Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 28, 2011, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4
Spilyay Tym oo December 28, 2011
Letters to the Editor
^4 toe ness
look toward
the New Year Canoe journey
N ew Year’s resolutions are dif­
ficu lt to keep, because we set unre­
alistic goals. The follow ing are some
N ew Y ear’s resolutions that are
easily attainable, perhaps too eas­
Procrastinate more, starting
Gain weight. Stop exercising.
Start w asting
more time. Read
less. Watch more
Not have eight
children at once. Get in a new
rut. Start being superstitious.
G et m ore in debt. W ait
around for opportunity. Focus
on the faults of others.
N ever m ake N ew Y ear’s
resolutions again.
Dieting New Year resolu­
2008: I will get my weight
down below 180 pounds.
2009: I will follow my new
diet religiously until I get below
200 pounds.
2010: I will develop a realis­
tic attitude about my weight.
2011: I will work out 3 days
a week.
2012: I will try to drive past
a gym at least once a week.
A law yer at the Pearly
One day, a teacher, a garbage
collector and a lawyer wound up
together at the Pearly Gates.
St. Peter informed them that
in order to get into Fleaven, they
would each have to answer one
St. P eter ad d ressed the
teacher and asked, “What was
the nam e o f the ship that
crashed into an iceberg? They
made a movie about it.”
The teach er an sw ered
quickly, “That would be the Ti­
St. Peter let her through the
gate. St. Peter turned to the gar­
bage man and decided to make
the question a little harder,
“Flow many people died on the
Fortunately for him, the trash
man had just seen the movie
and answered, “About 1,500.”
“That’s right! You may enter.”
St. Peter then turned to the
lawyer. “Name them.”
I want to pass away peace­
fully in my sleep like my grand­
mother, not screaming hysteri­
cally like the passengers in her
I went to buy some camouflage
trousers the other day but I couldn’t
fin d any.
I love when I get to go on
small trips with the Canoe Fam­
ily. The most recent one I went
on was the trip to Portland for
a nice pull on the canoe and a
parade afterwards.
When we got to Portland, the
canoe family stayed with a nice
family. That night at the house
we got to know them and I per­
sonally got to know two new
members of the Warm Springs
Canoe Family.
We all sang and danced, or
‘jammed out,’ and had a good
time. Early the next morning,
we said our ‘go odb yes’ and
‘thank yous’ to our host and we
were off to the water. It was go­
ing to be the first time N’chi
Wana (the canoe) was on the
water in two months.
That day, I got to be one of
the lead pullers for the canoe,
and I just love being on the wa­
ter with my friends and family.
After the short half hour pull
with the canoe family, and the
other tribes’ canoes, we landed.
As we all came ashore each
tribe asked permission to take
our canoe out of the water as a
part of protocol. We all got per­
mission, and everybody helped
carry all of the canoes out and
onto the trailers to get ready for
the parade.
We changed into our regalia
and hopped into the canoe on
the trailer and the parade started.
It was nice to see all of the sup­
porters that we had and to see
all of the people in the parade.
That was such a great day for
me and I hope we can do more.
Dakota Stacona
overs (no meat, just fruit and
vegetables, and coffee and tea
grounds). Talk to my mother,
Charleene Harmon, who lives
in Prineville. See if she can help.
A nth ony W. Irelan d -
Martinez. P.S., Evette wanted
me to tell you about my initials,
AIM. You can always aim for
Dress drive
Carol Sahme and I are doing
a Dress Drive for all Current
Madras High School students
for the 2012 winter prom.
Our Dress Drive will be this
Thursday, Dec. 29 at the Warm
Springs Community Center.
We will help assist girls with
prom dresses no older than
2006 styles.
Please pass the word if you
know of someone who might
be n eed in g a dress for
Cinderella this year.
We have different sizes and
colors and have collected over
20 dresses so far.
Also, if you would like to
donate a gently used dress call
me at 541-325-3145; or Carol
at 541-553-3243. We can pick
up. All help will is very much
appreciated, and more the mer-
Norene Sampson
Be good, and many blessings
for the New Year.
May you all be good for the
New Year, and have many bless­
ings with those you have left in
your family. Remember those
who have passed on. They are
happy now where they are. They
are not suffering in any way. Be
happy and thankful for another
New Year!
Evette Patt, 50 Kourt Dr.,
no. 3, Eugene OR 97404; ph.
