Spilyay Tymoo, W arm Springs, Oregon A pril 16, 20 14 Page 9 Culture & Heritage Language Program Busy month as Culture & Heritage participates in: Horse Theif - April 4th Language Program Staff Val Switzler, Director Josie Blackwolf, Secretary Arlita Rhoan, Lead Teacher Suzie Slockish, Ichishkiin Dallas Winishut, Ichishkiin Greg Arquette, Ichishkiin Charles Kalama, Archives Dana Smith, Archives Pam Cardenas, Kiksht CarlaDean Winishut, Numu Wilfred Jim, Consultant Geraldine Jim, Conultant Myra Johnson, Consultant Language Knowledge Bowl - April 9th PHONE: (541) 553-3290 Education Building If you have any questions please feel free to stop by the office and talk with any one of our staff Oregon Indian Education Association Conference (OIEA) - April 10th & 11th Laguage Latchkey kids learn how to drum with Charles Kalama and Gregory Arquett