Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 30, 2016, Page 13, Image 13

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
March 30, 2016
Page 13
Agency District candidates
Toni Made
I would like to take a
moment to introduce
myself. My name is Toni
(Smith) Made. I am en-
rolled with the Confeder-
ated Tribes of War m
Springs (Wasco/Warm
Springs/Grand Ronde
My late parents are
Roscoe and Rose Mary
Smith. My grandparents
are the late Alfred Smith
Sr., and Lucinda (Scott)
Smith. I was raised on
the Warm Springs Reser-
vation along with six
brothers and sisters.
Being an effective
Tribal Council member
requires strong leadership
skills. The person must
have the abilities to speak
on their feet, to present
effectively, and adapt.
The person must be en-
ergetic, well spoken, and
educated—not just for-
mal education but edu-
cated through “life itself.”
Ask yourself if you
are looking for someone
who has good, common
sense, and is not afraid to
speak up. Our great can-
didate should have a natu-
ral, calm style of commu-
nication and possess re-
flective listening—not
only to each other, but to
our elders—and to all our
people. A great candi-
date knows the challenges
we face as a people. It is
very important that we
keep in mind: “What the
successful candidate actually
‘brings to the table.’ With
your vote, I can bring all of
this to the table.”
Life has been very,
very generous to me. I
attended college majoring
in Business Administra-
tion at OSU, Eugene
Business College and
Lane Community Col-
lege, earning an Associ-
ates Degree and initiation
into the Phi-Theta Hon-
ors Fraternity (3.83 GPA
I was raised in Warm
Springs by my mother
along with my brothers
and sisters. I was very
young when I dedicated
myself to helping our
people, which I continue
to do this day.
As I look back
through my life that has
prepared me for Tribal
Council, it makes me
smile, I am content…I am
confident…I love my people
Prior to returning
home my job endeavors
included support staff at
OSU, the U of O, and
Lane Community; Ad-
ministrative Assistant/
The following jobs were
posted recently withthe
tribal Human Resources
Budget Grant & Con-
tracts Specialist - Con-
tact Arthur Mitchell - 541-
Manager-Native Aspi-
rations Program - Con-
tact Caroline Cruz - 541-
Secretary - Contact
Behavior Health Ad-
Glendon N. Smith
Estomina, Orie, Shanina
and Merima—became
champion pow-wow danc-
ers, individual and team
dance, and members of
the “Little American In-
dian Dance Troupe.” I
continue to strive to teach
my grandchildren about
our culture and traditions.
Please know—that I do know
the struggles of not only our
young families but of our el-
ders, I know about the finan-
cial woes we all face…
Executive Secretary to the
Director/Agent of the
Southwest Oregon Indian
Health Project, Inc.,
(SWOIHP) in Eugene, and
Systems Operator with LCC.
My lengthy career with
the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs includes ad-
ministrative positions with
Kah-Nee-Ta Resort, Office
of Infor mation Systems,
Tribal Council Recorder,
Management, Headstart
Teacher with the Early Child-
hood Education Program,
Adult Education Instructor
for Central Oregon Commu-
nity College Bend, and even-
tually Private Home Day
Additionally, I bring over
25 years progressive employ-
ment in Justice. I worked for
Police/Justice Administration,
Victims of Crime Services—
—progressing from Advo-
cate, Women/Children Ser-
vices Coordinator, and even-
tually to Program Director. I
served as Deputy Tribal Pros-
ecutor and Chief Tribal Pros-
ecutor for 12 years (97 per-
cent conviction rate), and
currently serve as the Legal
Aid Administrator and de-
fense counsel for our people
(prevailing). If elected, I will
bring dedication, positive pro-
gression, knowledge and true
strengths as a leader. I also
served as a Foster Home for
our Tribal Member children
for 10 years, which was one
of the greatest things I have
done in my life.
My working knowledge of
key documents for the
CTWS—Constitution, By-
laws, Our Treaty, War m
Springs Tribal Code, Rules of
Court, daily working docu-
ments, etc.—and knowledge
of Indian Law and effective
operations for our Tribe are
essential in my pursuit as
Agency District Council rep-
My travels have taken to
me throughout the USA. I
have mentored many young
Tribal Members. My teach-
ings have allowed me to be
very creative with my
beadwork and sewing; my
ministrator - Caroline.
