Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 22, 2015, Page 7, Image 7

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
July 22, 2015
Page 7
Resolutions of Tribal Council
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil approved Resolution No.
11,792, the Proclamation of
the Twenty-Sixth Tribal Coun-
cil; and,
Whereas the people have
the need and have expressed
the desire to maintain and ad-
vance their status as a sover-
eign people through preser-
vation of their culture, tradi-
tions, beliefs, and values, care
of tribal lands and natural re-
sources, and pursuit of sov-
ereign interests and treaty
protection; and,
Whereas the Twenty-
Sixth Tribal Council recog-
nizes and supports the
people’s desire for improve-
ments in the areas described
and is committed to provide
the leadership required to ac-
complish these goals; and,
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil will develop, review and ap-
prove a plan to restructure
and build the Tribe’s higher
education program in order
to improve tribal academic
perfor mance and cultural
preservation; and,
Whereas the Tribal Edu-
cation Committee is directed
to work with Tribal agencies
and departments to improve
and expand vocational train-
ing and workforce develop-
ment programs; and,
Whereas the Tribal Edu-
cation Committee is directed
to work with Tribal agencies
and departments to develop
and fund internships, appren-
ticeships, youth employment,
and career development op-
portunities; and,
Whereas the Tribal Edu-
cation Committee is directed
to work with Tribal agencies,
departments, and Jefferson
County School District 509J
to improve preparation, per-
formance, and achievement
of K-12 students attending
Jefferson County public
schools including measuring
and monitoring academic per-
formance; and,
Whereas the Tribal Edu-
cation Committee is directed
to work with Tribal agencies,
departments, and Jefferson
County School District 509J
to implement language and
cultural curriculum in
Jefferson County public
schools; now, therefore,
Be it resovled by the
Twenty-Sixth Tribal Council
of the Confederated Tribes
of the Warm Springs Reser-
vation of Oregon, pursuant
to the Tribal Constitution and
By-Laws, Article V, Section 1,
declares that Education is a
priority as stated in Resolu-
tion No. 11,792 and hereby
approves the preparation and
submission of a grant appli-
cation, by Education Com-
mittee to the Spirit Mountain
Community Fund Tribal
Grant Program. (Resolution
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil has been advised by Tribal
Staff, the Tribal Water Con-
trol Board, as well as the rel-
evant Tribal Committees, that
the lack of snowpack in the
mountains and rainfall
throughout the Reservation
have combined to create the
worst drought conditions on
the Warm Springs Reserva-
tion since measurements have
been kept beginning in 1976;
Whereas Tribal Staff
have advised Tribal Council
that the extremely low snow-
pack and lack of rainfall have
resulted in historic low
streamflow measurements in
the War m Springs River,
Shitike Creek and Beaver
Creek; and,
Whereas Tribal Council
has also been advised that the
current severe drought con-
ditions on the Reservation
will threaten and cause dam-
age to fish and wildlife re-
sources, agricultural produc-
tion, domestic water re-
sources, cultural resources,
and other natural and human
resources on the Reserva-
tion; and,
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil has determined that ex-
traordinary measures must be
taken to alleviate and mitigate
the damage to natural and hu-
man resources on the Reser-
vation caused by the current
drought; and,
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil believes that a Tribal
Council Declaration of a
Drought Emergency for the
Warm Springs Indian Reser-
vation would assist in bring-
ing financial and in-kind aid
to the Reservation from fed-
eral, state, and other sources
to deal with the current
drought; now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the
Twenty-Sixth Tribal Council
of the Confederated Tribes
of the Warm Springs Reser-
vation of Oregon, pursuant
to Article V, Section 1 (a), (f),(l,
(t) and (u) of the Tribal Con-
stitution and By-Laws, that
the Tribal Council hereby De-
clares and Proclaims a
Drought Emergency within
the exterior boundaries of the
Warm Springs Indian Reser-
vation; and,
Be it further resolved by
the Tribal Council that Tribal
Staff and Departments are
hereby directed to take all
appropriate and necessary
regulatory and enforcement
steps and measures consistent
with Tribal Law to address
and mitigate the current
Drought Emergency; and,
Be it further resolved by
the Tribal Council that Tribal
Raymond, Chair, our
attorney’s would need to be
contacted to draft the char-
ter and the ordinance, prob-
ably Dennis. Eugene, noted
and shared this with Mike.
