Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 09, 2015, Page 5, Image 5

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
December 9, 2015
TERO, Gaming, Credit board positions
There are a number of
vacancies on various boards
of directors of the Confed-
erated Tribes.
The positions will be filled
by Tribal Council appoint-
There are five positions
open on the Warm Springs
Tribal Employment Rights
Office (TERO) Commission.
TERO works with con-
tractors in the region to en-
sure access to employment by
tribal members.
Some of the TERO Com-
mission duties include:
Reviewing contractor ap-
plications to certify that ap-
plicant is eligible for inclusion
in Indian Owned business di-
Certifying on-the-job train-
ing hours as recorded by of-
fice staff for tribal appren-
ticeship programs.
The commission may also
Travis Bobb is wishing Warm Springs the best of holiday seasons.
Tribal Council looks to fill vacancies on
Power & Water, Ventures, Composite boards
Tribal Council is looking
to fill two positions on the
Warm Springs Power and
Water Enterprise Board of
The vacancies call for one
tribal member and one non-
member. There are a total of
five members on the Power
and Water board.
The board meets for its
regular meeting on the
fourth Thursday in March.
Specials are called as deemed
The business and affairs
of Power and Water enter-
prise are controlled by the
board of directors.
If you are interested in
serving on this board, sub-
mit a letter of interest and
resume by no later than noon
on December 21, 2015.
Submit the letter and re-
sume to:
Glendon N. Smith, Secre-
P.O. Box 455
War m Springs, OR
97761. Or email:
Or you can fax to 541-
An authorization letter will
be mailed to all applicants
for a criminal and credit
background check, to be com-
pleted and returned to Sec-
retary-Treasurer office. In-
formation will be submitted
confidentially to the Secre-
Ventures board
There is one vacancy on
the Warm Springs Ventures
Board of Directors. The va-
cancy calls for a tribal mem-
ber or non-member.
There are a total of five
Ventures board positions. Ven-
tures is the economic devel-
opment enterprise of the
Confederated Tribes.
Applicants must be inter-
ested in the economic and so-
cial development of the tribe
and its membership, and pos-
sesses expertise in private in-
dustry, finance or banking, or
some other field which would
benefit the enterprise and the
Regular meetings of the
Ventures board are held on
the first Friday in the months
of February, May, August
and November. These meet-
ings are for the purpose of
reviewing the preceding three
months’ operations, making
plans for the ensuring three
months’ operations, and the
transaction of such other
business as my come before
the meeting.
The first regular meeting
in each fiscal year shall also
be the annual meeting of the
board of directors.
Special meetings may be
called as deemed necessary.
Letters of interest and re-
sumes of applicants must be
submit to the following ad-
dress by no later than noon
on December 21.
(Submission of letter and re-
sume same as above for Power
and Water.)
Two positions are open on
the Warm Springs Compos-
ite and Forest Products Indus-
try Board of Directors (com-
The vacancies call for one
tribal member and one non-
member. The board oversees
the operation of Composite
Products and WSFPI.
Letters of interest and re-
sumes of applicants must be
submitted no later than noon
on December 21, 2015.
(Submission of letter and re-
sume same as above for Power
and Water.)
conduct on-site visits if
such visits are a part of
their investigation for the
decision making process for
Letters of interest and
Resumes’ of applicants inter-
ested in serving on the TERO
Commission, submit to the
following address no later
than December 21 to:
Glendon Smith, S/T-CEO
P.O. Box 455
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Or email:
Fax: 541-553-2236
Authorization letter will be
mailed to all applicants for a
criminal and credit back-
ground check to be com-
pleted and returned to the
secretary-treasurer’s office.
Information will be submit-
ted confidentially to the S-T.
There are three positions
open on the Warm Springs
Casino and Resort Enterprise
Board of Directors. The po-
sitions are:
The business and affairs
of Warm Springs Casino and
Resort Enterprise is managed
and controlled by board of
(Letters of interest and re-
sumes of applicants, same as for
the TERO Commission.)
Credit enterprise
There is a vacancy on the
tribal Credit enterprise board
of directors - non-member
Class II.
Members of this board
must have a reputation for
industry, dependability, hon-
esty, and integrity.
(Letters of interest and re-
sumes of applicants, same as for
the TERO Commission.)
Tribal Council summary - Nov. 23
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Vice
Chair Evaline Patt, Carlos
Smith, Scott Moses, Reuben
Henry, Orvie Danzuka, and
Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
2. A motion was made by
Orvie approving the Decem-
ber agenda, subject to
change; second by Reuben.
Question; Joseph/yes, Scott/
yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/yes, Carlos/out
of the room, 7/yes, 0/no, 0/
abstain, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; motion carried.
3. Motion was made by
Orvie approving the Decem-
ber travel delegations with
subject to change; second by
Reuben. Question; Joseph/
yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes,
Carlos/out of the room, 7/
yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Vice
Chair not voting; motion car-
4. A motion was made by
Joseph adopting Resolution
No. 12,083 approving the
enrollment of seven individu-
als; second by Reuben. Ques-
Toy, clothing
drive for youth
A Warm Springs Holi-
day toy drive is under
way. The volunteer or-
ganizers are looking for
new, unwrapped toys,
coats, hats, mittens, etc.
These items are for
local children and youth
ages 2 to 17. You can
drop off items at the
War m Springs Media
Center, the Social Ser-
building, or at the Let’s
Talk Diversity office in
Madras. Drop boxes are
also located throughout
the community, and do-
nations will be accepted
through December 21.
Clif f ’ s Repair & Auto Sales
Free Towing
on $500 or
more invoice
Gaming and Resort
24 Hour Towing
330 S.W.
Culver Hwy.
Exhaust Shop
- High Performance Parts & Work - Diesel Repair -
RV Repair - Domestic & Foreign Cars - Engine Overhauls
Call 541-
tion; Joseph/yes, Carlos/out
of the room, Scott/out of
the room, Reuben/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes, 6/
yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room,
Vice Chair not voting; motion
5. A conference call was
held with Mr. Stan Speaks,
BIA Regional Director.
6. Legislative update calls
with Matt Hill and Michael
7. With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned at
2:15 p.m.