Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon December 23, 2015 Page 9 Veterans of the Confederated Tribes Sidney Miller - 1950s and Korea. Wayne Miller - Persian Gulf and 1990s. John Miller - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Duane Miller - Vietnam. Everett Miller - Vietnam. Harry Miller - Vietnam. Kenneth Miller - Vietnam - Navy. Davis Miller - WWI. Percy Miller - WWII - Army. Willis Miller - WWII - Army. John Mission - 1800s - Scout. Pierson Mitchell - 1950s and Korea. Frank Mitchell - Vietnam. Jameson Mitchell - Vietnam. Jeff Mitchell - Vietnam. Patrick Mitchell - Vietnam. Arthur Mitchell - WWII - Army. Keith Moody - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Raymond Moody - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Charles Moody - Vietnam. Huston Moody - WWII - Army. Rob Moran - Vietnam - Air Force. Victor Moses - Vietnam. Oscar Moses - WWII - Army. Frederick N. Muldrow - WWII. Derek Muniz - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Mushin-pla - 1800s - Scout. Old Mons - 1800s - Scout. Elliot Palmer - WWII - Army. Harriman Palmer - WWII - Army. Emery Parker - WWII - Army. Eugene Parker - WWII - Army. Mike Parkin - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Nena Patt - 1800s - Scout. Felix Paul - WWII. Drew Pennington - active dury. Jim Pennington - 1950s and Korea. Ray Picard - WWI and WWII. Pinouse - 1800s - Scout. Pipeshire - 1800s - Scout. Jack Pitt - 1800s - Scout. Frank Polk - 1800s - Scout. James Polk - 1800s - Scout. Sam Poosh-ty - 1800s - Scout. Benny Powyowit - WWII. Antwain Pupino - 1800s - Scout. Jim Quaid - Vietnam. Rafael Queahpama - Viet- nam - Army. Ralph Queahpama - Viet- nam. Shauna Queahpama- Melberg - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Army. Johnny Quinn - 1800s - Scout. Elmer Quinn - WWII - Army. Arlie J Raboin - 1950s and Korea. David Red Fox - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Frederick Reed Jr. - Vietnam. Edward Reed Sr. - WWII/ Korea/Vietnam - Air Force. Armando Ribeiro - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Jim Sahme - Vietnam. Saia-Ke - 1800s - Scout. William Sam - WWII. Sampson - 1800s - Scout. Gerald I. Sampson - Viet- nam. Rose Sanchez - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Jeffery Sanders Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Robert Sanders - 1950s and Korea. Alverto E. Santos Sr. - Post WWI. Rick Santos - Vietnam. Sa-pus-tia - 1800s - Scout. Dry Creek Billy, Sche-Me- Chee - 1800s - Scout. Schoolie - 1800s - Scout. Danny Scott - 1950s and Korea. Leroy Scott - 1950s and Ko- rea. Hester Scott - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Vanessa Scott - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Navy. Elmer Scott Jr. - Vietnam. Richard Scott - Vietnam. Ray Scott - WWII - Army. Sam Scott - WWII - Army. Harvey Scott - WWII - Ko- rea. James Selam - WWII. Se-la-tsi - 1800s - Scout. Dustin Seyler - 1980s to present - Navy. Cecil Seyler - WWII - Korea. Seymoure - 1800s - Scout. Nat Shaw - Army. Bodie Shaw - 1980s to present - Air Force. Shawnele Shaw-Surplus - 1980s to present. Raymond Shike Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Shk-we-yarksh - 1800s - Roosevelt Heath - WWII. Fabian D Sutterlee Sr. - Ko- rea/Vietnam. John Swakia - 1800s - Scout. Alex Swan - 1800s - Scout. Swan - 1800s - Scout. Swan-sah-kee - 1800s - Scout. Delton Switzler - 1950s and Korea. Virgil Switzler - 1950s and Korea. Larry Switzler - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Army. Scout. Shwa-kooksh - 1800s - Scout. Frank Sidwalter - 1800s - Scout. Joe Sidwalter - 1800s - Scout. Sik-ma-num - 1800s - Scout. Bertson Simtustus - WWII - Korea. Sim-you - 1800s - Scout. Skitus - 1800s - Scout. Lawren Slockish - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Slook-ske - 1800s - Scout. Old Man or William Tell Smith - 1800s - Scout. Sophie Smith - 1980s to present. Alvis Smith III - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Johnathan Smith - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Andrew Smith - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Austin Smith Jr. - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Gary Smith - Persian Gulf and 2000s. WynterDawn Smith - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Alfred Smith Jr. - Vietnam - Army. Bruce Smith - Vietnam. Claude Smith Jr. - Vietnam - Army. Darryl Smith - Vietnam. Emerson Smith - Vietnam. Janice Smith - Vietnam. Kanim Smith - Vietnam. Milan Smith, Jr. - Vietnam - Army. Randy Smith - Vietnam - Marines. Raymond Gene Smith - Viet- nam. Roger Smith - Vietnam. Ronald Smith - Vietnam. Tommy Smith - Vietnam. Alfred Smith Sr. - WWI. Alvin J Smith Sr. - WWII - Army. Alvis Smith - WWII - Army. Claude Smith Sr. - WWII - Army. George Smith - WWII. Milan Smith Sr. - WWII - Army. Roscoe Smith - WWII - Navy. Russell Smith - WWII - Navy. Woodrow Smith Sr. - WWII - Army. Llyod G Smith Sr. - WWII/ Korea - Navy. Oliver Sohappy - 1950s and Korea. Wilford Sooksoit Sr. - WWII - Army. Ernest Spencer - WWII - Navy. Powell Spencer - WWII - Navy. Wilson Spencer - WWII - Navy. Ed Spino - WWII. Jackson Spooms - 1800s - Scout. Lawrence Squiemphen Jr. - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Lawrence Squiemphen Sr. - WWII - Army. Jerry St. Germaine - Viet- nam. Mark Stacona - Persian Gulf and 1990s. William C. Stacona - Vietnam Era. Roscoe Stacona - WWII - Army. Melvin Stahi Sr. - Vietnam. Stah-Lika - 1800s - Scout. Merlin Standing Yellow Horse - Vietnam. Frank Don Stevens - WWII. Stocketly - 1800s - Scout. Naiche Kim Sturtevant - 1980s to present. Erwin Stwyer - Vietnam. Suppah - 1800s - Scout. Brian Suppah - Persian Gulf and 1990s - Army. Willard Suppah Jr. - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Erland Suppah - Vietnam. Tony Suppah - Vietnam. Matthew Suppah - WWI. Franklin Suppah - WWII - Army. Ta Symt - 1800s - Scout. Danny Tababoo Jr. - Viet- nam. Charles Tailfeathers Jr. - Per- sian Gulf and 2000s. Charles Tailfeathers Sr. - Viet- nam. Ta-Wah - 1800s - Scout. James Teeman - Vietnam. Manuel Teeman - Vietnam. Louis Tewee - Vietnam. Willard Tewee - Vietnam. Jake Thomas - 1800s - Scout. Joe Thomas - 1800s - Scout. Robert Thomas Jr. - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Navy. James Thomas - Vietnam - Army. Edwin J Thomas - Vietnam Era. Arthur Thomas - WWII - Army. Francis Thomas - WWII - Navy. Roscoe Thompson Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Dennis Thompson - Viet- nam. Tkoo - 1800s - Scout. Richard Tohet- Vietnam - Army. Harvey Tohet - WWII - Army. Eldon Tom - Vietnam. Raymond Tsumpti Jr. - Per- sian Gulf and 1990s. Raymond Tsumpti Sr. - Viet- nam. Lawrence Tufti - Vietnam - Army. Charles Tufti - WWII - Army. Roy Tule - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Tulux - 1800s - Scout. Twiks - 1800s - Scout. Calvin Two Bears (Lee) - Viet- nam - Army. Umstick - 1800s - Scout. Chester VanPelt Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Albert Semo, Wa-bai-go - 1800s - Scout. Wa-biga - 1800s - Scout. Waheneka - 1800s - Scout. Dawn Waheneka - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Grant Waheneka - WWII/ Korea/Vietnam - NASA/Air Force. Wahumpsh - 1800s - Scout. Bill Wainanwit - 1800s - Scout. William Wainanwit Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Theda Wallawitsa - WWII. Felix Wallulatum - WWII - Navy. Merris Wallulatum Sr. - WWII - Army. Nelson Wallulatum - WWII - Navy. Robert Warner - Vietnam Era. Wa-sah-ne-kee - 1800s - Scout. Wasco-Pat - 1800s - Scout. Wa-shu-lumsh - 1800s - Scout. David Washumps - 1800s - Scout. James Welden - 1980s and 1990s - Navy. McKinley Wesley - WWI. Gerald Wewa - Vietnam - Marines. Sam Wewa- WWI - Army. Melvin Wewa - WWII - Army. Leonard Wilkens - 1950s and Korea. Jason Williams - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Navy. Mike