take the responsibilites and face the challenges, keeping in mind our present and future generations. I have good work ethics, and am conscientious of time. I am grateful for my parents teachings, learning honesty, trust- worthiness and knowing right from wrong. My parents taught me to have a belief in the Cre- ator. I will devote my time ser ving as a Tribal Council member. I ap- preciate hearing from the people in the com- munity and tribal de- partments. I think that it is for the people that this tribal organization has formed. We are rich in the his- tory of where we come from. Our ancestors went through hard times for us, for what we are today. Assist me in working for the survival of our people in the fu- ture. Thank You. Evaline Patt Vesta Johnson Nixmghski, I tookti kadux, and how oo oo, my Native name is Chuckwush—my English name is Vesta Johnson. My parents are Delford Johnson and Ginger Smith. One thing each par- ent taught me was to be proud of who I am—I am very proud of my Paiute and Wasco blood. I am so excited for the potential opportunity to be your voice for the Seekseequa District. One past Tribal Coun- cil person really impressed me with her service to our district—that was atwai Carol Wewa. She shared information with us in the district, and I think that was excellent of her to do, as it kept the door swing- ing both ways—Informa- tion from Council to the people, and the people’s voice going back to the chambers. That is the best example I can share of what effective communi- cation looks like. I have valuable work in finance, counseling, health, real estate, domestic vio- lence, and successful private business owner sectors. I un- derstand teamwork as I have military service in the U.S. Army, and am a veteran. Tools I have in my tool box to help do a spectacular job include: an Associates, Bachelors and Masters de- grees. I am also currently a law school student. When time permits I will complete my last year as a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and an- other PhD in Education Psy- chology. Equally or more im- portant is my education from my elders. One of my favor- ite teachings is from an el- der who taught me that “Ev- eryone has value.” I take this teaching to heart. Agency District candidates: Wissy Smith. Terry Squiemphen. Mike Clements. Seekseequa District: Wendell Jim. Reuben Henry. If elected when I go into the chambers: I will go there carrying your wishes—your dreams, your voice—not mine. I feel there is so much work to be done here in our community that I don’t want to travel, unless it is an imperative to create jobs, create business op- portunities, or substan- tially help our people in some way—I want to be in chambers getting it done! I feel in a public office, the people are the most important, and my goal would be to have at a minimum a district town hall for updates. Together we could make our dis- trict, our community and our tribe a viable and suc- cessful tribe, as it once was in the past. It is time for a change. Your voice, not mine, must be heard. I am a goal-oriented person, and when I set my mind to help others—it happens! Sincerely, Vesta Johson. Simnasho District: Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody Emerson Squiemphen. Ron Suppah.