Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon June 10, 2015 Page 7 Summary of Tribal Council - May 26 Truck stop: study shows great business opportunity Dave McMechan/Spilyay Truck stop development site at the Madras Industrial Park, formerly used by W.S. Forest Products Industries. (Continued from page 1) The Gaming feasibil- ity study shows the truck stop as an obvious busi- ness opportunity for the tribes. About 1,000 people work at the Madras In- Sea lions: (Continued from page 5) Sea lion abundance in the lower Columbia River has seen a tenfold increase over the last three years, increas- ing from about 200 to nearly 2,500 this spring, according to CRITFC research. Predation in the Bonneville dam tailrace in 2015 was over 8,000 salmon and steelhead, more than double the average from the last several years. In 2014, state Fish and Wildlife estimated that sea li- ons below Willamette Falls consumed 8 percent of the dustrial Park, and many more travel by on Highway 26. The stop would be a desti- nation for long-haul truckers, and other drivers looking for the best gas prices. The truck stop could be in operation by the summer of 2016. During the first full year of operation, the revenue projection is close to $2 million. The following year the net income is over $2 million. The Council action on Tuesday also approved an HB 564 would provide some control wild, endangered Willamette River spring chinook run, and 13 percent of the wild, en- dangered steelhead run. “We know from experience that unchecked sea lion pre- dation can wipe out an entire run of fish, as they did to Lake Washington winter steel- head,” said Warm Springs Councilman Carlos Smith, Chairman of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com- mission. “We simply can’t allow that to happen in the Columbia Basin,” he said. “This prob- lem can be addressed, but we need the right tools. Congress can provide some of those tools by passing H.R. 564.” Fifteen years ago it was ex- tremely rare to see a sea lion at Bonneville Dam or Willamette Falls, said Bruce Polley, vice president of the Coastal Conservation Asso- ciation Oregon. “The huge influx of sea lions entering the Columbia and Willamette, and the re- sulting impacts on our fish populations is an unnatural and unprecedented threat,” Public Notices East Beaver Time Sale The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Branch of Natural Resources- Forestry will be seeking tribal mem- ber input on the 2017-2019 East Beaver Timbersale Project. There will be 2 Public Scoping meetings. The first will be on June 17, 2015, at the Agency Longhouse, from 1- improvement plan for Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Spa. The resort has not seen signifcant improvement in about 12 years, while the resort industry standard is about half that time. 4 p.m. The second will be on June 18, 2015, at the Simnasho Longhouse, 4-7 p.m. Light meal and bev- erages will be pro- vided. All tribal mem- bers are encouraged to attend, and give in- put on the project area. Any questions, please contact Branch of Forestry 541-553-8200. The FY 2015 In- dian Reservation Roads Transpor- tation Improve- ment Program (IRRTIP) for Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Or- egon - The 2015 Indian Reservation Road Transportation Im- provement Program for the Confeder- ated Tribes of Warm Springs is available for public review and comment at the Warm Springs Plan- ning Department lo- cated at 1233 Vet- erans Street in Warm Springs. Writ- ten comments can be mailed to the Planning Depart- ment at P.O. Box C, Warm Springs, OR, 97761. The Trans- portation Planner will be available, in person, at the Plan- ning Department from 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 16 th , to present in- formation, answer questions and take comments on the proposed project list. Comments should be received before close of business on Friday, June 19 th , 2015. For more information, call the Planning Office at 541-553- 3509. he said. “We appreciate Con- gressman Schrader’s leader- ship on H.R. 564, and urge the rest of Oregon’s Congres- sional Delegation to support this needed legislation.” H.R. 564 is called the En- dangered Salmon and Fish- eries Predation Prevention Act of 2015, and had imme- diate bi-partisan backing when introduced in late Janu- ary by Reps. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) and Jaime Herrera- Beutler (R-Wash.). It has since garnered sup- port from other representa- tives. The Warm Springs Eagle Academy re- minds parents that there will be a kinder- garten and first- grade acceleration camp with a focus on literacy and math, Au- gust 17-28. Applications are now available at the Academy, and also at Warm Springs Early Childhood Education Center. The applications are due back before the end of June. (Continued from page 5) 9. A motion was made by Kahseuss adopting Reso- lution No. 12,015 authoriz- ing 2014 budget savings for immediate expenditure in the calendar year 2015; Sec- ond by Reuben; Question; Joseph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes, 8/yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not voting; Mo- tion carried. 10. A motion was made by Scott to table Resolution No. 12,016 (transfer be- tween categories of the an- nual budget for 2014 op- eration budget); Second by Carlos; Carlos, come back with back up where the money is allocated and what it’s for. Kahseuss, Ordi- nance 67; Joseph/no, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/abstain, Alfred/yes, Raymond/abstain, 5/yes, 1/no, 2/abstain, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 11. A motion was made by Carlos to table the last two resolutions for Tribal Council review; Second by Scott; Question; Chairman: the motion was made to table the resolutions for the process set in place for re- view; Joseph/no, Carlos/ yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/ yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/ no, Alfred/yes, Raymond/ abstain, 5/yes, 2/no, 1/ab- stain, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 12. The Resolution for the Chemawa Board Ap- pointment is on hold until further discussion is held amongst the Education Committee. 13. A motion was made by Scott (regarding Punch Bowl Falls) to do everything they can in their power to purchase that property to utilize; Second by Reuben. Funding is from BPA. Question; Joseph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 2/ out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 14. The federal legisla- tive update call is resched- uled to next week. 15. State legislative up- date call was given. 16. motion was made by Scott adopting Resolution No. 12,017 en- rolling three individuals to the Tribes; Second by Reuben; Question; Jo- seph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 17. A motion was made by Scott adopting Resolu- tion No. 12,018 relinquish- ing enrollment of a minor child, so she can be en- rolled into the Confeder- ated Tribes & Bands of the Yakama Nation with her grandmother; Second by Reuben; Question; Jo- seph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 2/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 18. A motion was made by Scott adopting Resolu- tion No. 12,019 relinquish- ing enrollment of an indi- vidual, to enroll in the Lummi Tribe in Washing- ton State; Second by Reuben; Question; Jo- seph/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 0/ab- stain, Chairman not vot- ing; Motion carried. 19. A motion was made by Carlos adopting Reso- lution No. 12,020 relin- quishing enrollment of an individual, to enroll in the Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho; Second by Scott; Ques- tion; Joseph/yes, Carlos/ yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/ yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/ yes, Alfred/out of the room, Raymond/out of the room, 6/yes, 0/no, 0/ abstain, Chairman not vot- ing; Motion carried. 20. A motion was made by Scott approving Tribal Council members to attend Willamette site tour where Governor Kate Brown will be in at- tendance; Second by Carlos; Question; Motion carried with no objections. 21. With no further dis- cussion the meeting ad- journed at 3:20 p.m.