Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Ventures, UAV program planning a ground- breaking at Kah-Nee-Ta Paret of the Confeder- ated Tribes’ unmanned aeriel systems program in- volves Kah-Nee-Ta Re- sort. The plan is for a part of the resort to be remod- eled in order to serve as a training and UAS meeting area. There is funding avail- able for the Kah-Nee-Ta remodel, and Ventures and its UAS team are planning a ground-breaking at the resort. This could happen later this winter or in the early spring. Aurolyn Stwyer, Ventures business devel- opment and marketing di- rector, is coordinating the effort. For its UAS program, the tribes are working with SOAR Oregon, an eco- nomic development group focusing on the un-manned systems industry in the state. Recent UAS funding to SOAR is at $3 million. There are three FAA- designated UAS test areas in the state of Oregon: Warm Springs, Tillamook and Pendleton. The funding would be shared among the three. The Kah-Nee-Ta devel- opment would be an im- portant part of the tribes’ UAS program. This would help attract companies to the reserva- tion. This would generate revenue, and create local job opportunities. Three areas on the res- ervation are now desig- nated for UAS testing. The Warm Springs IHS Mobile Medical Unit will be at the Senior Center on Tues- day, January 12. January 6, 2016 Local business opportunity serving membership George Aguilar Sr. has a casket service that is available to tribal members, by special order. If you would like more information on the idea of taking over casket carpentry work, contact Lynn at tribal management. For informa- tion on the caskets, call Utili- ties at 541-553-3246; or the Vital Statistics Department at 541-553-3252. Lynn Davis by the Omak caskets, which have the Pendleton blanket. And below, one made by the Utilities Department. Dave McMechan/Spilyay Lynn Davis, tribal admin- istrative director, is hoping a local person will take advan- tage of a local business op- portunity. Tribal Utilities has caskets available for purchase by tribal members. These are mostly made by carpenters at Omak or Yakama. Tribal Utilities makes the outer boxes. Utilities will also make caskets, in cases where Summary of Tribal Council December 14, 2015 1. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt, Reuben Henry, Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. The Secretary-Trea- surer update was given. · A motion was made by Raymond to seek funds to compensate Mike Collins for his earlier work as acting sec- retary-treasurer; second by Evaline. Glendon: Lynn did share that with me, and there is savings to my understand- ing which can be used. Chair- man: the motion is for com- pensation for the acting sec- retary-treasurer during the Page 7 time he was appointed in early February; Joseph/yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes, 5/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chair- man not voting; motion car- ried. 3. The Chief Operations Manager gave an update. 4. A motion was made by the Omak caskets from the Yakama builders are not the right size. Lynn is thinking a local person could take over car- pentry work, creating a small business, instead of having the tribes bring in the Omak caskets. The Omak caskets are $1,000; and others from Yakama are available for $550. The outer box costs $260. Raymond approving the January 2016 Tribal Council agenda, subject to change; second by Reuben; question; Joseph/yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes, 5/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not vot- ing; motion carried. 