Early Intervention
Consulting Teacher -
Receptionist (Limited
Duration) - Elizabeth
Hisatake - 541-553-3209.
Children’s Mental
Health Specialist - David
Howenstine - 541-553-
Adult Mental Health
Specialist - David.
Therapist - David.
Abuse Treatment Spe-
cialist - David.
I remain open to chal-
lenges, change, new things,
and maintain strict confi-
dentiality. I maintain
strong integrity, trust and
My ability to listen re-
flectively and speak are es-
sential. My proven work
record, mediation skills
and tact supports effec-
tiveness in building a team.
Many of you know
about the long hours I
have devoted to serving
my people—daily—for
the last 25 years.
I am fair and continue
to help our people help
themselves. I believe you
will hear about my kind-
ness and sincerity… about
my gifts of conscience and
I have always main-
tained our sovereignty and
jurisdiction of the CTWS.
You will hear about the
many, many people I have
helped in recovery, and the
many, many families I
have helped through cri-
sis, giving them strength
and hope.
My abilities to develop
collaborations and aware-
ness are unsurpassed. I
am not afraid to continue
to step forward and accept
the difficult challenges we
all face.
I will give you nothing but
my level best—as I always
do—if elected as your Agency
Tribal Council Representative.
I care very much about
our people. I will stand...
I will speak about the
many challenges we face
with unemployment, eco-
nomic endeavors, housing,
finances, tribal member
preference, dealing with
the alcohol and drug chal-
lenges we all face, with con-
fidence and sincerity for
our people.
Respectfully, I humbly
ask for your Yes vote of
Confidence for To n i
Made, Agency District
“Change we can believe
in! Toni Made.”
stance Abuse Treat-
ment Specialist - David.
Community Health
Nurse - Katie Russell -
Tribal Day Care
Teacher - MayAnne
Mitchell - 541-553-3241.
Day Care Reception-
ist/Secretary - MayAnne.
Day Care Substitute
Teacher - MayAnne.
Support Services Co-
ordinator - MayAnne.
Bus Driver - Jodi
Begay - 541-553-3242.
Work History
My very first job with
the Tribe was at Water and
Soil, Natural Resources
back in summer of 1994
as a summer youth em-
ployee. In 1995, I was
employed at Forestry,
Natural Resources, again
as a summer youth em-
ployee, which was also the
fencing crew.
In 1996, I worked dur-
ing the spring and sum-
mer for Kah-Nee-Ta re-
sort at the Village as a life-
In 1997, I worked for
White Horse Rafting
Company, which was
owned by Bruce Brunoe
Jr., during the spring and
summer months.
At the beginning of the
summer of 1998 to fall
of 1999, I worked for JR
Smith Logging, Tomcat
Logging, and Wissie Smith
During the summer
months of 2001-2002
and from 2003-2004, I
was employed at Warm
Springs Project Engineer-
ing as a survey tech. I
also worked with BIA
Engineering Department
during these years as well.
In summer of 2006, I
helped oversee and man-
age a group of summer
youth workers.
From the fall of 2006
to spring of 2008, I
worked for Jefferson
County School District,
first as a teacher assistant
and later as a substitute
In July 2008, I was
appointed as an Associate
Judge for the Tribal Court
by Tribal Council, as a
temporary Judge and
eventually as a full-time
Judge. I worked as a
Judge for 7 years and 2
In September 2015, I
was appointed by Tribal
Council to the Secretary-
Treasurer/CEO position.
Certified Training in Tribal
Judiciary Skills, the National
Judicial College, Reno, Nev.
Multiple certificates from
trainings that relate to: alco-
hol/drug issues, criminal,
civil, juvenile, domestic rela-
tions, judicial procedure, evi-
dence, mediation, family
court, bench skills, jurisdic-
tion, sovereignty, code amend-
ments, and indirect basics.
Associates of Arts Or-
egon Transfer Degree,
Central Oregon Commu-
nity College.
Bachelor of Science in
Liberal Studies, Oregon
State University-Cascades.
Master of Science in
Administrative Justice
and Security, University
of Phoenix.
The tribal bar exam was
recreated in 2011 by former
Chief Judge Susan Alexander.
