E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Do or do not... there is no try By Alyssa Macy The new year is upon us and many of us have made new years resolutions. This is typically the time of year when gym atten- dance is highest, we feel su- per motivated to make a change, and we’ve announced our resolutions to the world via social media. 2015 feels so good! But as time passes, our motivation often fades and eventually we are back to our Spilyay old habits. Speaks Yoda, with his infinite wis- dom, once said, “do or do not… there is no try.” This is great advice for all of us working on our new years resolutions. What are we doing daily to reach those goals? How are we staying motivated after the excite- ment of entering 2015 wanes? One of the best ways to stay motivated is to write our resolutions or goals down and the steps it’ll take to get there. Want to walk in the boots of wild horse racing world champion Jason Smith? What would that take? Aside from writing down your goal and the steps nec- essary to get there, it’s also beneficial to understand why you want to accomplish this particular goal: I believe that our community needs to heal, therefore, I want to help my community by working in the field of mental health like Dr. Shilo Tippett. Now that we’ve written down our goals, the steps to- wards reaching them and why we want to do this, it’s good to start chipping away at the list of tasks: I want to start a business— identify the business, get training, write a business plan, leverage capital, get tax id number and so on. Reaching for the stars can be overwhelming! By break- ing our goals into tasks, you can make daily progress one step at a time (and celebrate your progress along the way). Checking boxes never felt so good. Finally, it’s good to keep your goals visible, and to share them with those who support you. Post your goal in places you will see daily like the bathroom mirror or on your desk. Visually seeing your goals is a great reminder of what you’re working towards. Shar- Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo January 7, 2015 Letters to the editor ing your goals with others is a good way to be accountable to what you are trying to ac- complish. What resolutions have you made for 2015? Are these short or long term goals? My resolutions this year are to write more postcards and ar- ticles, to continue with my physical therapy so I can walk, and spend more time with my inner circle of friends. Congratulations on setting goals for yourself for the new year, it’s always good medi- cine to grow and evolve. Mariota I’ve lived over this way in Eugene for such a long time, of course I’m an Oregon Ducks fan. I’m now one of the big- gest fans of the Ducks’ quar- terback Marcus Mariota. Most of us here in Eugene think Marcus is the next Joe Montana. There are a few who think that he could even be better than Joe Montana. Marcus is a very fast run- ner, he has a very strong arm, and super vision. I’ve done some research on him. He is an Indian from Hawaii. Right now, he is think- ing about his education, know- ing that getting his education is the most important thing in his life. He knows he will get a lot of money in the NFL, but then he’s thinking of his ca- reer after he retires from playing football. I think that is very wise of him. I’m still a Joe Montana fan, but I’m looking at the younger ones who are our future, and Marcus Mariota is a good example. I just hope the younger ones in Warm Springs are now taking a very good look at themselves. Think of your future. Blessing to all as we start a new year. It’s great living over in Duck City, Eugene. There is a lot of good here for every- one. I love it so much! Evette Patt, 50 Kourt Dr., no. 3, Eugene, 97404. Spilyay online The Spilyay Tymoo, and other Warm Springs com- munity news, are available on-line at KWSO.org. Tribal members who live out of town can access the latest Spilyay editions at the website. Please let us know if you no longer wish to receive the printed version through the mail. Write to: dave.mcmechan@wstribes.org Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller Multi Media Specialist: Alyssa Macy Managing Editor: Dave McMechan Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at 4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: 541-553-2210 or 541-771-7521 E-Mail: dave.mcmechan@wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $15.00 Wishes... Birthday wishes to Devonne James Rhoan on January 16. Have a Happy 24th birth- day, to my nephew, our grand- son, my son, brother. From the family who loves you so much! The Rhoans on 1705 Foster St., West Hills or West Side! We love you and we do miss you, lots too! From us all, just for you. A thank-you for Carlights Parade Births Ronald Wyatt LeClaire Louis LeClaire and Noralisette McKinley of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth of their son Ronald Wyatt LeClaire, born on December 28, 2014. Ronald joins brothers Tyler, 13, and Nathaniel, 11; and sisters Praisa, 12, Tarya, 6, and Dessie, 2. Grandparents on the father’s side are Louis and Marcelene LeClaire. Grandparents on the father’s side are Eugenia Tappo and Theodore McKinley of Warm Springs. Kira Faye Wolfe-Esquiro William Wolfe-Esquiro and Sasha Perez of Madras are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Kira Faye Wolfe-Esquiro, born on January 2, 2015. Kira joins brothers Izaak, 13, and Zain, 7. Grandparents on the father’s side are George Esquiro of Port Townsend, Wash., and the late Eunice Esquiro. