Page 8 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 22, 2015 Simnasho Summer Powwow The Simnasho community hosted the Hot Summer Nights Powwow, July 14-15. This was the Thirteenth Annual summer powwow at Simnasho, featuring a potluck barbecue, fun run/walk, drumming, powwow dancing, camping and an old fashion good time. Jayson Smith photos. Hoops tourney Resolution: Transportation (Continued from page 7) Whereas the BIA requires a Tribal Council resolution to submit the TIP for IRR projects for fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 accordingly, the projects are listed below in the order of priority to use funding when it becomes available. These projects are listed in “Exhibit A” with the estimated fund- ing amount; and, Whereas the road design and construction projects listed above are an integral part of the future of Warm Springs housing plans, school bus routes and transportation system; and, Whereas these projects have been designated as part of the BIA roads inventory and the BIA has identified the funding source for the design and construction of these projects will be through the Indian Reservation Roads Program under the Tribal Transportation Program un- der the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act, administered by the Fed- eral Highways Administration; and, Whereas the War m Springs Planning Depart- ment, Project Engineering Department and the BIA es- timate that the cost to design and construct these projects is approximately $6,049,000; that an actual cost proposal will be negotiated for the pur- pose of entering into a con- tract between the BIA and the Warm Springs Project Engi- neering Department; and for which Advance Payment Schedule Process for funding shall be requested: and, Whereas the War m Springs Planning Department has been designated the Trans- portation Planner for the Warm Springs Reservation, and the Planning Department shall be responsible to ensure that the good of the public is served through responsible engineering and construction; and, Whereas these projects can best be expedited and ac- complished by the Tribe, by and through its Planning De- partment, acting pursuant to a Public Law 93-638 contract with the BIA and by utilizing materials located on the Warm Springs Reservation and in close proximity to the projects; and, Whereas construction of these road projects will re- quire the Tribe to grant rights of way across tribally owned trust land; and, Whereas the Tribal Coun- cil believes that the process of obtaining the necessary rights of way across Tribal land to construct the road projects listed above should be facilitated and expedited; and, Whereas, in order to fa- cilitate the granting of rights of way to construct these projects the Tribal Council wishes to authorize and del- egate to the Chairman, or Vice Chairman, and the Sec- retary-Treasurer/CEO the authority to execute any and all rights of way across Tribal land required to construct the road projects listed above subject to the approval of the Secretary (BIA) [25 U.S.C. Section 323]; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Sixth Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (a) and (d) of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws, that the Tribal Council request a contract under authority of Public Law 93-638, to design and construct the above refer- enced road projects hereby designated as the Tribal TIP for fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019; and, Be it further resolved that the Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO, or his authorized des- ignee, is hereby authorized to make application for, negoti- ate and execute said contract and any amendments thereto, on behalf of the Tribe; and, Be it further resolved that this authorization and cost estimate shall remain in full force and effect until oth- erwise updated, amended or rescinded by subsequent Tribal Council resolution; and, Be it further resolved Tribal Council requests that the BIA secure the necessary rights-of-way for the use of the individually and/or Trib- ally owned lands required to construct the road projects listed herein; and, Be it further resolved the Tribal Council Chairman or Vice Chairman and Secre- tary-Treasurer/CEO are hereby authorized to execute any and all rights-of-way documents on behalf of the Tribe that may be required to construct the projects listed in this resolution subject to the approval of the Secretary (BIA), [25 U.S.C. Section 323]; and, Be it further resolved Tribal Council hereby waives any compensation for the rights of way across Tribal land authorized by this Reso- lution and required by any of the road projects listed in this resolution. (Resolution 12,039.) The Grand Ronde Native Youth 3-on-3 Tournament is August 14-16, open to middle and high school students. To register contact Kendra Steele at 503- 879-1921. Or email: Student summer food service The Jefferson County 509- J School District is offering their Summer Food Service Program at the Warm Springs Youth Center. Breakfast is served 8:30- 9 a.m., and lunch is from 12 to 12:30. The entrance is the east door of the old War m Springs Elementary by the playground and basketball court. All youth 18 and younger can eat for free. (Answer key in the next Spilyay)