Court proceedings Page 11 Spilyay Tymoo May 13, 2015 In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Ashlynn Sohappy, Respondent; Case No. JV176-08. TO: Ashlynn Sohappy: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 17 TH day of June, 2015 @ 10:00am CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Annie Fuiva, Bruce Howtopat, Re- spondent. TO: Annie Fuiva and Bruce Howtopat: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Preliminary Hearing has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 nd day of June, 2015 @ 11:00 am CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Hector Saiza, Respondent; Case No. JV28-13. TO: Hector Saiza: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Review has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 15 th day of June, 2013 @ 3:00 pm CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Jenny Redfox, Respondent; Case No. JV55-14. TO: Jenny Redfox: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Preliminary Hearing has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 22 nd day of June, 2015 @ 9:00am CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Jerome Lewis, Rachell Renfro, Respon- dent. Case No. JV41-99. TO: Jerome Lewis/Rachell Renfro: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an Assisted Guardian- ship Review has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 9 th day of June, 2015 @ 9:00am CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Marcus Conner, Respondent; Case No. DO107-01. TO: Hector Saiza: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Review has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hear- ing scheduled for the 15 th day of June, 2013 @ 11:00 a.m. CTWS, Petitioner, vs. DORTHEA GEORGE / JAMES VAN HORN, Respon- dent; Case No. JV69-03. TO: DORTHEA GEORGE / JAMES VAN HORN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a ASSISSTED GUARDIAN REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 26 th day of JUNE, 2015 @ 10:00 AM CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Vir- ginia Arthur, Respondent; Case No. JV07-03. TO: Virginia Arthur: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that an Assisted Guardian- ship Review has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing sched- uled for the 23 rd day of June, 2015 @ 9:00 am probate estate no. 021-PR02-02. CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Wilma Baza, Respondent; Case No. DO18-09. TO: Wilma Baza: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a Preliminary Hearing has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 17 th day of June, 2015 @ 11:00 am ______________________ Probate Regarding the following pro- bate estate: Final Account and Pe- tition and Order setting time for fil- ing objections in proper manner and form was posted on May 8, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Ambrose Lee-Niles George, W.S., U/A, deceased, probate estate no. 029-PR29-04. Regarding the following pro- bate estate: Final Account and Pe- tition and Order setting time for fil- ing objections in proper manner and form was posted on May 6, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Chasan R. Walker, W.S., U/A, de- ceased, probate estate no. 2012- PR30. Regarding the following