Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon New gymnasium April 16, 2014 Page 5 Gas vouchers help with medical travel As a tribal member, you may be eligible for a medical gas voucher. This program helps with expenses related to travel for health care ser- vices. You must meet the follow- ing requirements: Be a member of the Con- federated Tribes of Warm Springs, and referred by a medical provider at Indian Health Services. Submit verification of ap- pointment with a referral pro- vided from the IHS Medical Records Office three days prior to the appointment, un- less the appointment is the same day. We can provide assistance for Priority 1 cases. This sta- tus is determined by your medical provider. Heart Health luncheons Dave McMechan/Spilyay During the Warm Springs Academy open house last week, students paid a visit to the new gymnasium. The Community Health Education Team will offer Heart Health education on Thursdays starting on April 24, and going through May. The gatherings are from noon to 1 p.m. in the large conference room at the Fam- ily Resource Center. Lunch will be provided. Space is limited to 20 people. For more informa- tion call Judy at 541-553- 2211. The course is a based on a 10-week curriculum, con- densed in a booklet for easy reading from Honoring the Gift of Heart Health for American Indians. Provide documentation from the tribal Community Health Representative pro- gram that you do not meet their transportation require- ments. An appointment verifica- tion form will be given, and must be returned by fax or in person within three days of appointment. (This must be signed off by the provid- ers office). The dollar amounts for vouchers are based on where the medical appointment is. All drivers must show proof of drivers license. Priorities will be given to all dialysis and cancer patients who cannot be transported by the CHR program. For information call 541- 553-4952. Cheryl Tom, Social Ser- vices, program manager. Counseling hosts Talking Circles The Warm Springs Com- munity Counseling Center is hosting the Talking Circle for tribal members who are fac- ing unemployment. This is a chance to build a support sys- tem and gain information on resources for tribal members facing unemployment. The Talking Circle is down- stairs at Warm Springs Com- munity Counseling on Friday, April 25 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more information call Annie Kalama at 541- 553-3205. Meal and care bas- kets are provided. (No child care available.) Tribal Council seeking applicants for board positions The Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, would like to ad- vertise the following board positions. For each position: Letters of Interest and resumes of applicants interested in serv- ing on the Board of Direc- tor should be submitted to the following address by no later than May 7, 2014: Jake Suppah, Secretary- Treasurer/CEO P.O. Box 455 Warm Springs, OR 97761 An authorization letter will be mailed to each applicant for a criminal and credit back- ground check to be com- pleted and returned to Sec- retary-Treasurer’s office. In- formation will be submitted confidentially to the Secre- tary-Treasurer. The following board positions are being ad- vertised: Warm Springs Credit Board of Directors. Two Class II board mem- bers. One director will be an enrolled member of the Tribes. The other Class II director shall be a non mem- ber interested in the social and economic development of the Tribes, and who has expertise in the field of credit or re- lated professions. The class II director shall have an ini- tial term in office expiring January 1, 2017 or until their successors are appointed and take office. Members of the Board of Directors must have a repu- tation for industry, depend- ability, honesty, and integrity. It shall be an initial and con- tinuing qualification for mem- bers of the Board of Direc- tors that they have no loan with the Tribes that is in a de- linquent status. The business and affairs of the Enterprise shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors. Regular Meetings. Regu- lar meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held quar- terly for the purpose of re- viewing the preceding three months’ operations, making plans for the ensuing three months’ operations, and the transaction of such other business as may come before this meeting. The first regu- lar meeting in each fiscal year shall also be the annual meet- ing of the Board of Direc- tors. The Board of Direc- tors shall review the preced- ing year’s operations, elect officers and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. The regu- lar meetings shall be held at the time and place specified by the President of the Board in the notice of the meeting. If the day fixed for a regular meeting falls on a legal holi- day in the State of Oregon, or is otherwise inconvenient or unsatisfactory in the opin- ion of the Board of Direc- tors, or the President of the Board, the Board of Direc- tors or the President of the Board may fix another date in lieu of the regularly sched- uled meeting date. