Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon 2 boards for KNT and Indian Head Indian Head Casino and Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Spa will have two separate boards of directors. This action is by majority vote of the Tribal Council. Indian Head and Kah- Nee-Ta have been under one board of directors, the Warm Springs Casino and Resort board. The casino for more than a decade was located at Kah- Nee-Ta. Indian Head moved to its current Highway 26 lo- cation in 2012. With the casino and resort at two different locations, they should have separate boards of directors, the ma- jority on Council agreed. The current tribal mem- bers on the Warm Springs Casino and Resort board are Jason Smith, chair man, Priscilla Frank and J.P. Patt. Indian Head Casino is in the process of securing a bank loan to develop a truck stop, restaurant and conve- nience store at the Madras industrial park. This venture has the po- tential for new revenue of up to $2.5 million annually for the tribes, according to the business estimates. The Tribal Council vote approving the Casino and Resort loan proposal, on June 2, for the truck stop was unanimous among those vot- ing. An issue that came up last at Council is whether the ac- tion separating the casino and the resort boards might com- plicate the loan process. Tribal attorney Howie Arnett said he is hopeful that the loan can still go through. (See the statement from the Tribal Council chairman below.) Truck stop plan The tribes have 10 acres of trust land at the Madras Industrial Park. The property has had no profitable use in several years Statement from Tribal Council Tribal Council On June 16 made a motion to sepa- rate Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Spa and Indian Head Casino, to create independent boards for each enterprise. The Warm Springs Casino Resort Enterprise last week made a presentation to Tribal Council requesting that the motion be reconsidered. The board’s primary con- cern was regarding a loan that the Casino and Resort board is seeking in the amount of $10 million. This loan includes $6.5M for construction of the pro- posed travel center, $2.5 mil- lion for Kah-Nee-Ta remod- eling, and the remaining $1 million to Indian Head Ca- sino for purposes of pre-plan- ning and pre-construction for the travel center, and casino infrastructure improvements. The resort also needs to resolve a $1.2 million debt to the Confederated Tribes. When the loan moves for- July 22, 2015 Birthday invitation Meanwhile, about 1,000 people work at the Madras Industrial Park, and many more travel by on Highway 26. A truck stop-restaurant- convenience store would be a destination for long-haul truckers, and other drivers looking for the best gas prices, according to the de- velopment plan. The truck stop could be in operation by the summer of 2016. Dur- ing the first full year of op- eration, the revenue projec- tion is almost $2 million. The next year the net income is projected at over $2 million. To family and friends of Arlene Boileau: Please join the family at the Brunoe residence on Urban Lane off Highway 26, this Saturday, July 25 from 2-5 p.m., to celebrate Arlene’s birthday. We look forward to sharing our mother’s birth- day, and we want you to join us. Our Mother is lov- ing, and deeply loves her tribal community. We want you to join us and shower her with love and attention on her special day. Woohoo! Happy Birthday, ward, Indian will be respon- sible for paying back the loan, including the portion for the resort. Like other tribal enter- prises, the Warm Springs Ca- sino and Resort board is re- sponsible for making deci- sions for the enterprise, in- cluding fiscal, strategic plan- ning, and investment, as well as reporting on a regular ba- sis to the Tribal Council. During their presentation, the board indicated that with- out the loan, Kah-Nee-Ta would not have enough cash flow to stay open beyond Oct. 1. However, it is impor- tant to clarify that the board did not state that the enter- prise would be shut down, and the Tribal Council looks forward to hearing the Casino and Resort board plan to en- sure that the resort remains Mom. From Arlene’s daugh- ters Toto, Relda, Wakush, and Susie. profitable, provides jobs, and contributes to the local economy and the tribe, with- out the continued financial support from Indian Head. Tribal Council and man- agement continue work to ensure that the loan goes for- ward, and Council will keep tribal membership updated on this important matter. Council Chairman Eu- gene Austin Greene Jr. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, July 23 On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Func- tional Fitness Class in the Community Center Social Hall, Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics Room, and Volley- ball in the Community Center gym. The weight rooms at the center are open 8 a.m.