I am writing in hopes of pre-
venting another wave of Native
A m erican m en and w om en
caught in the grip of losing our
cultural ways all in the name of
“reintegration” and “rehabilita-
lion” that is reminiscent of the
“Indian school” days by the fed­
eral government.
Here in the Oregon Depart­
m ent o f C o rrectio n s I am
M ich ael D. B enson no.
7100852.1 am in no way proud
of where I am. I retain great
pride in the fact I am Native
All I ask for now is the abil-
ity to have the chance to grow
spiritually, enjoy trad itio n al
foods for change of seasons
and powwow ceremonies no
matter what facility I am placed
Three things
Indian Business Talk
The New Year
I’ve got three things to tell
you, or share with you. One, I
live next door to Evette patt.
Two, I’m Aztec on my father’s
side. My grandfather was a pro­
tector of Pancho Villa.
T hree, if you w an t good
ground, or to replant some trees,
a good thing is to use food left­
Spilyay Tymoo
CCoyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Reporter: Duran Bobb
Advertising Director: Yvonne Iverson
Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confeder­
ated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located at
4174 Highway 3 in Warm Springs.
Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR
Phone: 541-553-2210
Advertising: 541-553-2307 or 541-325-1089
E-Mail: dave.mcmechan@wstribes.org.
Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $15.00.
at. In order to do so we need a
bank account so that we can
apply for grant money and do­
nations to pay for all our needs
such as foods and supplies.
Then allow us to have a drum
and talking circle as well as bead­
ing and other gift making classes.
I very humbly ask for all the
help and “outside” support we
can get. A few phone calls, e-
mails, or letters to your local leg­
islative representative, the gov­
ernor, or the director of correc­
tions. This could mean the dif­
ference between another lost
generation or the m aking of
men and women who can find
and reconnect with themselves
and our roots—passing on those
traditions and lessons to our
children and those around us in
a positive way. Let your voices
be heard! Aho.
M ich ael D. B enson,
7100852, c/o T R C I, 82911
Beach Access Rd., Umatilla OR
97882. (Please feel free to con­
tact me for more information.)
Some thoughts
When God first came upon
you, He saw that you were
weak. That hills were becoming
rough to climb and it was get-
ting hard to speak. He gently
grabbed your hand and started
pulling you away w hile I sat
watching close nearby, begging
you to stay. I wanted one more
kiss. I wanted one more hug, I
wanted one last chance to show
it’s you I truly love. But as I said
goodbye a tear fell from my
face. I knew how much I’d miss
you and how no one could take
your place. You weren’t only my
other half, you were a hero. I
know that if I give it time, I’ll
see you again. They say every
life has ending but every end­
ings a new start and no matter
where I am, near or far you’re
always in my heart.
I sit here and think about
these days that have passed. I
see all these people leave and
fear that I’ll be last. This life is
filled with sorrow but with great
thoughts and love, it can push
me towards tomorrow. My fam-
ily is absurd, I’m just trying to
give a word but I feel that I’m
unheard. These people are so
scared of the monsters they’ve
become, they sit in fear and
wonder what has all been said
and done. The truth is a reality
and sometime brings fatality, so
much for formality, life is just
a stupid joke. This life has
brought uncertainty all it does
is burden me and show me all
these ties, I feel so paralyzed.
Before I was born my mom had
problem s, she escaped w ith
drugs and alcohol and chose not
to solve them. My grandma and
grandpa raised me, my dad al­
ways praised me, they gave me
the facts of life and today they
can see who made me. Every
day I try to be the best a daugh­
ter should be, give respect and
thanks to the one’s that created
me. I hope that I’ll be chang­
ing, because of this life that I’ve
been escaping, to places far un­
known. I feel that my mind is
blown. I’m past the point of no
return, where fear and chaos
takes it turn. All that’s left is
happiness and some positivity,
my life has been me vs. creativ­
ity. I’ve been to places here and
there but every time I just feel
I’m getting nowhere.
Chantel Beverly Williams
Wilma Picard.
Senior program
I am thankful for the Senior
programs, for Lucille, Wilson,
Elton, Adelle, the cooks and the
exercise program, Edmond and
I’ve participated since June
and my arthritis is not so bad. I
can walk almost natural again.
This program keeps a lot of
us busy. Thank you for a beau­
tiful 2011. Lamont.
RS. I could mention so many
things to be thankful for. Any­
way, H appy and Safe N ew
Year... Happy birthday, Moses
Lamont Lloyd, Gomer Craig,
M ary B row n. Love you,
grandpa and Dad. Thank you,
Dr. Creeleman, etc. Lamont.