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Di- rectors may be called by the President of the Board or any three members of the Board of Directors. Meet- ings shall be held at the time and place specified by the person or persons calling such meeting. Election Board: One po- sition vacant, and one alter- nate. All members of the Elec- tion Board shall be members of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reser- vation of Oregon, and shall not be appointed to such po- sitions in an election where they are a candidate for elec- tion or where they may per- sonally have an interest in the election different from the in- terests of the membership at large. Duties of Election Boards. It shall be the duty of the election board to supervise the election at the voting place where they are desig- nated to serve. The Chief Statistician shall furnish to the election board an up to date voter list showing the district in which each of the voters is entitled to vote and insofar as the election board is con- cerned such voter list shall be final. The election board shall insure that all persons whose names are shown on the voter list shall have an opportunity to vote in the district where they are registered and that no persons whose names are not on the voting list for that district shall vote. The Tribal Council shall es- tablish the date of election, the voting places and the hours during which the polls shall be open. The Tribal Council shall furnish ballots to the election boards and the election boards shall guaran- tee that all registered voters have the opportunity to vote a secret ballot. Decisions on all dispute shall be decided by the election board assigned to the particular voting place and such decision shall be fi- nal. Water Board: Two posi- tions. The Tribal Council has the responsibility for managing the water resource of the res- ervation through the Reser- vation Water Management Plan. To implement this plan the Council relies on the Wa- ter Board, consisting of three members. The primary function of the board will be to review all matters pertaining to the water resource to make rec- ommendations to the Tribal Council in regards to making the Water Management Plan function and to propose changes or improvements in water policy and the plan. The Water Control Board will be concerned with all ac- tivities occurring in the wa- tershed areas on the Reser- vation. Before an activity is initiated all plans will be sub- mitted to the Board for their recommendations to the Tribal Council to ensure that neither water quality or quan- tity is impaired. One position term ending: 10/30/15. One position term ending: 10/30/16. War m Springs Local Housing Authority Board of Commissioners: Four positions. The Tribal Housing Au- thority is the body established to develop policies and pro- cedures relating to Tribal housing, to give direction to the Housing Manager and Housing Department, and make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding housing matters. (a) The affairs of the Au- thority shall be managed by a Board of Commissioners composed of seven persons. Purpose: The Tribal Hous- ing Authority shall be orga- nized and operated for the purposes of: (a) Remedying on the Res- ervation unsafe or unsanitary housing conditions, that are public nuisances or hazardous to the public health. (b) Alleviating the acute shortage of decent, safe and sanitary dwellings for families of low income; (c) Providing employment opportunities on the Reserve-tion through the con- struction, reconstruction, im- provement, extension, alter- ation or repair and operation of dwellings. (d) To develop policy and give direction regarding Tribal Housing matters. The policies established will apply uni- formly to all housing on the Reser vation, whether fi- nanced by the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment or otherwise, except as specifically noted in the Housing Code. War m Springs Power and Water Enter prise Board of Directors: Three positions - Class I tribal mem- ber/non-member; Class III (two positions) one non-mem- ber and one tribal member. Class I shall consist of one director who shall be an en- rolled member of the Tribe or non-member who is inter- ested in the economic and social development of the Tribe and its membership and who has expertise in the field of energy or related matters. Term ending: 01/01/17 Class III shall consist of two directors, one of whom shall be an enrolled member of the Tribe and one of whom shall be a non-mem- ber who is interested in the economic and social develop- ment of the Tribe and its membership and who has ex- pertise in the field of energy or related matters. Term End- ing: 01/01/16 General Powers. The busi- ness and affairs of WSWPE shall be managed and con- trolled by the Board of Di- rectors. Regular Meetings. A regu- lar meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held annu- ally on the fourth Thursday in the month of March for the purpose of reviewing the preceding calendar year’s op- erations, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet- ing. At the annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall review the preceding year’s operations, make plans for the ensuing year’s operations, elect officers and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chair of the Board or any three members of the Board of Directors. Meet- ings shall be held at the time and place specified by the person or persons calling such meeting.