5. A motion was made by Raymond to amend today’s agenda to include the 2016 master jury list at 3:00; sec- ond by Reuben. Raymond: I would recommend that Tribal Council members be re- moved from the jury list; question. Chairman suggested the new chief judge come in for an introduction. Joseph/ yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/ yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/ yes, 5/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not voting; motion carried. 6. There was a consensus to present travel delegations on December 28, 2015. 7. The federal legislative update was given. 8. The state legislative up- date was given. 9. A motion was made by Raymond adopting Resolu- tion no. 12,084 enrolling five individuals; second by Reuben. Question; Joseph/ yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/ yes, Raymond/yes, Alfred/ out of the room, 4/yes, 0/ no, 1/out of the room, 0/ abstain, Chairman not voting; motion carried. 10. A motion was made by Raymond adopting Resolu- tion no. 12,085 approving the relinquishment of an indi- vidual so that he can enroll in the Confederated Tribes & Bands of the Yakama Nation. Second by Reuben; question; Joseph/yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/yes, Raymond/yes, Alfred/out of the room, 4/ yes, 0/no, 1/out of the room, 0/abstain, Chairman not vot- ing; motion carried. 11. Chairman stated that the agenda was moved up to have the master jury list pre- sented but they are swamped with court prelims, and they will be rescheduled. They’ll have to work with what they have. Secretary-Treasurer will advise them on next steps. With no further discussion, meeting adjourned at 3 p.m. In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Petitioner, vs. Shelly Greene- Boise, Respondent; Case No. CR785-15. TO: Shelly Greene- Boise: YOU ARE HEREBY NO- TIFIED that a Criminal Ar- raignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for February 9, 2016 @ 8:30 a.m. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Petitioner, vs. Chanda Howtopat, Re- spondent; Case No. CR804- 15. TO: Chanda Howtopat: YOU ARE HEREBY NO- TIFIED that a Criminal Ar- raignment has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for February 9, 2016 @ 8:30 a.m. CTWS, PETITIONER, vs. MANDY SWITZLER, RE- SPONDENT; CASE NO. JV25-13. TO: MANDY SWITZLER, BENJAMIN HOLLIDAY, MARIA HOLLIDAY, CPS & JV PROS- ECUTOR: This is notice that an AS- SISTED GUARDIANSHIP HEARING has been scheduled with the Tribal Court. By this no- tice, you are summoned to appear in this matter at the hearing sched- uled for 26 TH day of JANU- ARY, 2016 @ 9:00 AM PHILLIP TEWEE SR, Pe- titioner, vs. NEDA WESLEY, RESPONDENT; Case No. JV30-08. TO: PHILLIP TEWEE SR & NEDA WESLEY: YOU ARE HEREBY NO- TIFIED that a MODIFICA- TION has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 2 ND day of FEBRUARY, 2016 @ 11:00 AM PROBATE In the matter of estate of Jacqueline Simtustus, WS, U/A, deceased. Estate no. 2011-PR40; tribal court case ES118-15. Notice was given on Jan. 5, 2015. Public safety Bail/bonds - Dec. 16 GOVENOR, Juilene; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CNWARR; SC/FTC-CSW; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CN WARR; SC/FTA-PROB.REV; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CN SC/FTC-BP HOLLIDAY, Lauren; CR841-15; A&BNEW CHARGES QUEAPHAMA, Oscar; CR216-15; DUII, REx2SC/FTC-BP REDFOX, Jenny; CR525- 15;CN,A&BWARR:SC/FTC-BP SIMMONS, Patrick; CR840-15;FIDNEW CHARGES SMITH, Wesley; CR839-15; PDP, UUPCS, RADTX; NEW CHARGES WEASELHEAD, Edward III; CR833-15; ITP, MMNEW CHARGES; CR663-15; CA, RE SC/FTC-RC Bail/bonds - Dec. 18 BERRY, Lucelia; CR313-15;DWS/ RWARR:SC/FTA-CRIM.ARRN. CHARLEY, Bonny; CR1032-14; DUII, REDTX;SC/FTC-BP