Page 2 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Seeds of Discovery May 13, 2015 Tribes hosting ATNI next week at resort The Museum at Warm Springs hosted the Seeds of Discovery science field day last week. The annual Seeds of Discovery day is for fourth graders, and this year saw 260 students take part in the activities. The students were from the Jefferson and South Wasco county school districts. The museum and the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium were the sponsors. Alyssa Macy photos. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs will host the Mid Year Conference of the Affili- ated Tribes of Northwest Indians. The conference is next Sunday through Thursday, May 17-21, at Kah-Nee-Ta. The conference starts Sunday with the executive board meeting, and a tour of tribal enterprises and the Eagle Academy. The ATNI golf tournament also starts on Sunday. Monday morning, May 18, starts with the call to order by ATNI president Fawn Sharp. Next on the agenda is the welcoming by Warm Springs Tribal Council Chairman Austin Greene Jr., and Miss War m Springs Suzanne McConville. ATNI committee members are scheduled through the day. The agenda includes a climate change report update; rail transport update; Nuclear Regulatory Commission report, among several topics. You can see the full draft agenda at the website: KNT seeking fireplace logs Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and Spa is in need of 55 cords of fire place logs. Length of logs need to be 32 inches; diameter may vary. Five cords of wood per tribal member. Also looking for alder wood for Salmon bakes. Contact Delbert Garcia at 541-410-4782 for further information. Warm Springs Community Calendar Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM Thursday, May 14 On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Functional Fitness Class in the Community Center Social Hall, Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics Room, and Volleyball in the Community Cen- ter gym. The weight rooms at the center are open 8 a.m.–8 p.m. today. Today is Tribal Government Day in Salem at the State Capital. At the Warm Springs K-8 Academy Early Morning Kiksht Language Class is at 7:15 to- day and Ichishkiin class is at 3:45 in the Little Eagle Classroom and Numu class is at 3:45 is in the Community Room. The Wellness of Warm Springs meeting will be today at the Family Resource Center from noon till 1. Friday, May 15 On today’s fitness sched- ule: at 10:45 it’s Senior Fitness Class at the Senior Center; at noon there is basketball in the Community Center gym and Func- tion Fitness in the Aerobics Room. Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. The Jefferson County Library Film Center will show The Imi- tation Game, rated PG 13, at the Rodriguez Annex in Madras on Friday at 7:30. Films are free and refreshments are available. At Warm Springs Head Start there is ongoing graduation cap making in the family room. Saturday, May 16 Food Handlers Class will be held afternoon from 2-4 in the Atrium at the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center There is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. at Warm Springs Community Counseling. Sunday, May 17 The Warm Springs Food Bank is located at the Presbyte- rian Church. They are open to- day from 11:30-1:30. All food banks and pantries do take do- nations of non-perishable food or cash Monday, May 18 Community Counseling has their Aftercare Relapse Sup- port Group on Mondays at 5:30. The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation Program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at their office in the industrial park. If you or someone you knows may have a disability that is a barrier to employment or employment ad- vancement, you can learn more at an orientation or call 553-4952. MHS Connections meets once a month, rotating between Madras and Warm Springs. They meet from 6-7 p.m. today at the Warm Springs K-8 Academy. On today’s fitness sched- ule: There’s a campus walk break stating at the Diabetes Preven- tion Office at 10 a.m. At 10:45 it’s Senior Fitness Class at the Se- nior Center; at noon there is - bas- ketball in the Community Center gym and Function Fitness in the Aerobics Room. Pilates Yoga Class is at noon at the Health and Wellness Center, and seated ex- ercise class is at the Diabetes Prevention office at 12:15 for 30 minutes. Adult Soaring Butterflies and Warrior Spirit class is held Mondays from 2-4 at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Prevention Room. Class includes culturally based teachings, crafts and learning activities. To learn more call 553-3205. Tuesday, May 19 The Warm Springs Voca- tional Rehabilitation Program has orientation today at 3 p.m. at Community Counseling. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Functional Fitness Class in the Community Center Social Hall, Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics Room and volleyball in the Community Cen- ter gym. Community Counseling has the Men’s Support Group on Tues- days at 3. After the second ses- sion, today, this becomes a closed group which will run through July 28. Another cycle will begin in August. The Indian Health Service Warm Springs Model Diabetes Program and Warm Springs Se- nior Program Diabetes Aware- ness and Support Group meet- ing is at 5 p.m. at the Warm Springs Senior Center. There will be a presentation on “How do dia- betes and blood pressure affect the kidneys” with Dr. Tilley. On the Menu is grilled salmon. Healthy Eating class is to- day from 10-11 a.m. at the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Cen- ter Kitchen Conference Room. Everyone is welcome and no sign up is required. Community Counseling has an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting at noon on Tuesdays. The Recreation Department has Snack Attack on Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:30-5 in the Community Center Social Hall. The Jefferson County Food Bank is located at 556 SE Sev- enth Street. They are open for dis- tribution this afternoon. All food banks and pantries do take dona- Warm Springs Children and Family Services is now accepting applications for Foster Par- ents. If you would like to make a difference in the life of a child by becoming a foster par- ent, contact Emily Courtney at 553-3209. tions of non-perishable food or cash. Warm Springs OSU Extension has Master Food Preserver class on Pickling from Bread and Freezer Jam, 1-3 today. Call 553-3238 to learn more. Wednesday, May 20 There is a Red Cross Blood Drive for the Madras Community today from 1-6 p.m. at the United Methodist Church on Twelfth Street. At Warm Springs Head Start it’s Early Head Start Group Socialization this afternoon from 2-4 p.m. Community Counseling has an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting Wednesday evenings at 7. Powwow and Hoop Dance Practice will be held today and every Wednesday after school from 5 until 7 in the Community Center Aerobics room. Warm Springs Recreation is hosting their Re-Awakening class on Quilting with Sheilah Clements May 20 - 27 at 5:30. Space is limited, contact Carol at 553-3243 to sign up. On today’s fitness sched- ule: Water Aerobics class is at 10:15 at the Kah-Nee-Ta Village Pool. At 10:45 it’s Senior Fitness Class at the Senior Center. At noon there is basketball in the Community Center Gym and Function Fitness in the Aerobics Room. Pilates Yoga Class is at noon at the Health and Wellness Center. It’s Warm Springs K-8 Acad- emy Track Awards night today at 5 p.m. in the Cafeteria/Com- mons. Community Counseling’s An- ger Management Group is to- day at 3 p.m. Community Counseling’s Women’s Group meets today from 1-2:30. Thursday, May 21 Community Counseling has an Alcoholic Anonymous meet- ing at noon on Thursdays. An Alcohol Education Sup- port Group is at Community Counseling. This group meets every Thursday from 3-4pm. The Recreation Department has Snack Attack on Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:30-5 in the Community Center Social Hall. There is a Narcotics Anony- mous meeting Thursdays at 6 p.m. at the Warm Springs Shaker Church. Warm Springs jurors will need to check-in at 9:30 this morning at Warm Springs Tribal Court. At Warm Springs Head Start it’s the I am Moving Fun Run at 10 a.m. today. On today’s fitness sched- ule: at noon there is Functional Fitness Class in the Community Center Social Hall, Turbo Kick Class in the Aerobics Room and Volleyball in the Community Cen- ter Gym. Friday, May 22 On today’s fitness sched- ule: at 10:45 it’s Senior Fitness Class at the Senior Center; at noon there is basketball in the Community Center gym, and Function Fitness in the Aerobics Room. Pilates Yoga Class is at noon. All Head Start Classrooms at Warm Springs ECE are closed today.