Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 03, 2014, Page 9, Image 9

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Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
September 3, 2014
July - August Summaries of Tribal Council
July 2, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Delvis Heath, Chief
Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith, Jr., Eugene Austin
Greene, Jr., Evaline Patt,
Raymond Tsumpti, Reuben
Henry, Scott Moses, Orvie
Danzuka, and Kahseuss
Jackson. Rhonda Smith, Re-
2. Motion by Scott to ap-
prove the Referendum re-
sults of the July 1, 2014
Motorsports Referendum;
second by Reuben; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/yes. Motion car-
ried 8 yes, 0 no, 0 abstained,
chairman not voting.
July 7, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Alfred Smith, Jr., Eu-
gene Austin Greene, Jr.,
Evaline Patt, Reuben Henry,
Orvie Danzuka, and Carlos
Smith. Rhonda Smith.
2. BIA Update
- Motion by Carlos to
adopt Resolution 11,901; sec-
ond by Reuben; question
called for; vote: Evaline/yes,
Carlos/yes, Reuben/yes,
Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes; mo-
tion carried, 5 yes, 0 no, 0
abstain, chairman not voting.
- Discussed petition for
July 14, 2014
1. Members present:
Aflred Smith, Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Sr., Reuben Henry,
Scott Moses, Kahseuss Jack-
son, and Carlos Smith.
Rhonda Smith, Recorder.
2. Discussed the Tribal
Council minutes for 2013.
3. Motion by Carlos to
adopt Resolution 11,902
Teaming Agreement; second
by Scott; question called for;
vote: Carlos/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/out of room,
Raymond/no, Kahseuss/yes,
motion carried, 3 yes, 1 no,
1 out of room, chairman not
4. Motion by Carlos to
adopt Resolution 11,903
Non Disclosure Agreement;
second by Scott; question
called for; vote: Carlos/yes,
Scott/yes, Reuben/out of
room, Raymond/no; motion
carried 3 yes, 1 no, 1 out of
room, chairman not voting.
5. Motion by Scott to
adopt Resolution 11,904
Statute of Limitations; sec-
ond by Carlos; question
called for; vote: Carlos/yes,
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/out of room,
Alfred/yes, Raymond/yes;
motion carried 5 yes, 0 no, 1
out of room, chairman not
6. Motion by Kahseuss to
adopt Resolution 11,905
Community Development
Block grant; second by
Carlos; question called for;
vote: Carlos/yes, Kahseuss/
yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/out
of room, Alfred/yes,
Raymond/yes, motion car-
ried, 5 yes, 0 no, 1 out of
room, chairman not voting.
7. Finance Update (six
- Tribal Departments
- Executive Committees
- Tribal Council
- Tribal Gatherings
July 21, 2014
1. Members present:
Chief Delvis Heath, Chief
Joseph Moses, Eugene Aus-
tin Greene, Jr., Raymond
Tsumpti, Sr., Reuben Henry,
Scott Moses, and Carlos
Smith. Rhonda Smith, Re-
2. Fire Update
- Shaniko Butte Fire
- Log Unit-Skyline Fire
- Log Unit-Bear Butte Fire
3. Utilities Infrastructure
- Tribal Building mainte-
- IHS Buildings (Campus
4. CSC Claim update –
Executive session
July 28, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Joseph Moses, Eugene
Greene, Jr., Evaline Patt,
Raymond Tsumpti, Reuben
Henry, Scott Moses, Orvie
Danzuka, and Kahseuss Jack-
son. Rhonda Smith, Re-
2. Fire update was given.
3. Motion by Joseph to
approve August 2014 Tribal
Council agenda, subject to
change; second by Evaline;
question called for; vote: Jo-
seph/yes, Evaline/yes,
Kahseuss/yes, Scott/yes,
Reuben/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/yes; motion car-
ried, 7 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain,
chairman not voting.
4. Motion by Joseph to
approve the August 2014
Tribal Council delegation; sec-
ond by Raymond; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Kahseuss/yes,
Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes;
motion carried, 7 yes, 0 no, 0
abstain; chairman not voting.
5. Motion by Joseph to
adopt Resolution 11,906; sec-
ond by Kahseuss; question
called for; vote: Joesph/yes,
Evaline/abstain, Kahseuss/
yes, Scott/yes, Reuben/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes;
motion carried 6 yes, 0 no, 1
abstained, chairman not vot-
6. Federal Legislative up-
7. State Legislativ update.
July 30, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Delvis Heath, Chief
Joseph Moses, Eugene Aus-
tin Greene, Evaline Patt,
Orvie Danzuka, Kahseuss
2. Discussed Carbon Se-
3. Motion by Joseph to
adopt Resolution 11,907; sec-
ond by Delvis; question called
for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Kahseuss/no, Delvis/yes,
Orvie/yes; motion carried 4
yes, 1 no, 1 out of room,
chairman not voting.
4. Discussed the Strategic
Infrastructure Improvement
5. Motion by Orvie to
adopt Resolution 11,908; sec-
ond by Joseph; question called
for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Kahseuss/out
of room, Delvis/yes, Orvie/
yes; motion carried, 4 yes, 0
no, 1 out of room, chairman
not voting.
