Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon July 8, 2015 Page 5 Jayson Smith photos. Pi-Ume-Sha 2015 Wild Horse Racers at Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo. Gran Entry (above and at top). Traditional Dress Parade. Alyssa Macy/Spilyay Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo winners Pi-Ume-Sha weekend fea- tured two days of rodeo events. Here are results from the Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo: Saturday, June 28 Calf Roping First: Casey Green, Warm Springs, 8.98 Second: Clinton Bruised- head, Warm Springs, 10.03 Third: Jordan Dove, Centerville, Wash., 11.19 Fourth: Mike Holyan, Warm Springs, 13.43 Fifth: Cody Barney, Kla- math Falls, 17.32 Sixth: Bass Williams, Omak, Wash., 18.7 Steer Wrestling First: Stanley Wentz, White Swan, 6.76 Second: Chance Guerrero, Wadsworth, Nev., 6.84 Team Roping First: Cody Barney, Kla- math Falls, and Justin Tom, Warm Springs, 5.49 Second: Brooks Dahozy and Ty Green, Warm Springs, 6.23 Third: Mike Holyan, and Justin Tom, Warm Springs, 7.37 Fourth: Bob Joseph, Oakdale, Calif., and Mel Jo- seph, Lone Pine, Caslif., 7.59 Fifth: Jesse Reese, Warm Springs, and Denny Nagel, White Swan, 8.87 Sixth: Bass Williams, and Oliver Williams, Omak, Wash., 9.27 Thank you The Forty-Sixth Annual Piumesha All Indian Ro- deo was again a success- ful event. It could not have happened without the support of our spon- sors: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Indian Head Casino, Kah- Nee-Ta Resort and Spa, Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprises, Warm Bishop, Calif.: 5.76 Second: Buster Monroe, White Swan, 8.56 Third: Denton Williams, Schurz, Nev.: 4.45 Fourth: Jace Spoonhunter, Bishop, Calif.: 6.59. Linda Warren Larson photo. Clint Bruised Head at Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo. Ladies Breakaway First: Casie Bahe, Grantsville, Utah, 3.13 Second: Kate Valdez, Glenwood, Wash., 3.3 Third: Annette Moses, White Swan, 3.76 Fourth: Lea Belgard, Bishop, Calif., 4.11 Fifth: Sarah Torrez, White Swan, 4.35 Sixth: Courtney Frazier, Touchet, Wash., 4.43 Ladies Barrel Race First: Cloey Frazier, Touchet, 17.181 Second: Annie Quinn Barney, Klamath Falls, 17.415 Third: Vail Carter, Woody, Calif., 17.788 Fourth: Dottie Marchand, Omak, 17.941 Fifth: Melissa Louis, Omak, 18.194 Sixth: Cassie Bahe, Grantsville, Utah, 18.201 Sunday, June 28 Senior Team Roping First, Tod Cline, Sparks, Nev., and Carl Johnson, Schurz, Nev.: 7.85. Second: Oliver Pimms, White Swan, Wash., and Joe Moses, White Swan: 8.39. Third: Herman Anderson, Beaty, and Tod Cline, Sparks: 8.55. Fourth: Oliver Pimms, White Swan, and Jerry Parrish, Klamath Falls: 9.88. Fifth: Bob Joseph, Oakdale, Calif., and Mel Jo- seph, Lone Pine, Calif.: 12.11. Sixth: Herman Anderson, Beaty, and Allen Forman, Chiloquin: 12.88. Junior Barrels First: Vicky Valdez, Glenwood, Wash.: 13.21. Second: JB Bruisedhead, Warm Springs: 29.19. Third: Annie Quinn Barney, Klamath Falls, 7.162 Fourth: Emma Paterson, 18.496 Springs Composite Prod- ucts, the Warm Springs tribal attorneys. Thank you Johnny Guerin Logging for the water truck, and to Casey Green for watering and keeping the dust down. Thank you to the Warm Springs Ambulance and EMTs for being on hand, and to all of our volun- teers and our Association members. Thank you. Cheryl Tom Fifth: Isabella Timentwa, Omak, Wash.: 18.497 Sixth: Brinley Holyan, Warm Springs: 20.250 Junior Steer Riding First: Marcel Allen, Keizer, 24.365. Second: Dionte Cloud, White Swan, 24.819 Wild Horse Race First: Jason Smith Team, 80. Second place tie: Dustin Suppah Team and Clayton Smith Team, 65. Senior Breakaway Roping First: Bob Joseph, Oakdale, Calif.: 15.89. Second: Pete Bruisedhead, Standoff, Alberta, Canada. Third: Joe Moses, White Swan, 3.58. Fourth: Jerry Parrish, Kla- math Falls: 3.74. Fifth: Tod Cline, Sparks, 3.83. Sixth: Francis Bahe, Grantsville, Utah: 3.95. Junior Breakaway First: Blaine Spoonhunter, Alyssa Macy/Spilyay