Williams - Vietnam. Jim Winishut - 1800s - Scout. Dallas Winishut Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Omar Winishut Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Reginald Winishut - 1950s and Korea - Army. Frank Winishut - WWI. Percy Winishut - WWII - Army. Winnier - 1800s - Scout. Nelson Wolfe - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Joe Wolford - 1800s - Scout. Wam-ka-ta - 1800s - Scout. Wump-powush - 1800s - Scout. Dena Wyngarden - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Jim Yahtin - 1800s - Scout. Chesley Yahtin Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Gilbert Yahtin - WWII - Army. Dick Ya-la-sa-wit - 1800s - Scout. Hiram Yaw - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Nelson Zumont - Vietnam. Employment Managed Care Pro- gram Director - For in- formation contact Glendon Smith/Lynn Davis - 541-553-3212. Administrative Ser- vices - Deputy Clerk - Monica Tufti - 541-553- 3278 - Closes 12/23/ 2015. Administrative As- sistant/Chief Opera- tions Manager - Alyssa Macy - 541-553-3232. HR Trainee/HR - Lois Lesarlley - 541- 553-3485. Comp and Benefits Trainee/HR - Lois Lesarlley - 541-553- 3485. Higher Education Admin Assistant Trainee/HR - Carroll Dick - 541-553-3311. Fiscal Officer - Lynn Davis - 541-553- 3212 - Closes 12/24/ 2015. Head Start Teacher - Kirstin Hisatake - 541- 553-3242. Assistant Teacher - Kirstin Hisatake - 541- 553-3242. Day Care Lead Teacher - MayAnne Mitchell - 541-553- 3241. Family/Child Ser- vices Coordinator - MayAnne - 541-553- 3241 - Closes 12/25/ 2015. Daycare Health Co- ordinator - MayAnne - 541-553-3241. Food Service As- sistant - MayAnne - 541-553-3241. Community Health Services Manager - Contact Caroline Cruz - 541-553-0497. Adult Mental Health Specialist - David Howenstine - 541-553- 3205. Dual Diagnosis Therapist - David Howenstein - 541-553- 3205. Wildland Fire Mod- ule-Asst. Sup. - Dorian Soliz - 541-553-1146. Technician I - Marc Manion - 541-553-2042. M a i n t e n a n c e Worker - Alvis Smith II - 541-553-3246 - Closes 12/29/2015. Police Officer - Lt. Jason Schjoll - 541-553- 3272. Corrections Officer - Ron Gregory - 541- 553-3272. J u v e n i l e / Yo u n g Adult Probation Of- ficer - Martha Johns- Stewart - 541-553-3293. Fish Tech I - Chris Brun - 541-553-3548. Wildlife Technician - Andrea Karoglanian - 541-553-2037 - Closes 1/31/2016. Fisheries & Wildlife Jobs at Indian Head Casino The following positions were advertised recently with the Indian Head Casino Human Resources Department. You can reach the department by calling the casino at 541- 460-7777. Time Security Officer - Full Time Ta b l e Games Dealer - Full Time Cage Cashier - Full Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Seasonal Temporary Fish Tech II (4 positions). The position offered is associated with the Commission’s Fish Science Department. The production research group is engaged in several research projects designed to in- vestigate salmon and steelhead limiting factors which include predation. For the last decade sea lion presence and consumption of salmon near Bonneville dam has been increasing and our research program is designed to assist managers in reducing sea lion occurrence near the dam along with investigating sea lion abundance and predation rates. The duration of this position is lim- ited to three and a half months. – Closes January 29, 2016. Full job description and how to apply at: www.critfc.org/jobs/fishery-technician-ii-2 Full-Time HR Assistant. Working under the direction of the Human Resources Manager, the Human Re- sources Assistant (Administrative) will provide day-to-day assistance to the HR Manager and to employees regard- ing recruitment and placement, classification, benefits coordination and new employee actions. – Closes Feb- ruary 5, 2016. Full job description and how to apply at: www.critfc.org/jobs/human-resources-assistant-admin- istrative