pro- bate estates: Final Account and Petition and Order setting time for filing objections in proper manner and form was posted on May 5, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Serena Raboin, W.S., U/A, de- ceased, probate estate no. 2010- PR31. In the matter of the estate of Everett Patt, W.S., U/A, deceased, Regarding the following pro- bate estates: Final Account and Petition and Order setting time for filing objections in proper manner and form was posted on April 29, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Wesley J. Spino, W.S., U/A, de- ceased, probate estate no. 068- PR68-09. In the matter of the estate of Denise A. Miller, W.S., U/A, de- ceased, probate estate no. 2013- PR28. Regarding the following pro- bate estate: Final Account and Pe- tition and Order setting time for fil- ing objections in proper manner and form was posted on April 28, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Brandon L. Smith, W.S., U/A, de- ceased, probate estate no. 2013- PR26. Regarding the following es- tate: The above entitled court has appointed Valerie Squiemphen as public administrator of the estate. This notice was first published on May 1, 2015. Notice is given that persons having a claim should sub- mit the claim in writing with proper voucher within 90 calendar days from the date upon which this no- tice was first published: In the matter of the estate of Lloyd Adams, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate file no. 2015- PR08. Notice is hereby given that Lloyd Adams, who at the time of his death, last known residence was 2252 Rehab St., Warm Springs, OR, died on the 3rd day of March, 2015. In the matter of the estate of Rex Robinson, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate file no. 2015- PR14. Notice is hereby given that Rex Robinson, who at the time of his death, last known residence was 2321 Ollalie, Warm Springs, OR, died on the 6th day of April, 2015. (Regarding the following estate, the no- tice was first published on May 8, 2015.) In the matter of the estate of Daisy M. Ike, W.S., U/A, de- ceased. Estate file no. 2013- PR31. Notice is hereby given that Daisy M. Ike, who at the time of his death, last known residence was 2321 Ollalie, Warm Springs, OR, died on the 19th day of Decem- ber, 2013. CTWS, Petitioner, vs. Melanie Boise/Garrett Suppah Sr, Respondent; Case No. JV210- 99. TO: Melanie Boise/Garrett Suppah Sr.: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED that a REVIEW has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are sum- moned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for the 12 TH day of June, 2015 @ 10:00am To the people of the Con- federated Tribes of War m Springs, I am sorry I broke tribal law on February 25 by interfer- ing with an arrest and resisting. I was intoxicated and blacked out. I wasn’t myself. I apologize to the officers. It won’t happen again. Pedro Jiminez. Public safety Criminal arraignments - April 28 ARTHUR, Clifford III; CR152-15; DC DANZUKA, Willie; CR263-15; AAOCAF DAVIS, Anthony; CR289-15; DWS/R FRANK, Eldred; CR264-15; PDP, UUPCS JONES, Edward; CR265-15; AAOCAF LESINA, Cody; CR266-15; UUPCS, PDP MEDINA, Martin; CR262-15; UUPCS, PDP SIMTUSTUS, Julia; CR284-15; DWS/R SMITH, Rhonda; CR229-15; CN