6. Motion by Joseph to
adopt Resolution 11,909; sec-
ond by Evaline; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Kahseuss/out
of room, Delvis/yes, Orvie/
yes; motion carried, 4 yes, 0
no, 1 out of room, chairman
not voting.
7. Motion by Joseph to
adopt Resolution 11,910; sec-
ond by Evaline; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Evaline/yes, Kahseuss/out
of room, Delvis/yes, Orvie/
yes; motion carried 4 yes, 0
no, 1 out of room chairman
not voting.
August 4, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Joseph Moses, Evaline
Patt, Raymond Tsumpti, Sr.,
Orvie Danzuka, Kahseuss
Jackson and Carlos Smith.
Rhonda Smith, Recorder.
2. Carlos gave a report on
his trip to Washington DC.
3. Land Buy back update
by Roberta Armstrong.
4. Motion by Orvie to
adopt Resolution 11, 911;
second by Kahseuss; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Carlos/out of room,
Kahseuss/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, Raymond/yes;
motion carried, 5 yes, 0 no, 1
out of room, chairman not
5. Motion by Raymond to
adopt Resolution 11,912 but
not to start until the document
is complete; second by Jo-
seph, and to work on the
Resolution; question called
for vote: Joseph/yes, Carlos/
out of room, Kahseuss/yes,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/yes; motion car-
ried 5 yes, 0 no, 1 out of
room, chairman not voting.
6. Grant applications up-
7. Motion by Raymond to
approve to Randy Scott pre-
pare documents for the Su-
perintendents signature; sec-
ond by Orvie; question called
for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Carlos/out of room,
Kahseuss/out of room,
Alfred/yes, Or vie/yes,
Raymond/yes; motion car-
ried 4 yes, 0 no, 2 out of
room, chairman not voting.
8. Federal Legislative Up-
9. State Legislative update.
August 11, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Delvis Heath, Chief
Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith, Jr., Evaline Patt,
Reuben Henry Or vie
Danzuka, Kahseuss Jackson,
and Carlos Smith. Rhonda
Smith, Recorder.
2. Fire Update
- Fire Prevention Team
- Fire Prevention Events
- Motion by Or vie to
adopt Resolution 11,913
Youth Fire Setter Interven-
tion; second by Reuben; ques-
tion called for; vote: Joseph/
yes, Kahseuss/yes, Reuben/
yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes, motion carried, 6
yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, chairman
not voting.
3. Motion by Joseph to
approve Tribal Council min-
utes May to August 2013;
second by Orvie; question
called for; vote: Joseph/yes,
Kahseuss/abstain, Reuben/
yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes; motion carried 5
yes, 0 no, 1, abstain, chairman
not voting; Kahseuss stated
he would like the minutes
format written to have line
spacing between each state-
4. Warm Springs Commu-
nity Action Team update
- Board Members
- Community Action Team
- Funding
5. Tribal Court Update
- Mid-year report
- DUII Sentencing
- Slander
August 12, 2014
1. Members Present:
Chief Delvis Heath, Chief
Joseph Moses, Chief Alfred
Smith, Jr., Eugene Austin
Greene, Evaline Patt, Reuben
Henry, Or vie Danzuka,
Kahseuss Jackson, and Carlos
Smith. Rhonda Smith, Re-
2. VFW Presentation
- Motion to approve let-
ter for VFW to seek funds
for Veterans Highway memo-
rial sign; motion by Joseph to
approve the letter; second by
Reuben; question called for;
vote: Joseph/yes, Evaline/
yes, Reuben/yes, Delvis/yes,
Alfred/yes, Orvie/yes, mo-
tion carried, 6 yes, 0 no 0
abstain, chairman not voting.
- Motion by Or vie to
adopt Resolution 11,914,
Warm Springs Warriors Soci-
ety; second by Reuben; ques-
tion called for; vote: Joseph/
yes, Evaline/yes, Reuben/
yes, Delvis/yes, Alfred/yes,
Orvie/yes; motion carried 6
yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, chairman
not voting.
- Discussed Veterans Me-
3. Discussion with Oregon
Gaming Alliance.
4. Update on CRITFC
SPOD call.
August 18, 2014
1. Roll Call: Chief Delvis
Heath, Chief Joseph Moses,
Chief Alfred Smith, Chair-
man Eugene Greene Jr., Vice-
Chairwoman Evaline Patt,
Raymond Tsumpti Sr.,
Reuben Henry, Scott Moses,
Kahseuss Jackson, Or vie
Danzuka and Carlos Smith.
2. Strategic Implementa-
tion of Tribal Council Proc-
Update reschedule with
date to be determined.
