Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon April 1, 2015 Page 5 Career Fair for job seekers, employers The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Gov- ernment, Kah-Nee-Ta Resort & Spa, and Indian Head Ca- sino human resources staff are collaborating together on a Career Fair. They are working together to provide more information about jobs and opportunities with the tribes, enterprises and companies. They want to provide more information about edu- cational opportunities and scholarships, the Workforce Development programs, and other state and federal pro- grams for workforce readi- ness. A goal is to increase aware- ness and opportunities for tribal and other community members seeking employ- ment either on or off the res- ervation. For more information on the Career Fair, contact Eliza- beth Asahi Sato at 541-553- 3480. Or email to: elizabeth.sato@wstribes.org Potential employers are invited to attend. “Be ready to greet job seekers and en- gage with them about oppor- tunities in your organization or company, presently and in the future,” she said. On the spot interviews will be a part of the fair. Potential employers, please bring flyers and other infor- mation. Human Resources will provide the tables. The Career Fair will be next Wednesday, April 8 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the commu- nity center. All members and potential employers are invited. There will be 50 invitations to local organizations, companies and nonprofits sent out. Job seekers will increase your options and opportuni- ties, while employers can di- versify and strengthen their workforce. Human Resources is suggesting that all poten- tial job seekers show up with a resume and a posi- tive attitude. All of the Human Re- sources staff will be on hand to assist job seekers, and to apprise them about the Em- ployment Resource Center. Human Resources repre- sentatives from the enter- prises will be available. New diabetes, healthy eating class at clinic A new Managing Dia- betes and Healthy Eat- ing Class has started at the Warm Springs clinic kitchen conference room. The classes are every Tuesday from 10-11 Training, seminar on abuse prevention A nationally known ex- pert on child abuse pre- vention will conduct a training and seminar at Kah-Nee-Ta next Friday, April 10. Corey Jewell-Jensen, M.S., will provide training for the local professionals who work with children and families. The training will be from 8:30-5 p.m. ; and a seminar for the public will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Jewell-Jensen is the co- director of the Center for Behavioral Intervention in Beaverton, having worked with adult sex offenders for over 25 years. She has testified as an expert witness in state and federal courts, received crime prevention awards Young at Art for Spring Break a.m. (Classes repeat ev- ery two weeks.) Everyone is welcome and no sign-up is needed. Class one is on Manag- ing Diabetes; and class two is Healthy Eating. and was a featured guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The April 10 training and seminar is titled, “Pro- tecting You Child: Advice from Child Molestors.” There is some graphic content, as the presenta- tion includes videotaped interviews with convicted sex offenders, and graphic discussions about sexual crimes. Participants with per- sonal history of abuse are encouraged to have sup- port available. Children and teens should not at- tend. To register to attend the professional training or the parent presenta- tion, please contact the Warm Springs Commu- nity Counseling Center at 541-553-3205. Dave McMechan photos. For sale to tribal members The Museum at Warm Springs hosted the Young at Art crafts fair during spring break last week. This was part of the Young at Art exhibit at the museum. At right, ChaCha Ramirez, 10, draws a horse freehand; For Sale to CTWS Tribal members: 2000 Polaris Sportsman 500 ATV. Needs some mechanical work, sold as is. Standard sealed bid process. ATV can be viewed at Tribal Warehouse. Bids can be placed Warehouse or with Property Dept. Contact Brett Whipple, 541-553-3503 with any questions. At right, Eliza Stwyer, 12, and Rene Stwyer, 15, work on their drawing artwork. 2132 Warm Springs St., Warm Springs - ph. 541-553-1597 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 Check out KWSO.org for Warm Springs news. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123 Tribal Council summary March 23, 2015 1. Roll Call; Chief Delvis Heath, Chief Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Eu- gene A. Greene Jr., Chair- man, Raymond Tsumpti Sr., Reuben Henry, Scott Moses, Orvie Danzuka, Kahseuss Jackson and Carlos Smith. Emily Yazzie, Recorder 2. Federal Legislative Up- date Conference Call. 3. Oregon State Legisla- tive Update Conference Call. 4. Motion by Scott to ap- prove the Agenda for April 2015; Second by Reuben; Question; Joseph/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes; 8 yes 0 no 0 abstained and Chairman not voting; motion Carried 5. Motion by Joseph to approve the April 2015 travel; Second by Reuben; Question; Joseph/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes, Raymond/yes; 8 yes 0 no 0 abstain and chairman not voting; motion Carried 6. Motion by Joseph to approve the January to June 2014 tribal council minutes; Second by Orvie; Question; Joseph/yes, Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes; 8 yes 0 no 0 abstain and chair- man not voting; motion car- ried Call 541- 553-1182 2321 Ollallie Lane (PO Box 6) Warm Springs, OR 97761