Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon February 4, 2015 Page 3 Simnasho to host first smoke-free powwow The Lincoln’s Birthday Powwow at Simnasho this month will be the first smoke- free powwow on the reserva- tion. Warm Springs tobacco prevention coordinator Scott Kalama came up with the idea, and presented it to pow- wow director Mackie Begay. “We talked about it, and I think it’s a good idea,” Mackie said. The Tribal Council last year approved a smoke-free tribal work place resolution, pre- cluding smoking within 25 feet of a tribal work-place D. McMechan/Spilyay Former smoking area at the Simnasho Longhouse. building. Kalama was the advocate of the resolution. He then worked with secretary-trea- surer Jake Suppah, and health liaison Caroline Cruz to implement the resolution. He posted signs on tribal work Indian Head Casino buildings, saying that smok- ers should be at least 25 feet from the doors and windows. He is putting up similar signs at the Simnasho Longhouse, in preparation for next week’s powwow. The smoking area at the Simnasho Longhouse was by the side door. Smokers will no longer be allowed to use this area. This should make for a better powwow for all non- smokers, from young people to elders, Mackie said. The Warm Springs to- bacco-prevention program is funded by a state grant. Coastal Natives, Nespelem win North End Express tourney The Nespelem, Wash., team won the men’s division of the recent North End Ex- press Basketball Tourna- ment. The Coastal Natives of Tulalip won the women’s division. Taking second in the men’s division were the Northwest Warriors of Warm Springs. Third went to ADA Oklahoma, and fourth, Rez Hoops. Ball-It-Up of Mesa, Ariz., took second in the women’s division. Third place: Smashtown of Celilo; and fourth, Fire and Ice of Simnasho. The men’s tourney MVP Young at Art was Edward Wolfe of Nespelem. CeCe LeClaire of the Coastal Natives was the women’s MVP. Anthony Bonifar of Nespelem was the men’s Mr. Hustle; and Sarah Baldera of Mesa was the women’s Ms. Hustle. The women’s All-Tourney: Seth Hamilton, Red Nation, Yakama. Es Jose, Mesa. Mi- ami VanPelt, W.O.W. of War m Springs. Taralee Suppah, Fire and Ice, Simnasho. Rosebud Guthrie, Smashtown, Celilo. Sheila Christy, Coastal Natives. Sa- rah Baldera, Mesa Arizona. Briana Williams, Smashtown, Celilo. Raveon Harrowa, Coastal Natives. Mourning Rae Ferris, Fire and Ice, Simnasho. The men’s All-Tourney team: Robert Main, Hit Squad, War m Springs. Br yson Brousen, Lapwai. Alex Sampson, Rez Hoops. Coby Dick, Nespelem. Cody Hillard, ADA Oklahoma. Jantzen Harrington, North- west Warriors. Tony Louie, Nespelem. Derrick Metcalf, Northwest Warriors. Chad Smith, ADA Oklahoma. Lincoln’s: starts Feb. 13 Jayson Smith/Spilyay Opening reception at the Museum at Warm Springs Youth Art Show. (Continued from page 1) The Saturday grand entry is at 1 p.m. (no evening grand entry). The Sunday grand en- try is at 1:30 p.m. Contests are in all catego- ries, plus the drum contest. Specials: 30 and up Women’s Tra- ditional Round Dance Special. For infor mation contact Shayla Stwyer, 541-777-7658. Men’s Round Bustle Spe- cial. Contact Jarvis Stwyer, 541-777-7616. Youth Dance Special. Con- tact Charlie Tailfeathers, 541- 553-7906. Daisy Ike Memorial Women’s Traditional Special, sponsored by the Ike Family. Contact Leona Ike at 541- 633-6097. One-man hand drum. Contact Kyle Queahpama, 541-553-6908. Tiny Tot Special. Contact Nellie Tanewasha, 360-612- 1251. For powwow questions call 541-553-9230 after 6 p.m. Or email: Gyn82098@aol.com Vendors, contact Sandra Greene-Sampson, 541-553- 6619. Lodging is available at Kah-Nee-Ta, 1-800-554- 4Sun. Mention Lincoln’s Pow- wow for a powwow package, limited rooms. Employee of the Month Jimmy Flores Jimmy Flores was voted the Employee of the Month for Decem- ber at Indian Head Casino. Jimmy is a slot keyperson. He started working at Indian H e a d i n Ju n e o f 2013. Always with a smile, he is very help- ful not only to the ca- sino guests, but to co- workers as well. Jimmy is a ver y de- pendable individual, and a great team player. Congratulations, Jimmy! Increased incidence of flu · If you’re sick, cover your cough with a tissue, or cough into your sleeve to prevent spreading ill- ness to others · If you’re sick, stay home from work or school to avoid spreading infection · Antiviral medicines can help people ill with flu who are at risk for more severe illness, particularly if treatment is started early. Check with your doctor. · Also, it’s never too late to get vaccinated, par- ticularly for people at in- creased risk for severe dis- ease. For more information call the War m Springs Health and Wellness Cen- ter at 541-553-1196. A recent health report shows an increase in cases of influenza in Jefferson County, with many of these cases among Native people. Influenza or “flu” of- ten causes fever, muscle aches, cough, and sore throat. In young children, el- ders, women who are pregnant, and people with diabetes or lung, heart, liver or kidney disease, the flu can cause more severe illness. Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your family from influenza: · Wash hands regularly with soap and warm wa- ter. Alcohol-based hand cleaner may also help avoid getting flu. 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