Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 13, 2015 Page 3 New principal for Eagle Academy The Jefferson County 509- J school board approved the hiring of Ken Parshall as the new Warm Springs K-8 Acad- emy principal. His current position is that of assistant superintendent in the Salem-Keizer School Dis- trict, the second largest dis- trict in the state with over 60 schools. This is an exciting hire for the academy and 509-J over- all, said district superintendent Rick Molitor. “We are fortunate,” Molitor said. “He reached out to us about this opportu- nity.” Before his job as the Sa- lem-Keizer assistant superin- tendent, Parshall was princi- pal at McNary High School and McKay High School. He has an expertise in school performance improve- ment. He oversaw school per- formance improvements that lasted after he had moved on. “He left a system in place that maintained success,” Molitor said. Parshall was in War m Springs last week, meeting with the academy teaching staff and community. An informal survey after the visit showed great support for his hiring, among the teachers and the community, Molitor said. Ballots due on May 19 He said the district is for- tunate in this hire in that Parshall has outstanding quali- fications for the job, among the very best in the state. Parshall’s official job title is Warm Springs Academy Principal and School Im- provement Coordinator. He takes over for the 2015-16 school year from Glenna DeSouza, who is re- tiring. Wedding bells ring at Honor Seniors Day The Warm Springs Com- munity Action Team, in part- nership with the War m Springs Tribal Credit Enter- prise and War m Springs Housing Authority, invites as- piring homeowners to partici- pate in Pathways Home, a course in how to find, finance, TERO director The Warm Springs Eco- nomic Development Corpo- ration (Warm Springs Ven- tures) is advertising for the position of director of the Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO). The TERO will report to Ventures chief executive of- ficer. The TERO director’s office will be at the Ventures office in Warm Springs. Starting salary is $75,000 annually. The benefits in- clude the standard Warm Springs Ventures fringe ben- efits (accrue two week va- cation leave, accrue sick leave, eligible for health in- surance, 401k, pension). The TERO director will be purchase and maintain a home, from May 26–June 30. The course will be six ses- sions long, on Tuesday eve- nings at the Tribal Credit building. For more informa- tion, please call us at 541- 553-3148. For those medical questions... The Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center Nurse Hotline Alyssa Macy/Spilyay Geraldine and Koko’s wedding at Honor Seniors Day, officiated by Don Courtney. 866-470-2015 Two positions at Warm Springs Ventures (Warm Springs Ventures, the economic development corporation of the Confed- erated Tribes of Warm Springs, is advertising to fill two positions. The following are brief descriptions of these positions. For the full description contact Ven- tures, 541-553-3565. county fire district, Culver School District, Jefferson County Education Ser- vice District, among oth- ers. If you have not re- ceived your ballot, call the county clerk at 541-475- 4451. For the school board positions the candidates are: Sue Matters, incument Brad Holliday, Gustavo Rico and Courtney Snead (position 4). Foster Kalama, Sara Puddy, and Stan Sullivan (position 5). ‘Pathways Home’ starting soon T he Twenty-Fifth Honor Seniors Day turned out to be a most memorable one for Paul ‘Koko’ Martinez and Geraldine (Polk) Martinez. The couple were at the longhouse, and were plan- ning to leave for the casino to get married. Before they could leave, though, Wilson Wewa and Lucille Schuster, from the Senior Program, talked them into getting married at the longhouse. Married couples at Se- niors Day formed two lines, and Geraldine and Koko walked through to the front of the longhouse, where Don Courtney, or- dained minister, presided over the wedding cer- emony. Two positions on the Jefferson County 509-J School District Board of Directors are up for elec- tion. The ballots in the spe- cial district election are due by 8 p.m. on election day, Tuesday, May 19. There is a 24-hour drop box located by the fire hall, 2112 Wasco St., Warm Springs. Along with the two school board positions, the election will determine positions on these boards: St. Charles Madras, the Aquatic Center, the responsible for ensuring and monitoring compliance with the Warm Springs Tribe’s Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance (TERO). Work closely with contrac- tors, other tribal depart- ments and non-tribal orga- nization to meet the man- dates of TERO. For a full description of this position, contact Warm Springs Ventures, PO Box 1186, Warm Springs, Oregon 97761. You can reach Ventures at 541-553-3565. ________________ Business development and marketing manager The Warm Springs Eco- nomic Development Corpo- ration (Warm Springs Ven- tures, WSV) is advertising for the position of business development and mar- keting manager. The manager will report to Ventures chief executive officer. The manager’s office will be at the Ventures of- fice in Warm Springs. Start- ing salary is $65,000 annu- ally. The benefits include the standard Warm Springs Ventures fringe benefits (ac- crue two week vacation leave, accrue sick leave, eli- gible for health insurance, 401k, pension). The business develop- ment and marketing man- ager will work to improve WSV enterprises market position and achieve finan- cial growth. The manager defines long-term organiza- tional strategic goals, builds key customer relationships, identifies business opportu- nities, negotiates and closes business deals and maintains extensive knowl- edge of current market con- ditions. The manager works in a senior sales position within WSV. The manager works with the internal team, marketing consult- ants, and other managers to increase sales opportunities and thereby maximize rev- enue for WSV. For a full description of this position, contact Warm Springs Ventures, PO Box 1186, Warm Springs, Oregon 97761. You can reach Ventures at 541- 553-3565. * My baby is coughing. Should I take her to the clinic? * How can I treat my sore throat at home? * Should my medical issue be treated at the emergency room? Central Oregon Auto & Truck Repair 85 SW Third St., Madras OR 97741 541-475-2370 C entral Oregon Auto and Cash & Release Always Looking to Buy Voted the #1 Pawn Shop in Jefferson County ‘ We would like to thank all our friends in Warm Springs for more than 12 years of business’ PB - 0339 We are now open Saturdays for your convenience, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 915 SW Highway 97 - Across the Madras Truck Stop ph. 541- 475-3157 All your items are bonded and insured while in our care. Truck Repair has been making changes to better serve our customers. Please welcome Jim Morrison to our mechani- cal staff. He joins us with 20 years of experience as an auto mechanic in both dealership and indepen- dent shop environments. He has achieved Master Technician certification as recognized by both ASE and Toyota Motors. Com- bined with an ethical de- meanor and an ability to communicate with cus- tomers, he offers a level of customer service wel- comed by this establish- ment. He joins our ASE die- sel repair mechanic Phil Jacobson, who has 10 Jim Morrison and Phil Jacobson. years experience. Together they provide a well-rounded level of experience and knowledge to our valued cus- tomers. Another change brings Nelson Brooks and his Auto Body Repair and Paint to our location after the loss of his former shop. Changing to make your repair and maintenance ser- vice experiences better… Central Oregon Auto and Truck Repair.