GOVENOR, Juliene; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CNWARR; SC/FTC-CSW; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CN WARR; SC/FTA-PROB.REV; CR426-15; A&Bx2, CN SC/FTC-BP MCKINLEY, Theodore; CR842- 15;UUPCSDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR721- 15;DWS/R DTX;SC/FTC-BP WAHSISE, Calvin; CR843-15;DWS/ RDTX;NEW CHARGES WEASELHEAD, Edward III; CR833-15; ITPP, MMNEW CHARGES; CR663-15; CA, RE SC/FTC-RC Dec. 21 JONES, Edward; CR844-15; ITPNEW CHARGES; CR708-15; A&B SC/FTC-RC MCKINLEY, Theodore; CR842- 15;UUPCSDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR721- 15;DWS/R DTX;SC/FTC-BP MEDINA, Martin; CR845-15; ITP NEW CHARGES SMITH, Clinton; CR846-15; DUII, RE DTX; NEW CHARGES SMITH, Mario; CR847-15; DUII, UUPCS, REx2DTX; NEW CHARGES WEASELHEAD, Edward; DWARD IIICR833-15; ITPP, MMNEW CHARGES; CR663-15; CA, RE SC/FTC-RC WILLIAMS, Thomas; CR848-15; ITP NEW CHARGES YALLUP, Emery; CR849-15; DCDTX; NEW CHARGES BAILBONDS - Dec. 28 GOVERNOR, Julienne; CR426- 15;A&Bx2,CNDTX;SC/FTC-BP MARTINEZ, Paul Jr.; CR390- 15;CA,FTSDPWARR:SC/FTA-STATUS MCKINLEY, Theodore; CR842- 15;UUPCSDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR721- 15;DWS/R DTX;SC/FTC-BP MITCHELL, Monique; CR854- 15;DCDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR825- 15;UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-RC; CR942- 14;DC DTX;SC/FTC-RC SMITH, Johnny; CR855- 15;DC,HA,ASDTX;NEW CHARGES TEWEE, Charles; CR637-15; PDPWARR; SC/FTC-SP; CR423-15; DUII, REx3 WARR; SC/FTC-SP WILLIAMS, Rolanda; CR856- 15;CCW,AAOCF,UUPCS,PDP,DWS/ RDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR502-15;TH DTX;SC/FTC-BP; CR740-15;DWS/ R,UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-RC Criminal arraignments - Dec. 29 GUARDIPEE, RAaymond; CR764- 15;TR JACK, Nicole; CR765-15;DWS/R JACKSON, Chanelle; CR766- 15;COOPC,TH PEDRAZA, Francisco; CR767- 15;UUPCS TAIL, Shiningstar; CR769-15;CAx2 TANEWASHA, Marty; CR762- 15;DUII,RE SIMTUSTUS, Roger; CR770-15;DWS/ R SWITZLER, William III; CR771- 15;DUII,DWS/R WHEELER, Valene; 15;FATE,DWS/R,DUII CR427- Bail/bonds - Dec. 29 GOVERNOR, Julliene; CR426- 15;A&Bx2,CNDTX;SC/FTC-BP MARTINEZ, Paul Jr.; CR390- 15;CA,FTSDPWARR:SC/FTA-STATUS SAIZA, Hector; CR858-14; UUPCSSC/ FTC-BP; CR661-15; MM, TR SC/FTC- BP; CR665-15; PDC, TR SC/FTC-BP WILLIAMS, Rolanda; CR856- 15;CCW,AAOCF,UUPCS,PDP,DWS/ RDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR502-15;TH DTX;SC/FTC-BP; CR740-15;DWS/ R,UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-RC Criminal arraignments - Dec. 29 CHARLEY, Sheilina; CR763-15; ATTx2, PDP LEWIS, Tyrone; CR752-15; DUII, DWS/ R, RE NORTHRUP, Galen; CR760-15; DUII, REx2, DWS/R PRICE, Sampson Sr.; CR768-15; ATTx2; CR998-14; DWS/R, PDP SC/FTC-BP; CR461-15; COOPC, PDP, TR SC/FTC- BP; CR196-13; FTKRC SC/FTC-BP Bail/bonds - Dec. 30 MARTINEZ, Paul Jr.; CR390- 15;CA,FTSDPWARR:SC/FTA-STATUS SAIZA, Hector; CR858-14; UUPCSSC/ FTC-BP; CR661-15; MM, TR SC/FTC-BP; CR665-15; PDC, TR SC/FTC-BP THOMAS, Devontre; CR579- 15;PDPWARR:SC/FTA-STATUS WILLIAMS, Rolanda; CR856- 15;CCW,AAOCF,UUPCS,PDP,DWS/ RDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR502-15;TH DTX;SC/FTC-BP; CR740-15;DWS/ R,UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-RC Bail/bonds - Dec. 31 ARTHUR, Clifford III; CR862-15; UUPCS, PDP, CCW, CWWPDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR619-15; DC, CCW, PDP SC/ FTC-BP BAZA, Wilma; CR863-15; PDP, UUPCSDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR124-15; PDP WARR; SC/FTC-SP GREENE, Wendell; CR677-15; DCSC/ FTC-BP MARTINEZ, Paul Jr.; CR390- 15;CA,FTSDPWARR:SC/FTA-STATUS SAIZA, Hector; CR858-14; UUPCSSC/ FTC-BP; CR661-15; MM, TR SC/FTC-BP; CR665-15; PDC, TR SC/FTC-BP