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Ronald Heath of Warm Springs, and the late Eva Heath. Micah Logan Kalama Benjamin M. Holliday and Katherine S. Kalama are pleased to announce the birth of their son Micah Logan Kalama, born on January 3, 2015. Micah joins brothers Alonzo, 2, and David, 1; and sisters Beatriz, 16, and Elisa, 13. Grandparents on the father’s side are Beatrice Holliday and Magdaleno Ramirez-Colazco. Grandparents on the mother’s side are Tamera J. Kalama, and Donald J. Hoptowit. Jayson Smith/Spilyay 2014 Carlights Parade entry. Happy New Year to everyone. Here are the re- sults for the 2014 Carlight Parade. Organizations: First-place: Kah-Nee- Ta Resort & Spa. Second: Children and Family Services. Third: Warm Springs Housing. Community: First: Sonja Scott A giant shout out to all the departments and Com- munity members who par- For sale 1997 Ford 4x4 F- 350xl truck. $5,000, full payment only. 8x12 flatbed, steel racks, can haul three cords of firewood. Call 541-977-3034. 2262 Quail Trail, Warm Springs, OR. Diabetes support The Warm Springs Indian Health Services, and the Se- nior Program will host a Dia- betes Awareness and Support Group in January. The meeting will be from 5-6:30 p.m. on Jan. 20 at the Senior Center. The topic of discussion will be low so- dium/ low-salt diet presented by Kacey Conyers, tribal Di- etitian. On the menu will be ticipated in the parade. Our families enjoy this annual event that kicks off the Holiday season. Austin Greene, director of Recreation, started the Carlight Parade in 2001, and it has grown into a much an- ticipated family event. This year we added a separate community cat- egory, and hope to encour- age more community partici- pation for 2015. Thank you all, from Rec- reation. Here are all the entrants for the Carlight parade 2014: Oregon State Univer- sity Extension Services, Children and Family Ser- vices, Kah Nee Ta Resort & Spa, War m Springs Telecom, KWSO, Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprises, War m Springs Housing, Warm Springs Fire & Safety, War m Springs Ambu- lance, Special Diabetes Program for Indians, Sonja Scott and Santa’s Ride. a Chinese meal: Chicken and vegetables stir fry; celery, on- ions, carrots, cabbage, low so- dium-soy-sauce, brown rice Sliced Oranges with dinner rolls and Crystal light. For more information call 541-553-2478. Jeri Kollen, certified dia- betes nurse educator. Keep in mind when gambling Gambling—it can be a fun form of entertain- ment for most adults. But it’s important to keep these tips in mind: · Gamble only for fun. · If you cannot afford to lose everything you gamble—you cannot af- ford to gamble. · It’s best to set a dol- lar limit for losses and stick to it. · Do not change your dollar limit when you are losing. Most people can gamble without negative consequences, but a small percentage who gamble can suffer socially and eco- nomically. For help you can call the Oregon Gambling Helpline at 1800-695- 4648 or 1-800-695 My Limit, or contact Warm Springs Community Counseling. This public service announcement is sponsored by Warm Springs Prevention and Community Counseling. Tribal Council January agenda items The following are items scheduled on the Tribal Council agenda, subject to change by Tribal Council: Wednesday, Jan. 7 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The Twenty-Sixth Procla- mation Implementation Plan, with Don Sampson, Warm Springs Ventures CEO. Monday, Jan. 12 9 a.m. - Review min- utes/resolutions. 10 - Meeting with the Warm Springs For- est Products Indus- tries board and man- agement. Wednesday, Jan. 14 1:30-5 p.m. - IHS up- date with Josh Newton, Brian Devean and Cassie Katchia. 1:30 p.m. - Legislative update call. 3 p.m. - Enrollments with Yvonne Poorbear/ Vital Stats. T h u r s d a y - S a t u r d a y, Jan. 15-17 ATNI meeting on cli- mate change, Portland. Tuesday, Jan. 27 Enterprise updates 9 a.m. - Indian Head Casino and Kah-Nee-Ta with Jason Smith, Harold Baugus and Carlos Smith. 10 a.m. - Power & Wa- ter Enterprises with Jim Manion. 11 a.m. - Composite Products with Jake Coochise 1:30 p.m. - Telecom with Jose Mantane Thursday-Friday, Jan. 22-23 Meeting with CRITFC. Monday, Jan. 26 9 a.m. - Secretary- treasurer update with Jake Suppah. 10 a.m. - February agenda/ review minutes with S-T. 11 a.m. - Draft resolu- tions. Wednesday, Jan. 28 9 a.m. - Credit with Lori Fuentes. 10 - Ventures with Don Sampson. 1:30 p.m. - WSFPI update with John Katchia Jr. All draft resolutions must be sent to the S- T by email in word form two weeks prior to be- ing taken into council for presentation. Copy to lynn davis at the management office: Jake.suppah@wstribes.org ldavis@wstribes.org Items for consid- eration: Committee updates. Multidisciplinary child abuse teams re- port, and U.S. Attorney update with Amanda Marshall.