Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 25, 2015 Page 7 From the Office of the Special Trustee Winning Artists at Museum Avoiding invalid wills in Indian Country The Seattle University School of Law Institute for In- dian Estate Planning and Pro- bate focuses on wills and trusts issues in Indian Country. This the second part of an article regarding the perils of tribal members relying on ‘do-it- yourself ’ wills. The article, courtesy of the Institute for Indian Estate Planning and Probate, points out potential problem areas, and the benefits of valid wills and trusts in Indian Country: Courtesy photo. The Twenty-Second Annual Tribal Member Art Exhibit is now on display at the Museum at Warm Springs. Winning artists include Brigette McConville, Shaylene Macy, Brutis Baez, Tamera Moody, John Howe and Edward Heath. The museum is on winter hours, open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Shop locally on Small Business Saturday Local business owners are hoping residents will observe Small Business Saturday, coming up Nov. 28. Small businesses have the power to propel the local economy and uplift the com- munity. When our small busi- nesses do well, our commu- nity does well too. You can do your part with these simple steps: · Commit to making at least one purchase from a locally-owned small business retailer. You can also dine small at your local restaurant to usher in the new tradition of sup- porting local eateries too. For more information, check out sba.gov/ smallbusinesssaturday Mistakenly devising trust or restricted land by revocable trust. A revocable living trust is a common tool used by es- tate planning attorneys to avoid probate when a person dies. It also maintains client privacy. However, this tool is inappropriate to use for In- dian trust land or restricted property. The reason is that Indian trust land is already held in trust by the government. As trustee, the landowner has an equitable, but not legal, inter- est in the property. Because of this bifurca- tion of ownership, landown- ers are restricted. They can- not transfer the land to the trust or use the land to fund the trust. They also cannot include the trust or restricted real property in a testamen- tary trust for a child under 18. Unaware of all trust property owned. Some Indian landowners are unaware of all trust prop- erty they own. Thus, a closed probate case may have to be reopened years later. To find out if they have Indian trust land or restricted property, people will need to contact a fiduciary trust of- ficer at the Department of the Interior’s Office of Spe- cial Trustee for American Indians. Failing to include a re- siduary clause. A residuary clause is a pro- vision in a will that disposes of property not covered by other provisions, and is of- ten overlooked by those who choose to prepare a will on their own. A personal representa- tive is not needed for trust or restricted property. An appointed personal representative in a will man- ages the estate process under court supervision. In selecting a personal rep- resentative, you should con- sider whether the person is trustworthy, able and willing, available, and lives near you. Trust land can be passed without a will. Indians with simple es- tates, with only trust land, or who do not have immediate access to legal services, have the option to consolidate their interests by a gift deed. Will contests. Do-it-yourself Indian wills can be more susceptible to a will contest than a profession- ally drafted document, be- cause no one has reviewed it for accuracy and validity–or even for proper signing. One of the most popular ways to contest a will is to al- lege that the person who signed it did not have the minimum required legal ca- pacity to make a will or was subject to undue influence. While this does not guar- antee free sailing for a will, avoiding do-it-yourself wills certainly adds an extra layer of protection to the process. For more information con- tact the Office of the Special Trustee, 541-553-2409. Warm Springs Community Counseling Relapse Recovery - 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays. Summary of Tribal Council November 2, 2015 1. Roll Call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chair- man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice- Chair Evaline Patt, Raymond Tsumpti Sr., Reuben Henry, Kahseuss Jackson, Scott Moses, Orvie Danzuka, and Carlos Smith. Recorder– Alfredine Smith. 2. November 2015 Tribal Council Business Agenda. · Motion by Raymond to approve purchase of gift for Dennis Karnopp who is re- tiring. Fifty years of service to the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Second by Delvis. Question; Joseph/yes, Carlos/no, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes; 8 yes, 1 no, 0 abstain, Vice- Chair not voting; Motion Car- ried. · Motion by Joseph to ap- prove November 2015 Tribal Council Agenda. Subject to change. Second by Reuben. Question; Joseph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes; 9 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, Vice- Chair not voting; Motion Car- ried. · Motion by Carlos to hold General Council Meeting re- garding 2016 Proposed Bud- get, Thursday, November 12, 2015; Second by Scott. Question; Joseph/yes, Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes; 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, Chair not voting; Motion Carried. · The Proposed 2016 Fi- nalized Budget will be in- cluded in the Secretary-Trea- surer Update on November 16, 2015 at 9:00 AM. 3. Warm Springs Forest Products Industries Fire Sal- vage Resolution. · Motion by Raymond to adopt Resolution No. 12066 authorizing Warm Springs Forest Products Industries to take necessary action to har- vest fire salvage material for processing. Harvested timber will be counted against the re- maining annual allowable cut for 2015. Second by Reuben. Question; Joseph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes; 9 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, Vice- Chair not voting; Motion Car- ried. 4. November 2015 Travel Delegations. · Motion by Joseph to ap- prove November 2015 Tribal Council Travel Delegations. Second by Reuben. Question; Joseph/yes, Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of room, Orvie/yes, Raymond/ yes. 9 yes, 0 no, 1 out of room, Chair not voting; Mo- tion Carried. 