Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon December 23, 2015 A Tribute to the Veterans I’ tukdi Wigwa You support was greatly appreciated regards the Trib- ute to the Veterans on No- vember 11, 2015. Following in honoring all veterans be- hind the Community Center, individuals, community mem- bers and families of veterans gathered at the Warm Springs VFW to begin the walk, run and horse riding at 11:45 a.m., and ending at Simnasho. The reason the tribute be- Courtesy Mona L. Smith-Cochran gan at the Warm Springs VFW Hall and ended at Simnasho was because this was a Trib- ute to All Veterans, from the south end to the north end: For God so Loved the World that he gave his only begot- ten Son! With this said, there is no discrimination. The Tribute to All Veter- ans was a great success. The walkers, runners and horse- back riders expressed their gratitude to “the fallen veter- Runners and riders during the November 11 Tribute to Veterans. ans, past and present, as well as all veterans.” The partici- pants honored our veterans by carrying the Eagle staff and handing it off to one another. The Eagle Staff is made of Montana Red Willow, sig- nifying red paint when war- riors prepared for combat, two bald eagle feathers for protection and purification, an Eagle Claw for powerfulness, sinew for strong family ties within the villages, deer horn for war- riors medicine, the American flag signifying and honoring all veterans. Veterans are true warriors who deserve to be highly honored. Thank you to all Veterans who welcomed the walkers, runners and horseback riders at the Simnasho Longhouse Veterans Potluck Dinner. All the people who paid tributes to the veterans arrived at 5:35 Jayson Smith/Spilyay Austin Smith Jr. at November Veterans Parade p.m. in Simnasho. Thank you Captain Moody, Charlotte Herkshan, Neda Wesley, Randy Smith family, Matthew Smith, Ben- jamin Billey, Johnny Smith, Taylor Arthur, Ada Billey, Austin and Lois Smith; the Warm Springs Police Depart- ment, Billy Cochran for the Eagle Staff. In the future a Healing Circle, walk, run and horseback ride will take place; everyone is invited to partici- pate. Listed below are the names of the past and present Veterans. If you name is not on the list, I apologize for the inconve- nience. Respectfully submitted, Mona L. Smith- Cochran, M.Ed, CADC III, NWCDC III Veterans of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs The following is the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Veterans list. Members are serving now, some served during peace time, and many served during World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1939-1945), Korean War (1950-1953), Bay of Pigs (1961), Vietnam War (1961-1973), Dominican Republic (1965), Lebanon (1982-1984), Grenada (1983), Panama (1989), Gulf Way (1991), Somalia (1993), Bosnia (1994-1995), Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001-present), Iraq War (2003-2010). Lloyd Adams - Vietnam. George Aguilar Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Leroy Allen Sr. - Vietnam. An-Shike - 1800s - Scout. Alexis Anguiano - active - Army.. Jesse Anstett - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Larry Arthur - 1950s and Korea. Tracy Arthur - Vietnam. Clifford Arthure Sr. - WWII - Army. Assike - 1800s - Scout. Keith Baker - Vietnam - Army. Lewis Baker - WWI. Victor Barkley - Persian Gulf and 2000s - Navy. Cecil James Bettles - Viet- nam. Richard Biss - WWII. Freddie Blodgett Sr. - 1950s and Korea. George Boise - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Randolph Boise Sr. - Viet- nam. Stephen Boise - WWII. Daniel Brisbois - WWII. Daniel Broncheau - WWII. John Brown - 1980s to present. Lawrence Brown - WWII. Curtis Brown - WWII and Korea - Army. Bruce Brunoe Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Theodore Brunoe - 1950s