–5 p.m. today. Community Counseling has an Alcoholics Anony- mous meeting today at noon. An Alcohol Education Sup- port Group meets this after- noon from 3-4 at Community Counseling. There is a Narcotics Anonymous meeting this evening at 6 at the Warm Springs Shaker Church. Friday, July 24 The Warm Springs Out- door Market is today from 11a.m. til 2 p.m. at the Com- munity Action Team building on campus. Today at the community center there will be open gym, archery and golf for ac- tivities. In the game rooms its Free Play Friday, and in Carol’s room there will be popcorn and a movie. At the Warm Springs Boys & Girls Club there is a choice of indoor and outdoor play to- day along with time in the gym, the game room and do- ing art. TRAIL (Together Raising Awareness of Indian Life) will do healthy snack making at 2 this afternoon. Fitness Opportunities to- day include: a campus walk break stating at the Diabetes Prevention Office at 10 a.m. Also at 10 there is Senior Fit- ness Class at the Senior Cen- ter. At noon there is basket- ball in the community center gym and Functional Fitness in the Aerobics Room. And at the Health and Wellness Center, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. Saturday, July 25 There is an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Satur- day mornings at 10am at Warm Springs Community Counseling. The Museum at Warm Springs is having their annual Boomer Classic fundraiser golf tournament today at Kah- N ee-Ta. Contact the Museum for details 553-3331. The Madras Saturday Market is open 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. today at Sahalee Park. The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Pres- byterian Church. They are open today from 11:30-1:30. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-per- ishable food or cash Monday, July 27 At the Boys & Girls Club, kids have a choice of games or an activity in the gym each morning with an outside ac- tivity before lunch. Afternoons feature Small group activities, outside play, art and choices to participate in gym activities or play games. Today on the summer rec- reation schedule there is basketball, knock out, and 3- point shootout for activities. This week’s featured game is Headbandz in the game room, and in Carol’s room they will be working on the garden followed with arts and crafts. Thrusday’s field trip is to the zoo; remember to sign up at the recreation office. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation Program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. If you or someone you knows may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employment advancement, you can learn more at an ori- entation or call 553-4952. The Jefferson County School District 509-J Board of Directors meet tonight at 7 p.m. at the Support Services Building in Madras. Fitness Opportunities to- day include: a campus walk break stating at the Diabetes Prevention Office at 10 a.m. Also 10 there is Senior Fit- ness Class at the Senior Cen- ter. At noon there is basket- ball in the community center gym and Function Fitness in the Aerobics Room. And at the Health & Wellness Cen- ter, Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. Community Counseling has their Aftercare Relapse Support Group today at 5:30. Adult Soaring Butterflies & Warrior Spirit class is held Mondays from 2-4 at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Prevention Room. Class includes cul- turally based teachings, crafts & learning activities. To learn more call 553-3205. Tuesday, July 28 On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Functional Fitness Class in the Commu- nity Center Social Hall, Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics Room, and Volleyball in the community center gym. Community Counseling has an Alcoholics Anony- mous meeting at noon today. There’s a Community Cleanup Project at the Warm Springs Boys and Girls Club on from 8 till noon. Refresh- ments and tools will be pro- vided for anyone who wants to help. Community Counseling has their Relapse – Anger Resolution Group for adults today from 5:30-7:30. Pacific Power will have a free workshop on energy effi- ciency and lowering electric bills. It’s from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Inn at Cross Keys Station in Madras. On the summer recre- ation schedule today there is horseshoes, dodgeball, and golf for activities. In the game room its’ tournament Tues- day don’t forget to sign in daily. In Carol’s Room they will have arts and crafts fol- lowed with yoga. There’s Bingo at the old elementary school, plus prizes and pizza starting at 3 p.m. Soaring Butterflies and Warrior Spirit class is this afternoon from 4-6 p.m. at Community Counseling in their prevention room. This is for all youth third grade and up. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation Pro- gram has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Community Coun- seling. if you or someone you knows may have a disability that is a “barrier” to employ- ment or employment ad- vancement, you can learn more at an orientation or call 553-4952. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Seventh Street. They are open for distribution this af- ternoon. All food banks and pantries do take donations of non-perishable food or cash. Managing Diabetes Class is today from 10-11 a.m. at the Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center Kitchen Conference Room. Everyone is welcome and no sign up is required. Culture & Heritage is offer- ing Adult Cultural Classes this summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Today they will do beaded loom work. Community Counseling’s Men’s Support Group meets today at 3. This is a closed group. The Jefferson County Li- brary Rodriguez Annex in Ma- dras will show a Movie Mati- nee today.The Incredibles will be shown at 2pm. Wednesday, July 29 The Women’s Group at Community Counseling meets today at 1 p.m.will meet every Wednesday for ten sessions