5. Boards, Committees, Ad hoc for Judges and Commis- sioners. · One Class II Tribal Mem- ber Position Board of Direc- tors of Ventures. Motion by Scott to adopt Resolution No. 12067 appointing Charles V. Jackson to the Board of Di- rectors of Ventures. Second by Reuben. Question; Jo- seph/yes, Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes. Ten yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, Chair not voting; Motion Car- ried. · Motion by Kahseuss to adopt Resolution No. 12068 appointing Magdaleno “Chico” Holliday to the Wa- ter Control Board. Second by Reuben; Question; Joseph/ yes, Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes. 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, Chair not voting; Motion Carried. · Credit Board, Adhoc for Judges and Commissioners discussed. 6. Nathan Estate issue. · Motion by Carlos to table Nathan Estate Resolu- tion; Second by Joseph. Ques- tion; Joseph/yes, Evaline/ yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/ yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of room, Orvie/yes, Raymond/ yes. 9 yes, 0 no, 1 out of room. Chair not voting; Mo- tion Carried. 7. 2016 Budget · Secretary-Treasurer pre- sented Contingency Plan to the 2016 Proposed Tribal Budget which reflects the anticipated shortfall from Warm Springs Power Enter- prise dividend. 8. No other items on agenda. Meeting adjourned 5:06 PM. TERO, Casino & Resort, Credit board vacancies TERO board There are five positions open on the Warm Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office Commission - Warm Springs Ventures Economic Development Corp. The po- sitions will be filled by Tribal Council appointment. Some of the duties in- clude: 1. Review contractor ap- plications to certify that ap- plicant is eligible for inclusion in Indian Owned business directory. 2. Certify on-the-job train- ing hours as recorded by of- fice staff for tribal appren- ticeship programs. 3. The commission may conduct on-site visits if such visits are a part of their in- vestigation for the decision making process for appeals. 4. Develop procedures necessary to implement the provisions of this code that are consistent with this code. 5. Conduct an annual re- view of the code. The Commission will hold regular monthly meetings. Times and procedures for hearings will be set as neces- sary, when an appeal is filed on a sanction or decision of the Program Manager. The commission will be afforded annual training on hearing procedures and deci- sion making techniques. Letters of interest and Resumes’ of applicants inter- ested in serving on the TERO Commission, submit to the following address no later than noon on December 13, 2015: Glendon Smith, S/T-CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 Or email: lynn.davis@wstribes.org Fax: 541-553-2236 Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit back- ground check to be com- pleted & returned to the S/ T’s office. Information will be submitted confidentially to the S/T WSCRI Board There are three positions open on the Warm Springs Casino and Resort Enterprise Board of Directors. The po- sitions are: One non-member, Class 1 term expiring 12/31/16. One non-member and one tribal member - Class III terms expiring 12/31/18. The business and affairs of Warm Springs Casino and Resort Enterprise is managed and controlled by a Board of Directors. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are held not less often than quarterly for the purpose of reviewing the preceding three months’ operations, making plans for the ensuing three months’ operations, and the transac- tion of such other business as may come before the meeting. Letters of Interest and Resumes’ of applicants inter- ested in serving on the Board of Director, submit to the following address by no later than December 13, 2015: Glendon N. Smith, Secre- tary-Treasurer/CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit back- ground check to be com- pleted returned to Secretary- Treasurer’s office. Informa- tion will be submitted confi- dentially to the Secretary- Treasurer. Credit board There is a vacancy on the tribal Credit enterprise board of directors - non-member Class II. Members of the Board of Directors must have a repu- tation for industry, depend- ability, honesty, and integrity. It shall be an initial and con- tinuing qualification for mem- bers of the Board of Direc- tors that they have no loan with the Tribes that is in a de- linquent status. General Powers. The busi- ness and affairs of The En- terprise shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors. Regular Meetings. Regu- lar meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held quar- terly for the purpose of re- viewing the preceding three months’ operations, making plans for the ensuing three months’ operations, and the transaction of such other business as may come before this meeting. Letters of Interest and Resumes’ of applicants inter- ested in serving on the Board of Director, submit to the following address by no later than December 13, 2015: Glendon Smith, Secretary- Treasurer/CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit back- ground check to be com- pleted returned to Secretary- Treasurer’s office. Informa- tion will be submitted confi- dentially to the Secretary- Treasurer.