Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 05, 2015, Page 5, Image 5

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
August 5, 2015
Page 5
Birth announcement
Old photos
Meko Muniz Wewa
Kelly Muniz Wewa and
Amy Lou Wewa are very
blessed and honored to an-
nounce the birth of their new
baby boy Meko Muniz
Wewa, born on July 15, 2015,
weiging 7 pounds 14 ounces,
(Continued from page 1)
She then shared the pic-
tures with the tribal For-
estry Department.
Vernon said he is going
to have some of the them
framed, and hang them at
Natural Resources or at
the administration building,
where people can enjoy
looking at them. These
days, only a very few el-
ders remember when the
CCC crews were on the
reservation, as this was
about 80 years ago.
and 20 1/2 inches, at 8:25
a.m. at St. Charles Hospital
in Bend.
Meko is the youngest of
six brothers and sisters, Lila,
Destiny, Kelly Jr., Isaiah, An-
gel and Adrian (Beebee).
Getting ready for kindergarten
The Education Committee
is having mini-workshops
geared toward 3-5 year olds.
The committee is helping to
get the future students ready
to read, and ready to enter
These workshops will be
held at the Community Cen-
ter August 18, 20, 25 and 27,
from 6-7 p.m. in the social
hall. At the end of the 4 ses-
sions, students will take home
nine books.
Kids will do art activities
related to the stories, and
family members will learn lit-
eracy tips from kindergarten
teachers, as well as what the
kids will be learning and
tested on in kindergarten.
Summer reading event next week
The Warm Springs Li-
brary is hosting a Summer
Reading event on Wednes-
day, August 12, at 11 a.m.
The Warm Springs Li-
brary is encouraging youth to
read this summer. Kids can
stop by the library anytime
to pick up a new book for
summer reading.
If you read a book and fill
out one of the Library’s Book
Slips, you can turn it in for a
prize. The more books you
read, the more slips you can
fill out and the more prizes
you win!
they don’t want to pay
$7,500? They may over-
charge us for purchasing the
house. Scott, value of the
house would be nil. No one
would buy the land, just the
house. If they raise the price
it gives us an OK to have
them move out, they are ac-
cessing it because we haven’t
made a big deal of it, they
don’t have a lease. Not sure
whose job it is, they shouldn’t
be allowed to be on the res-
ervation, we’re not here for
one family but we’re going to
make money for the Tribe.
If they don’t want their valu-
ables, that’s what we do is we
have them out then we can
lease to do fishing, that’s what
they’re doing now, they make
a lot of money every single
day on those. Kahseuss, we
don’t want to communicate
this, if they don’t take the
$7,500 but we want the one
year, we want to score what
we can. That house is prob-
ably 50 years old, we want to
utilize that for recreation, we
can make it and we can in-
crease the revenue from that
piece of land, nothing against
the family, just looking, try-
ing to be progressive on this
approach. Evaline, we have
a motion on the floor; Ques-
tion; Kahseuss/yes, Scott/
yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/no,
Orvie/no, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 3/yes, 2/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
8. A motion was made by
Orvie approving the Chair-
man to sign a letter to Sena-
tor Ferrioli regarding a
Pendleton blanket gift pre-
sented to him during the Pi-
Ume-Sha Governor’s dinner;
Second by Reuben; Question;
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
9. A motion was made by
Kahseuss adopting Resolution
no. 12,043, declaring a
drought on the Warm Springs
Reser vation; Second by
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
10. With no further dis-
cussion, the meeting ad-
journed at 4:00 PM.
Summary of Tribal Council meeting
July 6, 2015
1. Roll call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Alfred Smith
Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt,
Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jack-
son, Scott Moses, Reuben
Henry, Orvie Danzuka and
Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
2. Interviewed Secretary-
Treasurer Candidates.
3. A motion was made by
Orvie Danzuka amending
today’s agenda to add the
Education Committee pro-
posal to Spirit Mountain
Community Fund Tribal
Grant Program in place of
the BIA Update slot, and add
sponsorship to bring Jude
Schimmel to Warm Springs
as a motivational speaker;
Second by Reuben; Carlos,
this is the Education Com-
mittee but we had put them
on the agenda in June but it
didn’t come into fruition and
the 25 year agreement with
509J got bumped off the
agenda, maybe put it back on
for July, this table needs to
be on the same page; Ques-
tion; Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/
out of the room, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/out of the room,
6/yes, 0/no, 2/out of the
room, Vice Chair not voting;
Motion carried.