In 2011, I was the first
person to take and success-
fully pass this bar exam. This
exam is still be administered
at the Tribal Court today.
In 2009, I started a com-
munity service work pro-
gram, named ‘clearing the
way,’ where defendants were
required to clean up sections
within the Warm Springs
Community. In 2012, I
turned this program over to
the Parole and Probation
In 2010, I started the
Blood Alcohol Content
(BAC's) compliance practice.
This practice required defen-
dants to report to Warm
Springs Corrections on a daily
basis to register a double zero
reading on the intoxilyzer and
keep a daily log for compli-
This is a successful prac-
tice that is still being used to-
day. It has helped defendants
to maintain their sobriety on
a daily basis. This practice is
also being used by the Juve-
nile Court to help parents
maintain their sobriety.
From 2011 to 2015, I was
the chairman for the Justice
Team, which has served as an
advisor y board to Tribal
Council for code revisions.
Notable revisions that
were presented to Tribal
Council and successfully
passed by resolution:
Family Service Advo-
cate - Jodi.
Hydrologist - Jon Trea-
sure - 541-553-2020.
Natural Resources In-
tern - Pah-Tu Pitt - 541-
Landscape Biological
Monitoring Specialist -
Technician - Pah-Tu.
Wildland Fire Module-
Squad Boss (2 positions)
- Dorian Soliz - 541-553-
Firefighter Fuels (18
positions) - Glen Smith /
Joel Thompson - 541-553-
Squad Boss/Fuels -
Glenn /Joel.
Wildland Fire Module-
Asst. Sup. - Dorian Soliz -
Wildland Firefighter -
Gary Sampson / Renso
Rodriguez - 541-553-8193
Equipment Operator/
Operations - Jabbar Davis
- 541-553-1146.
Assistant Engine Op-
erator - Vernon Tias Sr. /
Lionel Smith - 541-553-
8309 /1147.
Engine Operator -
Vernon / Lionel.
BNR Conservation
Ranger - Oswald Tias -
Fuels Technician -
Brad Donahue Jr. - 514-
F&W Tech II- Nursery
Limited Duration - Deana
Smith - 541-575-1866.
Fish Biologist - Amy
Charette - 541-575-1866.
LD Lamprey Project
Tech IWillamette Falls -
Updated Juvenile
Removed Illicit Co-
habitation and Fornica-
tion Provisions from the
tribal code, since both
were ineffective.
Increased General
Contempt Powers from
$180 to $500, and 10
days jail to 30 days jail per
Enacted the Victims
Rights Ordinance.
Revised BAC thresh-
old for DUII from .1%
to .08% to synchronize
officers training to the
Revised Ch 380, Sex
Offender Provision, in-
troducing a ‘homeless’
definition and reporting
requirement and strength-
ening requirements for
tier three offenders.
Created and intro-
duced Private Disorderly
Conduct WSTC 305.434
to effectively address ha-
bitual detox offenders.
W o r k e d
collaboratively with
COM, GMs, and direc-
tors to balance the 2016
I would like to see our
Tribe and Membership
become more stable in
the future. There are so
many instabilities related
to: alcohol, drugs, jobs,
housing, income, health,
economy, crime, and sov-
ereignty, etc.
I have learned, in my
experience, that there are
various ways to help
bring more stabilization
to the community and
Bringing more stabil-
ity to our community and
membership will require
some major decisions.
The membership will
have to be included in the
decision-making process,
but there will also be
some decisions made
where Tribal Council will
have to make indepen-
dent decisions, which is
why the membership will
have to choose the best
candidate that they can
“Do not sit on your
Glendon N. Smith
Cyndi Baker - 541-553-
Fisheries & Wildlife
Technician I - Marc
Manion - 541-553-2042.
GIS/IT Manager -
Bobby Brunoe - 541-553-
Boss - Doug Dunlap / Bill
Reynolds - 541-553-2001.
Restoration Tech -
Doug / Bill.
Driver/Member - Doug /
Police Officer - Lt. Ja-
son Schjoll - 541-553-3272.
Corrections Officer (5
positions) - Ron Gregory -
Journeyman Plumber
- Don Courtney - 541-553-
Engineer Technician
(Electrical) - Don.