Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 16, 2016 Around Indian Country Lamprey return above dam site Pacific lamprey have re- turned to the White Salmon River above the former site of Condit Dam. The fact that the lamprey have been found above the former dam location signals an important step forward in habitat restoration, lamprey conservation and partnership in the Columbia River Basin, officials with the Yakama Nation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said. “This is a good day,” said Patrick Luke, Yakama Nation Tribal Councilman. “We are recognizing asum (lamprey) making their mighty return to Mitula Wana (White Salmon).” Sometimes referred to as the forgotten fish, Pacific lam- prey are a traditional food source for the Native people, as well as a wide variety of wildlife species. They spend their early years nestled in creek beds before transforming into parasitic adults that migrate to the ocean to feed for years before returning to spawn. While not endangered, populations of lamprey are dropping dramatically across the Columbia Basin, in part because adult lamprey struggle to use the fish lad- ders designed for salmon at hydropower dams. Staff from the Yakama Nation and the Fish and Wild- life Service began monitoring lamprey distribution in the basin in 2007. Prior to the 2011 removal of Condit Dam—which blocked passage of upstream migrating fish for more than 100 years—surveys found no Pacific lamprey above the dam, only below. Last summer, as part of the post dam removal moni- toring, the wildlife service surveyed for lamprey in sev- eral watersheds as well as the mainstem of the White Salmon River above and be- low the former dam site. Pacific lamprey were found at three locations up- stream of the former dam site, in areas previously inun- dated by Northwestern Res- ervoir. 2014 Chevrolet Malibu - 70,025 miles - $13,995 #77485A 2014 Chrysler 200 Limited - 24,029 miles - $17,995 #39204A 2012 Ford Mustang Coupe- 76,155 miles - 2010 Subaru Outback - 66,879 miles - $14,995 $19,995 #69414A #38542A 2010 Chevrolet Malibu - 38,208 miles - 2009 Dodge Journey - 87,919 miles $12,995 $16,995 #08840B #36196A 2008 Ford Escape - 104,557 miles 2008 Chevrolet Avalanche - 112,248 miles- $10,995 $23,995 #03053C #P6003 2007 Pontiac Coupe - 78,629 miles - 2007 Chrysler Sedan - 85,666 miles - $8,995 $10,995 #10204A #84820A 2005 Dodge Ram - 119,545 miles - 2004 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer SU - 123,545 miles $7,995 #04254A $8,995 #52185W