Raymond, and that members
can only be seated in one or
the other board, not both.
6. Kah-Nee-Ta High
Desert Resort update was
7. The Museum at Warm
Springs update was given.
8. With no further busi-
ness, the meeting adjourned
at 4:30 p.m.
Program in place of the BIA
Update slot, and add sponsor-
ship to bring Jude Schimmel
to Warm Springs as a moti-
vational speaker; Second by
Reuben; Carlos, this is the
Education Committee but we
had put them on the agenda
in June but it didn’t come into
fruition and the 25 year agree-
ment with 509J got bumped
off the agenda, maybe put it
back on for July, this table
needs to be on the same page;
Kahseuss/out of the room,
Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of
the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 2/out
of the room, Vice Chair not
voting; Motion carried.
4. Spirit Mountain Com-
munity Fund Tribal Grant
· A motion was made by
Scott adopting Resolution no.
12,041 approving the Educa-
tion Committee to apply for
the grant from the Spirit
Mountain Community Fund.
Question; Kahseuss/yes,
Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Carlos/out of the
room, Raymond/out of the
room, Vice Chair not voting;
Motion carried.
5. Motivational speaker
sponsorship request:
· A motion was made by
Scott approving $5,000 from
the Youth Special projects to
sponsor Jude Schimmel as a
motivational speaker to come
to Warm Springs; Second by
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/out of the room,
Carlos/out of the room, 6/
yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room,
Vice Chair not voting; Motion
6. Office of Special
Trustee update.
7. Realty items:
· A motion was made by
Orvie to table the three items
Staff and the Office of the
are hereby directed to pursue
and seek any and all financial
and in-kind resources avail-
able from federal, state, or
other sources to assist the
Tribe with the current
Drought Emergency. (Resolu-
tion 12,043.)
Whereas the Tribal Coun-
cil is the governing body of
the Confederated Tribes of
the Warm Springs Reserva-
tion of Oregon (War m
Springs Tribe or Tribe); and,
Whereas the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) and the
Warm Springs Tribe have
recognized the need to sub-
mit the priority list for the
Tribal Transportation Im-
provement Program (TIP)
for Indian Reservation Road
(IRR) projects for fiscal year
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and
2019 and Tribal Council ap-
proval of the TIP by reso-
lution is required for BIA
funding; and,
(Resolution continues on 8)
Summary of Tribal Council
The following is a summary
of the minutes of the June 16
Tribal Council meeting (full min-
utes available at the Council of-
fice at the administration build-
1. Roll Call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Chief Alfred Smith, Jr.,
Chairman Eugene Greene,
Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt,
Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jack-
son, Scott Moses (9:40),
Reuben Henry, Or vie
Tsumpti. Minnie Yahtin,
2. Warm Springs Power &
Water Enterprise update was
3. Credit Enterprise up-
date was given.
4. Warm Springs Housing
update was given.
5. Indian Head Casino:
· A motion was made by
Raymond to separate Kah-
Nee-Ta and Indian Head
Casino Enterprises Board of
Directors; Second by
Evaline; Eugene, further dis-
cussion; Kahseuss, I think at
the end of the day we’re all
concerned about the same
thing, maximizing our return
for our tribal membership
and our primary sources of
revenue is from the enter-
prises. I think every enter-
prise wants to be profitable.