and Korea. Garland Brunoe - Viet- nam - Army. Gilbert Brunoe - Viet- nam. Cecil Brunoe Sr. - WWII. Frank Brunoe - WWII. Linda Bryant - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Daniel Buckland - WWII. Anita Bryant - Persian Gulf and 1990s - Army. Tamera Calhoun-Coffee - Persian Gulf 1990s. Charles Calica - Vietnam. Joe Calica - WWII. Gordon Cannon - Vietnam - Army. Capolus - 1800s - Scout. Glenn Chamema - Persian Gulf and 1990s. William Chamema - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Chapman - 1800s - Scout. Fred Charles - 1950s and Ko- rea. Alvin Charley Sr. - WWII. Wesley Charley - WWII. Rain Circle - Persian Gulf 1990s - Army. Alfred Clark - WWII. James Coburn - 1950s and Korea. Lawrence Cohern - 1950s and Korea. Albert Comedown - 1950s and Korea. Cecil Conners - WWII. John Courtney - Persian Gulf and 1990s - Army. Terrence Courtney Jr. - Viet- nam. Daniel Craig Jr. - 1950s and Korea. Richard Craig - Vietnam. Preston Cree - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Culps - 1800s - Scout. Emerson Culpus Sr. - 1980s to present. Emerson Culpus Jr. - Per- sian Gulf and 1990s. Harold Culpus - WWII. Patrick Curley - WWII. Kenneth D. Curry - Viet- nam. Jim Chushingway - 1800s - Scout. Cushinwai - 1800s - Scout. Gerald Danzuka Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Kenneth Danzuka - 1950s and Korea - Army. Sheila Danzuka- 1990s - Army. Gerald Danzuka Jr. - Persian Gulf and 1990s - Army. Hamley Danzuka - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Hamley Danzuka - WWII. Orville Danzuka - WWII - Army. Sammy Danzuka - WWII - Army. Ellison David Sr. - Vietnam - Army. Philip David - Vietnam. Anthony David - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Harrison Davis Sr. - WWII and Korea. Mitchell Day - 1980s - Army. Benjamin Dick - WWII. Roscoe Dick - WWII. D Kalama - Vietnam. Levi Dowty - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Dry Creek Billy - 1800s - Scout. Lloyd Melvin Eder - WWII. Em-min - 1800s - Scout. Isaac Eqquiro -Persian Gulf 2000s - Marines. Joe Esterbrook - WWI. Elvis Frank - 1950s and Korea. Wilson Frank -1950s and Korea. Delbert Frank Sr. - WWII - Navy. Stanley Frank - WWII. Theodore W. Frank - WWII. Tony Fuentes - Vietnam. Aaron Gadberry - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Alphonso Garcia - WWII - Navy. Manual Garcia - WWII - Army. Old Man George - 1800s - Scout. Johnny George - 1950s and Korea. Allen Gilbert Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Tony Gilbert Sr. - Vietnam. Lasco Gilbert - WWII - Army. David Gonzales - Vietnam -Army. Ray Grabner - Vietnam. Elton Greeley - 1950s and Korea - Air Force. Hamilton Greeley - 1950s and Korea - Army/Air Force. Melvin Greeley - 1950s and Korea - Marines/Air Force. Levi Green - 1950s and Ko- rea - Army. David Greene - 1950s and Korea - Army. Eugene Greene Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Raymond Gruban - WWII. Johnny Guerin - Vietnam. Andrea Guerin - Army. Peter Hall - 1800s - Scout. Sammy Hatchet - WWI. Lundy Hawley - 1950s and Korea. Kelsey Haywahe - Persian Gulf 2000s. Eldred Heath - 1950s and Korea - Army. William Heath - 1950s and Korea. William Heath - Persian Gulf 2000s. Gaylord Heath - Vietnam. Kirby Heath Sr. - Vietnam. Roosevelt Heath - WWII - Army. Roy Heath Sr. - WWII - Army. Kathleen Heath-Foltz - 1950s and Korea. Leo Hellon - Vietnam. Moses Hellon - WWI. Richard Hellon - WWII. Wilkins Hellon - WWII - Marines. Edward Henderson - Per- sian Gulf and 1990s. Paul Henderson - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Joe Hening - 1800s - Scout. Vernon Henry - 1950s and Korea. Jerome Henry - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Elmer Henry - WWII - Navy. Lewis Henry Sr. - WWII - Army. Louis Henry - WWII - Army. Charles R. Herkshan - Viet- nam. Enos Herkshan - Vietnam. Buddy Hicks - 1980s - Ma- rines. William Spencer Hicks - WWII - Army. Tashna Hicks-Wert - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Hitsu - 1800s - Scout. Milton Holiday- 1950s and Korea - Army. Ray Lyle Holiday - Vietnam. Sherman Holiday - WWII - Army. Benjamin Holiday Jr. - WWII/Korea - Navy. Ray Evan Holliday - Viet- nam. Holliquilla - 1800s - Scout. Sims Holliquilla - WWII - Navy. Home-wak-itha - 1800s - Scout. Owhi Ike - 1800s - Scout. Lavena Ike - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Tyrone Ike - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Marvin Ike - Vietnam - Navy. Raylene Ike-Thomas - Per- sian Gulf and 2000s - Air Force. I-puk-pul - 1800s - Scout. Histo or John Jack - 1800s - Scout. Louise Jackson - 1950s and Korea. Max Jackson - WWII - Army. Zane Jackson - WWII - Navy. Steven James - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Lyman Jim - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Harvey Jim - Vietnam. Simon Bill John - Post WWI. Wilford Johns Jr. - Viet- nam. Cyril Johnson - 1950s and Korea - Air Force. Rueben Johnson Sr. - 1950s and Korea - Army. Rueben Johnson Jr. - Per- sian Gulf and 1990s. Vesta Johnson - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Maurice Johnson - WWII. Morris Johnson - WWII - Marines. Raymond Johnson Sr. - WWII - Army. Simon John Johnson - WWII - Army. Henry Martin Kalama II - 1950s and Korea - Army. Roland Kalama Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Aaron Kalama - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Larson Kalama Sr. - Viet- nam - Army. Ronald Kalama - Vietnam. Ross Kalama Jr. - Vietnam - Marines. Thomas Kalama - Vietnam. Perry Kalama - Vietnam / Korea - Marines. Francis Kalama - WWI. Henry Kalama Sr. - WWI - Army. Oliver Kalama - WWI. August Nicholas Kalama - WWII - Army. Charles Kalama - WWII - Army. Leonard Kalama - WWII - Army. Ross Kalama Sr. - WWII - Army. David Kalani - 1950s and Korea. Reginald Kalani - 1950s and Korea. Richard L. Kalani - 1950s and Korea. Ronald Kalani - 1950s and Korea. Jim Kane - 1800s - Scout. Ben Karpolis - 1800s - Scout. Daniel Katchia - 1800s - Scout. Danny Katchia - Vietnam. Kee-Yak-Ka-Kun - 1800s - Scout. Levi Keo - 1950s and Ko- rea. Spencer Keo - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Tommy Keo - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Oliver Kirk Sr. - Vietnam Era. Kish-Towash - 1800s - Scout. Elman Kishwalk - WWII - Army. John Klonox - 1800s - Scout. Charles Knight - WWII / Korea. Albert Kuckup - 1800s - Scout. Kuckup - 1800s - Scout. La-homes - 1800s - Scout. Lamot - 1800s - Scout. Joe Lane - 1800s - Scout. Larry Langley - Vietnam. Alan Langley - WWII. Eric Langnese - Persian Gulf and 2000s. Walter Langnese III - Vietnam. Louie LeClaire Jr. - 1950s and Korea. Dennis Leonard - Viet- nam. Uren Leonard Jr. - Viet- nam. Harold Lewis - WWII - Army. John Francis Lewis - WWII - Navy. Orville Lewis - WWII - Army. Edward Lucei Jr. - Per- sian Gulf and 2000s. Truman Lumpmouth Jr. - Persian Gulf nad 1990s - Navy. Truman Lumpmouth Sr. - Vietnam - Marines. Terry Luther - Vietnam. Lawrence Macy - Persian Gulf and 1990s. Vinson Macy - Vietnam. Dan Macy Sr. - WWII. Dan Macy Jr. - 1950s and Korea. Richard Macy - 1950s and Korea. Ed Manion - 1950s and Korea. Daniel Martinez - Viet- nam. Francisco Martinez - Viet- nam. Henry D. Martinez - Viet- nam. Minnie Smith McBride - 1800s - Scout. Jack McClelland - Viet- nam. Joseph McInturff Jr. - Korea. Donald McKay - 1800s - Scout. Charles McKay - 1950s and Korea. Ivan McKinley - Viet- nam. Oscar Meachem - 1800s - Scout. Samuel Meachem - 1800s - Scout. Clifford Meachem - WWII - Army. Roy Meachem - WWII - Army. Marvin Meanus Sr. - 1950s and Korea. Me-Tot-Spelia - 1800s - Scout. Ben Miller - 1800s - Scout. Lamtxsni Miller - 1800s - Scout. Old Miller - 1800s - Scout. Duane G Miller Sr. - 1950s and Korea.