4. Spirit Mountain Com-
munity Fund Tribal Grant
· A motion was made by
Scott adopting Resolution no.
12,041 approving the Edu-
cation Committee to apply
for the grant from the Spirit
Mountain Community Fund;
Question; Kahseuss/yes,
Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Carlos/out of the
room, Raymond/out of the
room, Vice Chair not voting;
Motion carried.
5. Motivational speaker
sponsorship request:
· A motion was made by
Scott approving request from
the Youth Special projects to
sponsor Jude Schimmel as a
motivational speaker to come
to Warm Springs; Second by
Reuben; Or vie, (to Mike
Collins) what does youth spe-
cial projects usually cover?
Mike, educational purposes,
leadership forums, don’t have
to be specifically youth could
be community. Orvie, for the
year? Mike, last year we
didn’t have it fully spent out
but was close. Orvie, was
thinking along the lines to do
something like this and lose
out on another project if you
have the ability to take it out
of (Tribal Council) travel,
that’s’ why I was curious.
Kahseuss, what is the alloca-
tion? Mike, $50,000. Prob-
ably about $30,000 left; Ques-
tion; Kahseuss/yes, Scott/
yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Or vie/yes,
Raymond/out of the room,
Carlos/out of the room, 6/
yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room,
Vice Chair not voting; Motion
6. Office of Special
Trustee update was given.
7. Realty items:
· A motion was made by
Orvie to table the three items
today until the budget (land
purchases) is reconciled; Sec-
ond by Reuben; Question;
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Alfred/out of the
room, Raymond/out of the
room, Carlos/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
· A motion was made by
Scott to have the Secretary-
Treasurer work on the lease
for Mr. Lafferty (Resolution
no. 12,042) with that indica-
tion of $7,500 per year.
Kahseuss, I think that’s a
good strategy and have the
property person work on next
year to market it and giving
us a report what they think
we can do there if anything,
if we can take the $7,500, and
maybe get $15,000 instead of
status quo; Second by
Kahseuss; Evaline, the motion
is made by Scott to approve
the $7,500 lease and Lafferty
house for one year. Kahseuss,
Have property management
provide a report of potential
going forward. Orvie, if the
Laffertys own it, can they
look at marketing it? If they
own the building are we obli-
gated to buy it? Urbana, yes.
Kahseuss, is it appraised?
What’s it appraised at? Ur-
bana, the rental is $5,000.
Kahseuss, it’d still give us time
to figure out, assuming they
agree it’ll give us a year if we
acquire the building then
what does it cost? It gives us
time to maximize and time to
explore that piece of prop-
erty. Evaline, not sure if in-
creasing the amount, if some-
thing should be done, the
property is the Tribes’. The
house belonged to the railway
then sold to the Laffertys, so
to me, its $5,000 on the
house is what I’m thinking.
What kind of marketing can
we do on this house? The
thing I would be concerned
about is our relationship with
the Laffertys to all of a sud-
den they are charged $10,000
from $5,000. I put myself
in that position and I think
we need to think about this.
Kahseuss, they are not leas-
ing the house, they are leas-
ing the land, leasing it for ac-
cess for fishing. Evaline, so
what can we do? Kahseuss,
it’s obviously valuable if they
are willing to pay $5,000 per
year for it so I think the
Tribes, they are a great fam-
ily but we need to look after
the best interest of the Tribes.
To me it means seeking to
generate the maximum return
for our assets and this is an
asset. This is how I view it.
Orvie, I was asking, am glad
Scott asked the value of the
house. I see how Scott and
Kahseuss want to negotiate.
If they deny and can’t mar-
ket the house, we forego
about $17,000 and what di-
rection do we want to go if
At the Fishers Expo
Central Oregon Auto
& Truck Repair
85 SW Third St.,
Madras OR 97741
Chief Johnny Jackson visits with vendors from Warm Springs, Minnie Yahtin and Emily
Lucei, at the 2015 Tribal Fishers Expo in Hood River. Approximately 150 people
attended the event, hosted by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.