TEWEE, Louis Jr.; CR937-14; A&B WOLFE, Lucy; CR270-15; RA, DC; CR785-14; PDC SC/FTC-BP YAHTIN, Edgar; CR271-15; DC, RA YALLUP, Emery; CR272-15; DC Bail/bonds hearings - April 29 AMERICANHORSE, Aver y; CR893-14; DUII, DWS/RDTX; WARR: SC/FTC-SP; CR826-14; UUPCS, PDP DTX; SC/FTC-BP CLEMENTS, Rabe; CR920-14; DUII, RESC/FTC-BP ESTRADA, Sacheen; CR846-14; UUPCSx2DTX; WARR: SC/FTA- STATUS HRG.; CR977-14; DWS/R DTX; SC/FTC-BP FRANK, Wyatt; CR291-15; UUPCS, PDPNEW CHARGES; CR79-15; DC SC/FTC-BP; CR992-14; MM SC/FTC-BP IKE, George; CR294-15; PDP, UMCS, UDCSNEW CHARGES; CR245-14; DWS/R SC/FTC-BP IKE, Rhonda; CR293-15; UUPCS, PDPNEW CHARGES; CR628-14; DUII, DWS/R SC/FTC-BP; CR407- 14; UUPCS, PDP, DWS/R SC/FTC- BP JACK, Zola; CR290-15; DUII, RDDTX; NEW CHARGES KALAMA, Colleen; CR400-14; UUPCSDTX; WARR: SC/FTA-STA- TUS HRG.; CR141-15; PDP DTX; WARR: SC/FTA-STATUS HRG.; CR548-13; A&B DTX; WARR: SC/ FTC-SP; CR600-14; A&B DTX; WARR: SC/FTC-SP LECLAIRE, Lorna; CR668-14; DUII, REDTX; SC/FTC-CSW; CR668-14; DUII,RE DTX; SC/FTC- BP; CR921-14; PDP DTX; SC/FTC- BP NAPYER, Steward; CR288-15; DUII, MM, ESC, RA, A&B, DCDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR804-14; CWWP, PDC DTX; WARR; SC/FTC-SP SAHME, Frank; CR286-15; A&B, UUPCS, PDPDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR717-14; HA, DC DTX; SC/FTC-BP TEWEE, Charles; CR250-14; DUIIDTX; SC/FTC-BP; CR250-14; DUII DTX; SC/FTC-CSW WAHNETAH, Monica; CR237-15; ESCDTX; WARR: SC/FTA-CRIM. ARRN.; CR661-14; PDC DTX; SC/ FTC-SP WHIZ, Sally; CR292-15; DUIIDTX; NEW CHARGES Bail/bonds herings - April 30 NAPYER, Nathan; CR70- 15;PDPDTX;SC/FTC-SP SMITH, Kevin Jr.; CR322- 14;FIDDTX;SC/FTC-SP; CR132-14; PDC DTX; SC/FTC-SP TOHET, Clinton; CR298- 15;A&BDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR635-14;DUII,DDWCUVOP,MM DTX;SC/FTC-BP; CR146-15;AS DTX;SC/FTC-RC WOLFE, Lucy; CR270- 15;DC,RASC/FTA-CRIM.ARRN; CR785-14;PDC SC/FTC-BP Bail/bonds hearings- May 1 DAVID, Damon; CR299-15; RA, MMDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR239- 15; PDC DTX; WARR: SC/FTA- CRIM. ARRN. KALAMA, Verleen; CR300-15; DUII, REx3DTX; NEW CHARGES NAPYER, Nathan; CR70-15; PDPDTX; SC/FTC-SP SMITH, Kevin Jr.; CR322-14; FIDDTX; SC/FTC-SP; CR132-14; PDC DTX; SC/FTC-SP SMITH, Vanessa; CR426-14; DCDTX; SC/FTC-BP TOHET, Clinton; CR298-15; A&BDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR635- 14; DUII, DDWCUVOP, MM DTX; SC/FTC-BP; CR146-15; AS DTX; SC/ FTC-RC Bail/bonds herings - May 4 DAVIS, Jer mone; CR35- 1 4 ; T H x 1 3 D T X ; S C / F TA - J U RY TRIAL GREENE, Wendell; CR247- 15;DCDTX;SC/FTC-BP KALAMA, Shanell; CR725- 14;DWS/RDTX;SC/FTC-BP NAPYER, Nathan; CR70-15; PDPDTX; SC/FTC-SP SALUDO-KELLY, Martika; CR1054-14;DUIIDTX;SC/FTC-BP SCOTT, Louis; CR393- 14;DUII,REDTX;SC/FTC-BP SMITH, Vanessa; CR426-14; DCDTX; SC/FTC-BP STWYER-GREENE, Theodore; CR707-14;DC,RADTX;SC/FTA- CRIM.ARRN TEWEE, Diamond; CR905- 14;DUII,RE,DWS/RDTX;SC/FTC- SP TIAS, Gerald; CR301- 15;DCDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR994-14;DWS/R DTX;SC/FTC-BP VANPELT, Louie; CR134- 15;DUII,DWS/RDTX;SC/FTC-RC; CR59-15;DC DTX;SC/FTC-BP Bail/bonds hearings - May 5 WALSEY, Kyle; CR824- 14;KRCARREST WARRANT; CR568-13; FTRSO,KRC SC/FTC-SP; CR653-14; FID SC/FTC-SP KALAMA, Shanell; CR725-14; DWS/RDTX; SC/FTC-BP