Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon September 30, 2015 Page 5 Archive: rare view of tribal history at Smithsonian (Continued from page 1) The archives collec- tion even includes pre- served roots, herbs and other foods, such as a kind of biscuit. The War m Springs team was able to give the museum staff the names and background on these items. They photographed as many objects as they could, and the museum staff made a video of the occasion. This project was made pos- sible through a Smithsonian Recovering Voices grant. Photos courtesy Warm Springs Culture and Heritage Bowl with carving of faces with no mouths. Val explains there is a Native legend about the Coyote giving the Indian people mouths. Nariyo Kono, Pam Cardenas, Val Switzler, Lori Switzler and Shayleen Macy during the trip to the Smithsonian Archives. Council seeking to fill two board positions Tribal Council is seeking to fill one position on the tribal Water Board, and one posi- tion on the Credit Enterprise Board of Directors. The Water Board con- sists of three positions, and is responsible for implement- ing the Reservation Water Management Plan. Primary function of the Water Board is to review all matters pertaining to the wa- ter resource to make recom- mendations to the Tribal Council in regards to making the Water Management Plan function, and to propose changes or improvements in water policy and the plan. The term for the vacant position ends in 2018. Letter of interest and resume should be submitted to the secretary-treasurer no later than October 9, 2015 (details below). The Credit Enterprise board also has a vacancy. This board has regular meets quarterly, and at times can call special meeting. The board overees the business and affairs of the Credit En- terprise. Members of the board must have a reputation for industry, dependability, hon- esty, and integrity. It shall be an initial and continuing quali- fication for members of the Board of Directors that they have no loan with the tribes that is in a delinquent status. Letter of interest and re- sume should be submitted to the secretary-treasurer no later than October 9, 2015. For both the Water and Credit board vacancies, sub- mit letter and resume to: Glendon Smith, Secretary- Treasurer/CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 Authorization letter will be mailed to all applicants for a criminal and credit back- ground check to be com- pleted and returned to secre- tary-treasurer’s office. Information will be sub- mitted confidentially to the S- T. For further information call Lynn Davis at 541-553- 3212.