New Years
The Simnasho New Year’s
Eve Powwow will begin with a
potluck dinner at 6 p.m., Satur­
day, Dec. 31.
Washut (one 7) begins at 7
p.m.; and from 7:30 to midnight
is the traditional powwow, social
dancing and games.
A Clown Dance Special is at
11 p.m. with cash prizes for
first-, second- and third-places.
Midnight— time to welcome
the New Year with song and
dance and w alk around the
longhouse. Everyone is w el­
come to this family event, spon-
sored by m em bers o f the
Simnasho community. For more
information, contact Captain at
The next deadline to submit
item s f o r publication in the
Spilyay Tymoo is Friday, Janu­
ary 6. Thank you fo r writing}
Home energy assistance
The Low Income Home
Energy Assistance Program
is taking applications for en­
ergy assistance. W hat to
bring with your application:
V erification o f incom e
(check stub, general assis­
tance, SSI, SSD I, D SHS,
SNAP), award letter stating
what type of income. Social
Security number on the ap­
plication, and the energy bill.
All members of household
over 18 are required to sign
two form s. T he W arm
Sprin gs p ro gram
w as
awarded less money than last
year, “but we will do our best
to ensure as many house­
holds receive assistance,” said
Gayleen Adams, of the Low
Income Home Energy Assis­
tance Program (LIHEAP).
“We will also provide fire­
wood to those households
that prefer to use their fire­
place or wood stove.
I f you have q uestions
please call the office during
business hours, 541-553-
3491, and speak with Mona,
Sonia or Gayleen.
Be aware of scams that arrive by email
long distance f o r now.
Please g e t back to me f o r more
Toan officer
details i f y o u can handle this.A lso
W.S. Credit E nterprise
note that y o u sh all not be doing
this f o r fr e e and it w ill not take
Frauds come in all shapes, y o u r time.
K egards
sizes and disguises.
M r A res H sieh”
Here is an email that popped
up on October 14. The punc­
I answered that I was sorry
tuation, grammar and spelling
for his loss, that I live on a res­
are as it was:
ervation, that I know how diffi­
Hello I am M r N res Hsieh , cult it is to deal with the Federal
a citizen o f China based in M a­ government, that I have plenty
laysia .some y ea rs back my late f a ­ time to help him and that I need
th er m ade som e in v estm en t in money. Then I asked him to tell
A m erica through an in vestm ent me how I could help.
We exchanged e-mails and he
I have ask that the shares be asked me for my address, phone
sell o ff and the money transferred number and business name. I
to me so I could in ject the fu n d s responded and waited. That was
into business here in Malaysia. B ut October 1 8 .1 was beginning to
I was told by M y contact, that f o r think he got off my hook.
On December 7, he said he
one reason and the other that they
been ill and asked me to
have a new p olicy not to transfer
fu n d s out o f N orth A m erica f o r confirm my information. I did.
On December 19, he asked if I
S o l need a third party who can had gotten the payment yet. I
collect the fu n d s on my beh alf and said I had not.
My “check” arrived the next
forw a rd to me since my health con­
dition w ill not p erm it me to travel day—it was dated August 12,
B y Bruce Engle
Kun, don’t walk, away
from anyone who tries
to force you to make a
quick decision about
spending or “invest­
ing” you r money.
2011— and I e-mailed him that
I had gotten it and asked what I
should do w ith it. He said,
“Thanks for your update. Have
the payment deposit and let me
know the exact date the bank
said funds will clear so that I can
forward you my information to
transfer the funds after the de­
duction of 12 percent for your
I answered that my bank/
credit union said we would ex­
pect funds on January 4.
Now, I am waiting to hear
how he figures to close his trap.
I’ll tell you in the next issue how
the con is supposed to go down.
Actually, I’d like to see the con
artist go down.
Think of how he approached
me. His appeal could work on
anyone with a need, or greed,
or goodwill and helpful nature.
In all cases, his story— and all
cons— is/are designed to take
advantage of ignorance.
Some old sayings can be good
• There is no free lunch.
• If it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is.
• A sucker is born every
When in doubt, stall. Play for
time. You can always say you
have to consult with your finan­
cial advisor.
You never have to tell any­
one who that is. It could be your
dog, your cat, your priest, or
your banker.
Whatever! Just don’t be pres­
sured. Run, don’t walk, away
from anyone who tries to force
you to make a quick decision
about spending or “investing”
your money.
Burping a Buffalo would be