Page 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Cougars co-ed tourneys this month The Warm Springs Cou- gars All Indian Sixth-Grade and Under, and Eighth- Grade and Under Co-Ed basketball tournaments are coming up this month. The tourneys are set for Friday through Sunday, Feb. 26-28 at the Community Center gym. The awards for each tournament include: Ten Championship Pull- overs. Ten runner-up crewnecks. Finalist t-shirts (for third- and fourth); and All-Tourney teams. The Eighth-Grade and Under tourney will include an MVP award. For more information con- tact Austin Greene, tourna- ment director, at PO Box 42, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Or email: You can reach him by February 3, 2016 North End Express tourney phone at 541-553-1953(h); or 553-3243(work and message phone.) The Warm Springs Cou- gars All Indian Sixth-Grade and Under and Eighth-Grade and Under Co-ed tourna- ments are sponsored by the Cougars Youth Basketball Organization; the Recreation Department; and the Confed- erated Tribes of War m Springs. Australia bound Springs Nation (above) won the men’s division of the 2016 North End Express Tournament, held in January in Warm Springs. Smashtown (below) won the women’s division. The tourney was hosted by Warm Springs Recreation. Tyler Anderson is raising funds to make a trip to run cross country in Australia. Tyler won First Team All State Honors on the 2016 Oregon State Cross Country Team. Tyler runs for the Madras White Buffalos Cross Country Team. The organization Sports Down Under chose 300 cross country runners, from several countries, to attend the Nineteenth Annual summer race in Australia. Tyler was among the select group who will make the trip, which for Tyler will also involve a stop in Hawaii. Courtesy photo. Jayson Smith photos. Skywalker youth basketball league starting at center The War m Springs Skywalker Youth Basketball League is getting started this week. This is a co-ed basketball league for youth ages 6-12. The cost is free. Practice is from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays for youth of all ages. For youth ages 6 and 7, practice is on Tuesdays. For youth 8 to 10, practice is on Wednesdays; and for 11 and 12 year olds, practice is on Thursdays. The time is from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the community center gym. This is a youth basketball league sponsored by Warm Springs Prevention and the Community Wellness Center programs. About 77 youth have al- ready signed up for the Fitness Challenge league, but more are wel- come, said Reina Estimo, Health and Human Services community planner. If you have questions, call Recreation at 541-553- 3243. Cougars 16-and-under tourney coming up in March Courtesy W.S. Diabetes Prevention The Warm Springs Youth Organization in March will host the 2016 Warm Springs Cougars All Indian Teen Boys 16 Years and Under Basket- ball Tournament. The tourney is set for March 18-20 at the Commu- nity Wellness Center. The en- try deadline is set for Friday, March 4. The fee is $200 per team. Awards: ten Champion- ship Jackets; ten runner-up hooded jackets; ten third- place crews; and ten fourth- place t-shirts. Individual awards include MVP, Mr. Hustle; and 10 All Tourney players. For more information, contact Austin Greene, tour- ney director; PO Box 42, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Good month in January for MHS girls The Madras High School girls varsity basketball team has a home game coming up on Tuesday, Feb. 9, against Estacada. The played at home ear- lier this week (after the print time for this publication) against Corbett. They play at Summit on Friday, Feb. 5. The girls had a winning streak toward the end of January, beating Estacada (69-58), Gladstone (43-35), and Crook County (56-20). Then last Friday they played at Molalla, which won 70-64. The MHS boys varsity team has away games, Feb. 5 and 9, at Summit and Estacada. The boys are at home on Feb. 12 against Gladstone. In other winter sports at the high school: The varsity wrestling team has an away meet on February 6 (Cottage Grove), and then host Pine High School on February 11. CRITFC announces 2016 winter fishery The Columbia River In- ter-Tribal Fish Commission announced these fishing regulations: Commercial Fishery Gillnet Area: The Dalles and John Day Pools only. Dates/Times: Now through 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 13. Gear: Gillnets with no mesh size restriction. Allowable Sales: Stur- geon from 43 to 54 inches fork length, salmon (any spe- cies), steelhead, walleye, bass, carp, catfish, shad, and yel- low perch may be sold or kept for subsistence pur- poses. Fish landed during the open periods are allowed to be sold after the period con- cludes. Sanctuaries: River mouth and dam closed areas applicable to gillnet gear are in effect. The Spring Creek Hatchery sanctuary is not in affect this time of year. Additional commercial gillnet fishing time is expected. Bonneville pool fishing will be scheduled at a later date. Zone 6 platform and hook and line fishery Area: All of Zone 6. Dates/Times: Now through 6 p.m. on Monday, March 21. Gear: Hoop nets, dip bag nets, dip nets, hook and line. Allowable Sales: Salmon (any species), steelhead, shad, carp, catfish, walleye, bass, and yellow perch may be sold or retained for subsistence. Sales of fish are allowed after the fishing period as long as they were landed dur- ing the open period. Sturgeon of legal size for that pool may be sold only if caught during open commer- cial gillnet periods for that pool. Sturgeon from 43-54” fork length in the John Day and The Dalles pools and from 38-54” in the Bonneville Pool may be retained for sub- sistence. For current information re- garding tributary fishing regu- lations, please contact tribal fish- ery departments directly, 541- 553-2001. You can reach him by email at: Or call 541-553-1953(h); or the Recreation office at 553-3243. Congratulations to the November Fitness winners: Sylvia McCabe, Melissa Danzuka and Emily Dionne, of Team Platypus (above wearing the prize fleece jackets - not pictured from the team are Kristin Nilles and Andrea Sohappy). The jackets were provided by the Wellness Team, led by Edmund Francis.