Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon January 20, 2016 Page 7 Summaries of Tribal Council January 4, 2016 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Evaline Patt, Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jackson, Scott Moses, Reuben Henry and Or vie Danzuka. Nor ma Heath, Recorder (AM). Alfredine Smith, Recorder (PM). 2. Bureau of Indian Af- fairs (BIA) Update. - Discussed the War m Springs Constitutional Amendments letter from Scott Keep, Senior Counsel of Division of Indian Af- fairs. Motion by Carlos to have any written letters brought back and read for the record and Tribal Council minutes not yet approved not be turned over to BIA; seconded by Scott. Vote: Joseph/no, Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/No, Scott/Yes, Reuben/No, Delvis/Abstain, Alfred/No, Orvie/Yes; 3 Yes, 1 Abstain and 4 No with vice chair- woman not voting; motion failed. 3. Office of Special Trustee update. 4. Realty update. Budget summary of land purchase sales. - Motions by Joseph to adopt and approve realty resolutions: Resolution No. 12,092 WS AL-145-50-A; Resolution No. 12,093 WS AL (145)-51; Resolution No. 12,094 WS AL-145-139; Resolution No. 12,095 WS AL-(145)-144; Resolution No. 12,096 WS AL-(145)- 145-B; Resolution No. 12,097 WS AL (145)-147-C. Motions were seconded and approved by Tribal Council. Meeting reconvened 1:42 p.m. 4. Realty update. - Motions to approve re- alty items: Resolution No. 12098; Resolution No. 12099; Resolution No. 12100; Resolution No. 12101; Resolution No. 12102; Resolution No. 12103; Resolution No. 12104; Resolution No. 12105; Resolution No. 12106; Resolution No. 12107; Resolution No. 11975A. Motions were seconded and approved by Tribal Council. 5. Legislative update Matt Hill (federal): 1 st Ses- sion of 114 th Congress ad- journs. Congress passes FY16 Omnibus Spending Bill. Con- gress passes tax extenders package. Senate passes Indian Energy Bill. Michael Mason (state): Motor Voter Bill took effect on January 1, 2016. Tuition Free Community College starting 2016-17 school year. Mandatory Sick Leave Bill in effect January 1, 2016. Work continues to increase mini- mum wage. Clarification on status of Members of Com- mission on Indian Services. Senator Courtney and Sena- tor Ferrioli are working on this bill. 6. Tribal Attorney update. Executive session 2:14-3:08 p.m. 7. Motion by Delvis to appoint Aurolyn Stwyer and Anita Jackson to serve on the Selection Committee for Gaming Commission. Second by Reuben. Question; Jo- seph/yes, Delvis/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Orvie/no; 5 Yes, 1 No, 2 Out of room. Vice Chair not voting. Mo- tion carried. 8. Meeting adjourned 5:30 p.m. January 6 1. Roll Call: Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Delvis Health, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair- man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt, Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jackson, Scott Moses, Reuben Henry, and Or vie Danzuka. Re- corder – Alfredine Smith. 2. Warm Springs Forest Products Industries update. Executive session 10:50 a.m.- – 3:30 p.m. 3. Warm Springs Ventures referendum update. January 11 1 Roll call: Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt, Kahseuss Jack- son, Scott Moses, Reuben Henry, Orvie Danzuka, and Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. Tribal Council consen- sus approving to move the minutes to 10 this morning from 9. The presentation from Natural Resources will be presented first. 3. Tribal Council consen- suses approving the Secre- tary-Treasurer to write a let- ter in support of the Burns Tribe, to be presented on Tuesday, January 12. 4. An update was given about transportation to the Ski Bowl for tribal members employed there. Three vans are equipped for the winter weather travel, and a driver is needed to start getting tribal members to and from their employment. 5. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution no. 12,108 for the 2016 fishing permits and regulations for non-tribal member fishing on lakes, streams on and bordering the Reser vation; second by Reuben; Question; Evaline/ yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes, 6/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not vot- ing; Motion carried. 6. Tribal Council received Minutes from January, Feb- ruary and March. They will review them and submit ed- its by February 5. 7. A motion was made by Scott to add on the agenda to have Tribal Council mem- bers attend the meeting on January 15 between the Bu- reau of Indian Affairs, Army Corps of Engineers and pos- sibly Boardman to be held at The Dalles; second by Reuben. Question: Eugene/ abstain, Scott/yes, Reuben/ yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 3/yes, 0/no, 1/ abstain, 2 out of the room, Vice Chair not voting. Mo- tion carried. 8. A motion was made by Scott amending the agenda A birthday wish... Happy 7th Birth- day to my sweetheart son Andreaz Manuel- Rey Plazola. Mommy’s so proud of all you do. You’re getting big. for Tuesday, January 12 at 9 a.m. to have Elmer Ward present the letter with addi- tions made regarding com- ments on the draft EIS for the Tesoro Savage Vancouver Energy Distribution Termi- nal. Second by Kahseuss; Evaline/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Raymond/yes, Orvie/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 5/yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room, Chairman not vot- ing; Motion carried. 9. With no further discus- sion the meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. January 12 1. Roll call: Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt, Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jackson, Scott Moses, Reuben Henry, Orvie Danzuka, and Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. 2. A motion was made by Scott approving the letter to the Governor of Washington State recommending denial of the DEIS for the Tesoro Savage Vancouver Energ y Distribution Terminal – Ap- plication No. 2013-01. Sec- ond by Reuben. Question: Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/no, 5/yes, 1/no, 0/abstain, Vice Chair not vot- ing; Motion carried. 3. Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission gave an update on the Columbia River housing. 4. A motion was made by Scott approving the Chair- man to sign a letter of sup- port of the Burns Paiute Tribe opposing the recent ar med takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Second by Reuben. Reuben: We all have grand- parents there, my grandfa- ther is buried in the park area in that reserve, so I will vote yes. Question; Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 0/ab- stain, 1/out of the room, Vice Chair not voting; Mo- tion carried. 5. The Heart of Oregon/ YouthBuild presented pro- gram information to Tribal Council. 6. The Education Commit- tee will compile a draft of comments and information for the 509J/Bureau of In- dian Affairs/Tribes Memo- randum of Understanding, and will work with the Secre- tary-Treasurer to schedule time on the Tribal Council agenda for February 2016. 7. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12109 ap- pointing Val Switzler, Patricia Creelman and Douglas Goe to the Board of Directors of the Museum At War m Springs, terms expiring on January 1, 2019; Second by Reuben. Question; Evaline/no, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes, 7/yes, 1/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not vot- ing; Motion carried. 8. A motion was made by Carlos adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12110 ap- pointing Tom Norton Jr., term ending on December 31, 2016, Elizabeth Furse, and Fran Moses-Ahern, terms ending on December 31, 2018, to the War m Springs Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Indian Head Casino Board of Directors. Second by Reuben. Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/out of the room, Orvie/out of the room, 6/ yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 9. A motion was made by Kahseuss adopting and ap- proving Resolution No. 12111 appointing Sandra Greene, tribal member, Ben Bisland, non-member, terms ending on January 1, 2019 and Rick Allen, non-member, term ending on January 1, 2017 to the Board of Direc- tors of Warm Springs Credit Enterprise. Second by Reuben. Evaline/yes, Carlos/ yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/ yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. 10. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12112, ap- pointing Pi-Ta Pitt, tribal member, ter m ending on December 31, 2018 to the Board of directors of Ven- tures. Second by Reuben; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Scott/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/ yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. 11. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12113 ap- pointing Olney Patt Jr. and Ed Tarbell, ter ms ending on January 1, 2019, to the Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprise Board of Direc- tors. Second by Reuben; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/ yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. 12. The War m Springs Composite and Forest Prod- ucts Board appointment will were tabled pending more candidate information. 13. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12114 ap- pointing Randy Smith, Jonathan W. Smith and Lee Tom, terms ending on Janu- ary 11, 2018, and Marjorie Kalama-Gabriel and Anita Jackson, terms ending Janu- ary 11, 2017, to the Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission (TERO). Second by Reuben. Ques- tion: Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/ yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. 14. A motion was made by Scott adopting and approv- ing Resolution No. 12115 ap- pointing Jim Soules, Chair- man, Deece Suppah, Vice Chair, Yolanda Yallup, Secre- tary, to the Gaming Regula- tory Commission, three year terms. Question: Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not vot- ing. Motion carried. 15. The appointment for the Health and Welfare Com- mittee will be tabled (Resolu- tion No. 11783B). Chairman: let’s find more evidence and bring this back on January 25 when the resolutions are signed at that time, so we can have a more informed vote. And find out for the second alternate of the Fish and Wildlife Committee, which is impacting the Health and Wel- fare Committee appointment going forward. 16. With no further discus- sion the meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. Employment The following are po- sitions advertised re- cently at the tribal Hu- man Resources Depart- ment: Community Health Services Manager - For information contact Caroline Cruz, 541-553- 0497. Adult Mental Health Specialist - Contact David Howenstine, 541-553-3205 Dual Diagnosis Thera- pist - David Howenstine. Family Intake Coordi- nator - Elizabeth Hisatake, 541-553-3209. Development Director - Sue Matters, 541-553- 1968. Head Start Teacher - Kirstin Hisatake, 541-553- 3242. Assistant Teacher - Kirstin. Day Care Lead Teacher - MayAnne Mitchell, 541-553-3241. Family/Child Services Coordinator - MayAnne. Daycare Health Coor- dinator - MayAnne. Wildland Fire Module- Asst. Sup. - Dorian Soliz, 541-553-1146. Fish Tech I - Chris Brun, 541-553-3548. Wildlife Technician - Andrea Karoglanian, 541- 553-2037. Fisheries & Wildlife Technician I - Marc Manion, 541-553-2042. Fish Biologist Lam- prey - Cyndi Backer, 541- 553-3586. Police Officer - Lt. Ja- son Schjoll, 541-553-3272. Corrections Officer - Ron Gregory, 541-553- 3272. Water Treatment Plant Operator - Steve Courtney, 541-553-1472. Administrative Assis- tant/Chief Operations Manager - Alyssa Macy, 541-553-3232. HR Trainee/HRHRHR - Lois Lesarlley, 541-553- 3485. Comp and Benefits Trainee/HR - Lois, 541- 553-3485. Higher Education Admin Assistant Trainee/ HR - Carroll Dick, 541-553- 3311. Jobs at Indian Head Casino Tule Grill attendant - 2 part-time positions. Con- tact: Kip Culpus, Jordan Caldera, Heather Cody at 541-460-7777 Ext. 7725. Tule Grill cook - part- time - Contact Kip Culpus, Heather Cody - 541-460- 7777 Ext. 7725. Line cook - 2 part-time positions - Contact Mark Oltman, 541-460-7777 Ext. 7755. IT support technician - full-time - Contact Donovan, James, Justin - 541-460-7777 Ext 7674, 7747, or 7746. Revenue auditor - full- time - Sylvania Russell, 541-460-7777 Ext. 7719.