I think in Kah-Nee-Ta’s case
when the casino was taken
away from there, there was a
void and they needed capital
to get on their feet. I’m hop-
ing going forward that can
occur and hoping there’s a
plan and then at some point
this can be separated, just not
sure if it’s in two years from
now or what that looks like. I
wanted to say that and think
we can all agree that each of
our enterprises should be able
to survive on their own, and
I also understand and can
appreciate the need to put
resources into Kah-Nee-Ta to
allow them to get to that point
to do that, to be self-sustain-
ing. As far as Raymond’s mo-
tion I personally would like
to see some analysis on what
it would look like. There are
legal questions, and think it
would provide good informa-
tion for this table in consid-
ering such a motion. Scott,
I’m not sure how you’re sup-
posed to save money by do-
ing that. The other thing is
when you take out about $30
to $50 million out of a ca-
sino/resort without any capi-
tal improvements, I’m not
sure how you’re expected to
survive. I’ll blame whoever
supported that project (Cas-
cade Locks), and allowed to
continue for far longer than
it should have. You dump
that kind of money into
something and neglect every-
thing else, you get what you
get. Raymond, I supported
gaming on behalf of the
membership and not Cascade
Locks. Scott, go back to the
Minutes. Eugene, further dis-
cussion? Raymond, for
Kahseuss, as to whether or
not its legal or not or what-
ever, we can go back to 1995
to 2001 where it was the two
enterprises were merged. Six
years they were separate so
was nothing illegal about that
at all. It just got to the point
where we couldn’t afford two
and there was a lot of con-
cern of duplication, which
resulted in the merging of the
two. But now that they are
physically separated it ought
to be one board per enter-
prise. Eugene, further discus-
sion? Kahseuss, my question
didn’t just revolve on the le-
gality of this issue, but think
that information would be
important for Tribal Council
to consider before deciding
rather than just jumping in to
that. To me, when you oper-
ate like that you weigh the
options, you identify the op-
tions, paint the picture then
it’d be easier to make the de-
cision. Eugene, further discus-
sion?; Question; Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Carlos/abstain,
Kahseuss/abstain, Scott/no,
Reuben/no, Delvis/yes,
Or vie/no,
Raymond/yes, 5/yes, 3/no,
2/abstain, Chairman not vot-
The following is a summary of
the minutes of the July 6 Tribal
Council meeting:
1. Roll: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Alfred Smith,
Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt,
Carlos Smith, Kahseuss Jack-
son, Scott Moses, Reuben
Henry, Orvie Danzuka and
Raymond Tsumpti. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
2. Interviewed Secretary-
Treasurer Candidates:
· Tribal Council voted by
secret ballot selecting
Glendon Smith as Secretary-
3. A motion was made by
Orvie Danzuka amending
today’s agenda to add the
Education Committee pro-
posal to Spirit Mountain Com-
munity Fund Tribal Grant
Holliday St.
today until the budget (land
purchases) is reconciled; Sec-
ond by Reuben; Question;
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Alfred/out of the
room, Raymond/out of the
room, Carlos/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
· A motion was made by
Scott to have the Secretary-
Treasurer work on the lease
for Mr. Lafferty (Resolution
no. 12,042) with that indica-
tion of $7,500 per year. Sec-
ond by Kahseusss. Question;
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/no,
Orvie/no, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 3/yes, 2/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
8. A motion was made by
Orvie approving the Chair-
man to sign a letter to Sena-
tor Ferrioli regarding a
Pendleton blanket gift pre-
sented to him during the Pi-
Ume-Sha Governor’s dinner;
Second by Reuben; Question;
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
A motion was made
by Kahseuss adopting Reso-
lution no. 12,043, declaring a
drought on the Warm Springs
Reser vation; Second by
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/out of
the room, Carlos/out of the
room, Alfred/out of the
room, 5/yes, 0/no, 3/out of
the room, Vice Chair not vot-
ing; Motion carried.
10. With no further dis-
cussion, the meeting ad-
journed at 4 p.m.
Call 541-