NAPYER, Nathan; CR70-15; PDPDTX; SC/FTC-SP SCOTT, Louis; CR393-14; DUII,REDTX; SC/FTC-BP TAPPO, Dorian; CR303-15; CA, A&BDTX; NEW CHARGES WEASELHEAD, Raenele; CR304- 15; TRDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR605-14; DC SC/FTC-BP Criminal arraignments - May 5 MEANUS, Stanlee; CR277-15; RA, A&B ROBINSON, Rhonda; CR278-15; DC SAM-TAILFEATHERS, Elsie; CR280-15; CA WILLIAMS, Leander Sr.; CR282- 15; DUII ARTHUR, Benjamin; CR285- 15;DC CHARLIE, Alvagene; CR7- 15;DUII,DWS/R PARRA-RAMIREZ, Luis; CR297- 15;MM SMITH, Rhyan; CR281-15;PDP SMITH, Stacy; CR132-15;DC TEWEE, Coby; CR296-15;DWS/ R Bail/bonds hearing - May 7 RHOAN, Felicia; CR312-15; DCNEW CHARGES Bail/bonds - May 8 BLACKWOLF, Harold Jr.; CR322- 13;UUPCS,PDPWARR;SC/FTC-SP; C R 2 1 8 - 1 4 ; P D P, U U P C S , A T T WARR;SC/FTA-JURY TRIAL; C R 3 6 0 - 1 3 ; U U P C S x 2 , P D P, AT T WARR;SC/FTA-JURY TRIAL CHARLEY, Michelle; CR315- 15;AAOCFDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR193-14;UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-SP; CR549-14;UUPCS DTX;SC/FTC-SP; CR664-14;UUPCS,PDP DTX;SC/ FTC-SP; CR276-15;MM DTX;SC/ FTC-CSW CRAIG, Mauricio; CR498- 11;TRWARR;SC/FTC-CSW; CR498- 11;TR SC/FTC-BP; CR52- 15;DUII,REx4 SC/FTC-BP LECLAIRE, David Jr.; CR316- 15;HA,MMDTX;NEW CHARGES; CR343-13;FATE, RE DTX;SC/FTC- BP; CR1037-14;DC DTX;SC/FTC-BP PEDRAZA, Francisco Sr.; TR95- 1 5 ; O L R WA R R ; S C / F T C - C S W; TR118-15;OLR WARR;SC/FTC- CSW; TR1585-14;OLR WARR;SC/ FTC-CSW; TR63-14;T,COL,UOS,OLR WARR;SC/FTC-CSW; CR671- 14;FATE WARR;SC/FTA-JURY TRIAL TENORIO, Leona; CR317- 15;AAOCFNEW CHARGES; CR169- 15;FTSCSx2 SC/FTC-BP Bail/bonds - May 11 BLACKWOLF, Harold Jr.; CR322- 13; UUPCS, PDPWARR; SC/FTC-SP; CR218-14; PDP, UUPCS, ATT WARR; SC/FTA-JURY TRIAL; CR361-13; UUPCSx2, PDP, ATT WARR; SC/ FTA-JURY TRIAL BOISE, Nena; CR525-14; DC, CNDTX; SC/FTC-SP; CR245-15; DC DTX; SC/FTC-BP BRYANT, Leonard; CR318-15; HA, DCDTX; NEW CHARGES CHARLEY, Michelle; CR315-15; AAOCAFDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR193-14; UUPCS DTX; SC/FTC- SP; CR549-14; UUPCS DTX; SC/ FTC-SP; CR664-14; UUPCS, PDP DTX; SC/FTC-SP; CR276-15; MM DTX; SC/FTC-REL. COND. CHARLEY, Suzie; CR319-15; DUII, RE, UUPCSDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR701-14; MM DTX; SC/FTC-BP GUERIN, Phillip; CR83-13; DUII, REWARR: SC/FTC-CSW LECLAIRE, David Jr.; CR316-15; HA, MMDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR343-13; FATE, RE DTX; SC/FTC- BP; CR1037-14; DC DTX; SC/FTC- BP; CR932-14; A&B DTX; SC/FTC- SP MCKINLEY, Jeremy; CR558-14; DUII, DWS/RWARR: SC/FTC-SP; CR963-14; PDP SC/FTC-BP MEDINA, Serina; CR452-10; ESCARREST WARRANT MILLER, Luke; CR317-14; DUII, CCW, DWS/RDTX; SC/FTC-BAC’S RENFRO, Winterdawn; CR488-13; PDPWARR: SC/FTA-STATUS HRG.; CR72-15; UUPCS, PDP, CCW SC/FTC-BP SELAM, Charles; CR320-15; UUPCSDTX; NEW CHARGES SWITZLER, Jasper Sr.; CR419-14; ATT, TRDTX; WARR: SC/FTC-SP; CR50-15; DUII, REx2 DTX; WARR: SC/FTC-SP; CR970-14; DUII, DC, REx2 DTX; SC/FTC-REL. COND. TENORIO, Leona; CR317-15; AAOCFNEW CHARGES; CR169-15; FTSCSx2 SC/FTC-BP TUFTI-JIM, Jessica; CR188-15; RSPWARR: SC/FTA-PROPERTY HRG. WALLULATUM, Cameron; CR58- 15; DC WARR: SC/FTC-CSW WILLIAMS, Alex; CR321-15; A&B, DCDTX; NEW CHARGES; CR63-15; DWS/R DTX; SC/FTC-BP; CR158- 15; DWS/R DTX; SC/FTC-BP