3. Secretary-Treasurer pre-
sented a Video Presentation
on 2014 Crude Oil Transpor-
- Motion by Kahseuss for
Danny Martinez to pursue
the Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency (FEMA)
rules and regulations routed
through the state of Oregon
and report back to tribal coun-
cil; second by Reuben; Vote:
Joseph/Yes, Evaline/Yes,
Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/Yes,
Scott/Yes, Reuben/Yes,
Delvis/Yes, Alfred/Yes,
Orvie/Yes, Raymond/Yes, 8
Yes, 0 Chairman not voting,
0 Abstain, Motion passes.
4. Discussed and mo-
tion by Carlos for a 30-Day
re-advertise the Board ap-
pointments to be submitted
by a letter of interest and re-
sume; second by Scott; vote:
Joseph/Yes, Evaline/Yes,
Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/Yes,
Scott/Yes, Reuben/Yes,
Delvis/Yes, Alfred/Yes,
Orvie/Yes, Raymond/Yes;
10 Yes, 0 Chair man not
voting, 0 Abstain, Motion
5. Discussed and mo-
tion made by Kahseuss to ap-
prove Tribal Council Septem-
ber Agenda with subject to
change; second by Reuben;
vote: Joseph/Yes, Evaline/
Yes, Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/
Yes, Scott/Yes, Reuben/Yes,
Delvis/Yes, Alfred/Yes,
Orvie/Yes, Raymond/Yes;
10 Yes, 0 Chairman not vot-
ing, 0 Abstain, Motion
6. Discussed and mo-
tion by Joseph to approve
Tribal Council travel delega-
tion, second by Reuben; Vote:
Joseph/Yes, Evaline/Yes,
Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/Yes,
Reuben/Yes, Delvis/Yes,
Alfred/Yes, Orvie/Yes,
Raymond/Yes; vote: 10 Yes,
0 Chairman not voting, 0
Abstain, Motion passes.
7. Discussed and mo-
tion by Carlos for Tribal
Council members to give
travel reports in Chambers,
second by Scott; Vote:
Joseph/No, Evaline/Yes,
Carlos/Yes, Kahseuss/Yes,
Scott/Yes, Reuben/Yes,
Delvis/Yes, Alfred/Yes,
Orvie/Yes, Raymond/Ab-
stain; Vote: 8 Yes, 0 Chair-
man not voting, 1 Abstain, 1
No, Motion passes.
8. Washington, DC Legis-
lative Update. State Legisla-
tive Update.
Regarding WSFPI mill permits
The EPA plans two air quality
permit actions for sawmill in
Warm Springs, Oregon
Public comment period ends Sep-
tember 25, 2014
On September 24, 2007, the
United States Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) issued a Clean
Air Act (CAA) non-Title V operating
permit to Warm Springs Forest
Products Industries (WSFPI) for its
sawmill located in Warm Springs, Or-
egon. The owner-requested permit
established synthetic minor limits on
hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emis-
sions, thereby making it unneces-
sary for WSFPI to comply with ma-
jor source National Emission Stan-
dards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
requirements. The EPA is propos-
ing to revise the permit primarily to
strengthen the enforceability of the
HAP emission limits.
The EPA is also proposing to is-
sue WSFPI a new CAA Title V oper-
ating permit for the sawmill. The
facility’s Title V operating permit is
being renewed for five years in ac-
cordance with 40 CFR Part 71. Be-
cause the facility is located within
the exterior boundaries of the Warm
Springs Reservation and because
the Warm Springs Tribe does not
have an EPA-approved permitting
program, it is the EPA’s responsibil-
ity to issue the air quality permit.
The WSFPI’s Jefferson County,
Oregon sawmill produces kiln-dried
dimensional lumber from logs. Wood
residue from on-site sawmill opera-
tions and forest slash is combusted
in a biomass boiler to produce su-
perheated steam. The steam is em-
ployed primarily to either dry lum-
ber in single batch kilns or gener-
ate electricity for on-site consump-
tion via steam turbines. At maximum
operation, the facility has the poten-
tial to emit more than 100 tons per
year of non-fugitive emissions for
each of the following Title V pollut-
ants: carbon monoxide, nitrogen ox-
ides, inhalable coarse particulate,
fine particulate and volatile o rganic
compounds. Thus, the facility is a
major source of air pollution subject
to the Title V permitting program.
This permitting action allows WSFPI
to continue operating the facility for
another five years. The Title V per-
mit is being revised from the one is-
sued in October 2008 to incorpo-
rate new requirements that apply to
the facility, including those being
concurrently proposed for the non-
Title V permit.
How can I get more informa-
tion? You can get copies of the draft
permits and the entire administra-
tive record from the EPA’s web site
at http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/
You can also review the same ma-
terials during regular business
hours at:
Jefferson County Library 241 S.E.
7th Street Madras, Oregon 97741
(541) 475-3351
Management Office (Info Desk)
Confederated Tribes of the Warm
Springs Reservation 1233 Veterans
Street Warm Springs, Oregon
97761-3001 (541) 553-1161
U.S. EPA, Region 10 Public Li-
brary 1st Floor, 1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101-3140 (206) 553-
The 2015 schedule of food hander’s classes is now available.
The classes will be from 2-4 p.m. in the Warm Springs clinic
atrium (unless otherwise noted).
The 2015 classes will be on: January 15, February 19, March 19,
April 16, May 4, May 27, June 8 and 18, and June 24 (from 3-5
p.m.), July 16, August 13 and September 24.