Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 27, 2015 Page 9 Tribal Council summary - May 11, 2015 1. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chairman Eugene Greene Jr., Vice Chair Evaline Patt, Reuben Henry, Raymond Tsumpti, Carlos Smith and Kahseuss Jackson. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. 2. 2015 Miss War m Springs Suzanne Slockish-McConville in- troduced herself to Tribal Council members. 3. Columbia River Inter- Tribal Fish Commission update. · A motion was made by Carlos to have the Branch of Natural Re- sources give monthly or quarterly updates to Tribal Council on all comments going out on behalf of the Tribes, and to get approval from Tribal Council beforehand; second by Reuben; Question; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/ yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes, 6/ yes, 0/no, 0/abstain, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · A motion was made by Carlos approving Reuben to attend the meeting with Colonel Buck. Second by Evaline; Question: Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Reuben/ abstain, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes, 6/yes, 0/no, 1/ab- stain, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 4. Coyote Island Update. · A motion was made by Carlos requesting monthly updates from the tribal attorney and to gather facts needed for next month’s update and thereafter, including the possible taxing of rail transports on the res- ervation. Second by Reuben; Ques- tion: Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Raymond/abstain, Kahseuss/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 4/yes, 0/no, 1/abstain, 2/ out of the room, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · A motion was made by Carlos requesting that the Secretary-Trea- surer and Bruce Jim keep in con- tact with one another so when fish- ing starts in the Port of Morrow, send Cultural Resources videographer be present to docu- ment fishing at Coyote Island as documentation for the upcoming court battle. Second by Reuben; Question; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Raymond/abstain, Kahseuss/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 4/yes, 0/no, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Seniors party at Cinema The Madras High School Senior Party will be on Saturday, June 6, from 8:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. at the Ma- dras Ciniema 5, the Madras Aquatic Center and the Madras Bowl. The cost is $25 per student. Se- niors can sign up at the MHS of- fice. Summer food for W.S. youth The Jefferson County 509-J School District is offering their Sum- mer Food Service program at the Warm Springs Youth Center June 15 thru August 21. The entrance is the east door of the old Warm Springs Elemen- tary by the playground and basket- ball court. All youth 18 and younger can eat for free. Break- fast will be served 8:30-9am and Lunch is 12 to 12:30. The Pi-Ume-Sha All Indian Rodeo is Saturday and Sunday June 27-28 at the Warm Springs Rodeo Grounds. Slack at 9 a.m. both days with the show starting at 1 p.m. Call-ins are being taken June 9 from 6-9 p.m. Call 541- 553-1354. 5. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Cascade Locks/Oxbow Hatchery Transfer/Public Com- ments for T-12029 and T-12028 let- ter to Governor Kate Brown. · A motion was made by Carlos approving a letter be drawn up, with corrections to Gov. Kate Brown re- garding the Tribes’ opposition to sell water to Nestle. Second by Reuben; Question; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Raymond/ yes, Kahseuss/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 5/yes, 0/ no, 2 out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. 6. United States v. Oregon, Fish Accords and Pacific Salmon Treaty update. · A motion was made by Carlos based on last agreements, that tribal attorney John Ogan outlined to es- tablish a Committee starting today for eight positions with the intent to document what works or not and to report to Tribal Council monthly. Second by Reuben; Question; Dis- cussion: to take a look at the fish accords based on eight members, and legal staff raised in his discus- sions and names will be assigned to the committee for the three agree- ments listed above; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/ yes, Raymond/yes, Kahseuss/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Mo- tion carried. · A motion was made by Carlos assigning the Fish & Wildlife Com- mittee Chairman Bruce Jim, Fish & Wildlife Committee member Ryan Smith, Natural Resources General Manager Bobby Brunoe, and the Fisheries Policy Planner Olney Patt Jr., and two Tribal Coun- cil members to the negotiating team for the named agreements. Second by Reuben; Question; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/ yes, Raymond/abstain, Kahseuss/ out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 4/yes, 0/no, 1/abstain, 2/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · A motion was made by Carlos appointing a spokesperson on be- half of the Tribes to be of the fol- lowing: Tribal Attorney John Ogan to take the lead, Branch of Natural Resources General Manager Bobby Brunoe and Fisheries Policy Plan- ner Olney Patt Jr., to be a followed process according to negotiation agendas. Second by Reuben; Ques- tion; Evaline/yes, Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Raymond/ abstain, Kahseuss/out of the room, Alfred/out of the room, 4/yes, 0/ no, 1/abstain, 2/out of the room, Chairman not voting; Motion car- ried. 7. Tribal Attorney John Ogan requested an executive session start- ing at 4:20 p.m.–5:35 p.m. 8. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.