Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 27, 2015 Tribal Prevention teams gather for summit by Sarah Frank W.S. Prevention Oregon Prevention, al- though silenced, is working together as the upcoming marijuana legalization date quickly approaches. With a common goal, the nine Oregon tribes and state Prevention coordinators gath- ered for the 2015 Prevention Summit. Three tribal Prevention coordinators were recognized for their work in Prevention. The tribal Prevention Superheros are: Scott Kalama of Warm Springs, Rusty Butler of the Siletz Tribe, and Julie Johnson, Addictions and Mental Heatlh Tribal Liaison. Courtesy photo. Tribal Prevention teams gather for 2015 conference. During the meeting, each tribe and NARA was given an opportunity to share their present and upcoming activi- ties. Tribes in attendance were the host tribe Cow Creek, Grand Ronde, Klamath, Umatilla, Lower Umpqua, Coquille, Burns, War m Springs and Siletz. Recent Warm Springs ac- tivities: Spring Break Preven- tion classes, Smoke-Free Park 3-3 and Skateboard event, monthly Native Aspirations Coalition meetings, Penny Carnival booth, Protecting You Protecting Me classes at the Warm Springs Academy; three weekly Soaring Butter- flies and Warrior Spirit classes (at the Academy, the middle school and counseling center); weekly Prevention staff meetings. Two root digging field trips, one salmon canning class, ASIST workshop, Adult Soaring Butterflies and War- rior Spirit Class; and commu- nity presentations. Upcoming activities: Meth/Suicide Prevention and Child Initiative Against Vio- lence Conference, Native As- pirations Summer Youth Work Prevention Classes, huckleberry and hunting camps, regalia making classes, more smoke-free park activi- ties, flag football and/or La- crosse camp. Warm Springs Community Counseling Calendar Prevention “It does not require many words to speak the truth.” - Chief Joseph Mondays 12-2 p.m. - Soaring But- terflies/Warrior Spirit at the Jefferson County Middle School and Eagle Academy (last class June 6). 4:15-6 p.m. - Soaring But- terflies/Warrior Spirit for third-grade and up Commu- nity Counseling Center (this class will continue through the Summer. Groups & Meetings “For it is in giving that we Birth Mateah Star Allen Robert Allen Jr. and Devona Goodlance of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Mateah Flutes gathering Flutes by the River is coming up toward the end of the month. Flutes by the River 2015 will be May 28- 31 at the HeHe Longhouse. All are welcome. Camping will be available at the longhouse. And there is additional lodging at Kah-Nee-Ta. For more informa- tion contact Ko-Na Foster Kalama at 541- 325-3797. Or Jeremy Baer at 421-750- 1028. This is a drug- and alcohol-free event. r ecei ve.” - St . F r a n c i s o f Assisi Mondays 2-4 p.m. - Adult Soaring Butterflies & Warrior Spirit. 4-5 p.m. - Incentive Store - in Prevention (downstairs). 5:30-7 p.m. - Aftercare. Tuesdays 10-12 p.m. - Positive In- dian Parenting. 12 noon - AA meeting (self-supporting). 3-4:30 p.m. - Men’s Sup- port Group. Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. - Morning Af- Star Allen, born on May 13, 2015. Mateah joins brothers Ja- son, 10, and Mato, 3; and sis- ter Miayala, 4. Grandparents on the father’s side are the late Rob- ert Allen Sr. of Yakima, and tercare. 1-2:30 p.m. - Women’s Group. 3-4:30 p.m. - Anger Man- agement group. 5:30-7 p.m. - Positive In- dian Parenting. 7 p.m. - AA meeting (self- supporting). Thursdays 12 noon - AA meeting (self-supporting). 2-4 p.m. - Alcohol Educa- tion. 6 p.m. - NA meeting at Shaker Church (self-support- ing). Saturdays the late Florene I. Wolfe, of Warm Springs. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Bonnie Thomas and Ronnie Tho- mas, and Emerson Squiemphen of War m Springs. 10 a.m. - AA meeting (self-supporting). “A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” - Steve Maraboli Upcoming Community Events May 28-29 - Child Initia- tive Against Violence and Meth/Suicide Prevention Conference at Kah-Nee-Ta. May 28 - Mitch Factor Comedy Show - 5:30 dinner and 6:30 show at the Com- munity Center gym. June 1 - Native Aspira- tions Community Coalition Meeting 12 to 1:30 at the Family Resource Center con- ference room. Everyone wel- come. For more information call Community Counseling at 541-553-3205. Page 3 Open enrollment, provider fair today The CTWS Provider Fair is this Wednesday, May 27, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Community Center. This is a chance for employees to increase their knowledge of local providers, participate in open enrollment with Human Resources staff, and learn about compen- sation and benefits. The fair is also a chance for providers to meet with customers and welcome new ones. The providers are for medical, dental, eye care, RX and non-traditional medicine. Blood drive in Warm Springs Warm Springs and the American Red Cross are host- ing a blood drive this Thurs- day, May 28. The drive will be at the community center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. To schedule your appoint- ment, or for more informa- tion, contact Frank Brunoe at 541-553-3498. Or email: frank.bruno@wstribes.org Bid #B9783-V08-4043 The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs is solic- iting bids for the harvest and delivery of 100 mixed conifer logs with root wads attached to Parkdale, Oregon, for use in fish habitat enhancement projects. Logs with root wads attached shall have diameters between 16-24 inches and lengths of 40-50 feet. Project is subject to Indian Preference and Davis- Bacon wage rates. Please contact Elizabeth A. Chase, Purchasing/Contracting Manager at: libby.chase@wstribes.org Or call 541-553-3254 to request a bid packet. The last day to request a bid packet is June 1, 2015. Bid #B9783-V08-4042 The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs is soliciting bids for the purchase and delivery of 300 Douglas fir cut logs to Parkdale, Oregon, for use in fish habitat enhancement projects. Logs shall have diameters between 16-28 inches and lengths of 40- 50 feet. Project is subject Indian Preference and Davis-Bacon wage rates. Please contact Elizabeth A. Chase, Purchasing/Contracting Manager at: libby.chase@wstribes.org Or call 541-553-3254 to request a bid packet. The last day to request a bid packet is June 1, 2015. Warm Springs Outdoor Market ~ 2015 Every Friday at the Campus 10 a.m.–4 p.m. The Warm Springs Community Action Team Cash & Release Always Looking to Buy Central Oregon Auto & Truck Repair 85 SW Third St., Madras OR 97741 Voted the #1 Pawn Shop in Jefferson County ‘ We would like to thank all our friends in Warm Springs for more than 12 years of business’ PB - 0339 We are now open Saturdays for your convenience, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 915 SW Highway 97 - Across the Madras Truck Stop 541-475-2370 ph. 541- 475-3157 All your items are bonded and insured while in our care.