Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 28, 2011, Page Page 2, Image 2

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December 28, 2011
Spilyay Tyrooo, W^rro Springs, Oregon
Moving Mountains
Challenge starts in Jan.
Fitness Champions
With the Christmas feast con­
sumed, and the calories of the
New Year beckoning, now is the
time to make your com m it­
ment— to take part in the Third
A nnual M oving M ountains
Slimdown Challenge.
The Slimdown Challenge—
p o p u lar,
16-w eek
communitywide get-healthy pro­
gram—is just a couple of weeks
away from starting.
Couples category
Yvonne Iverson/Spilyay
The WS Ventures team won the 2011 November Fitness Challenge. Team members are (from left) Sandra Danzuka,
Owen Danzuka Sr., Jaym’e Schricker, Jabbar Davis, Leslie Davis, Adam Haas, Tashina Smith. Team members not
pictured: Jeff Anspach, Owen Danzuka Jr., Rodney Adams, Cecil Seyler, Nancy Seyler, Glenn Carpenter, Ben Bisland
and Tana Frank. Congratulations, Ventures team!
Year in review:
(Continued from page 1)
Third on the list of news
events for 2011 is the Cas­
cade Complex Fires event,
w hen m ore than 107,000
acres of range and forest land
burned on the reservation.
This happened in Septem­
ber, as the fires burned for
several days at different lo­
cations. Close to 2,400 fire­
figh ter help ed fight the
blazes, which were lightning-
Fires scorched 107,000 acres
Firefighters mop up an area of the Cascade Complex fires.
At times the flames ap­
proach ed very close to
homes, but only one struc­
ture, a shed, was lost. More
than 300 homes were threat­
ened at different times. De­
fensible space around the
homes, and the effort of the
fire crews, were credited with
saving all the dwellings.
“It was a m iracle no
homes were lost,” said Dan
M artinez, chief o f Warm
Springs Fire and Safety.
This year, there will be a new
catego ry o f com p etition :
The couples category w ill
consist of one man and one
woman, whether married or not.
The couples com petition re­
places the mixed team event.
The four-person women’s and
men’s competition remain.
Participants can only com­
pete in one team event, but all
team participants are also in­
cluded in the individual compe­
The entry fee for M oving
Mountains is $25, all of which
goes into the prize money. The
prize money per category is de­
termined by how many entrants
there are per category.
The competition is based on
an accumulation of the percent­
age of weight loss and inches
lost on the waist and hips. Cash
payouts will most likely be first
through fifth places in the indi­
vidual competitions, and first
through third in the team cat­
egories, but organizers may
change the payout depth de­
pending on how many contes­
tants are in the specific category.
A $100 prize will be given to
both the man and woman who
lose the most weight.
W.S. weigh-in
Warm Springs Community Calendar
Weigh-ins will be at Mountain
View Hospital, from Thursday
through Saturday, Jan. 12-14.
The w eigh -in days at the
contest’s end will be Thursday
through Saturday, May 3-5.
A separate weigh-in will be
held in Warm Springs, headed
up by the tribal wellness coordi­
nator Edmond Francis.
The Warm Springs weigh-ins
will be on the same days at the
Madras weigh-ins, at the com­
munity center. Specific times for
the weigh-ins will be announced
Again this year, the “no yo­
yo rule” will be in effect: Par­
ticipants who finished in the
money last year can only par­
ticipate this year if they have not
gained more than 20 percent of
what they weighed at contest’s
end last year. Also, there is a six-
week postpartum wait to enter
the contest.
The goal of Moving Moun­
tains is to challenge the entire
countywide community to live
healthier lives, to transform a
contest commitment into lifelong
habits. Participation in Moving
Mountains also includes regular
health and exercise programs
during the course o f the 16-
week event.
Programs range from nutri­
tion classes to aerobics and
swimming, and will likely be held
on Thursdays.
The Slimdown Challenge is
organized and presented by the
Mountain View Hospital’s Com­
m unity H ealth Im provem ent
P rogram and the Je ffe rso n
County H ealth D epartm ent,
with assistance and sponsorship
from the Madras Aquatic Cen­
ter and the Madras Pioneer.
In an effort to inspire more
businesses to get involved, the
Moving Mountains committee
will be putting the logo of busi­
nesses that sponsor teams on
their full page ads at the begin­
ning and ending of the contest.
For further information, con­
tact Carolyn Harvey, county
health departm ent, 541-475-
4456; or Beth Ann Beamer at
Mountain View Hospital, 541-
Brought to you by KWSO 91.9 FM
The Higher Education
Winter Conference will be
held today from 8:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. at Kah-Nee-Ta.
High school seniors, new
and cu rre n t colle ge stu ­
dents are invited to attend
to learn about financial aid,
tribal scholarships, college
panels, and more.
There’s water aerobics
at 9:15 a.m. at the Kah-
Nee-Ta pool.
The Early Head Start
Group m eets today from
12 :0 0 to 2:00 p.m.. Please
call your hom e visitor for
m ore inform ation at 541-
There will be an Ameri­
can Sign Language Class
from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. in
Room 2E at ECE.
Today at Recreation they
w ill be painting winter
scenes. B e a d in g w ith
Marge at 4:00.
Today in Madras Prep
Sports, the V a rsity G irls
b a ske tb a ll tea m is at the
M a rs h fie ld T o u rn am e nt.
T h e F reshm a n G irls and
B o ys tra v e l to S u m m it
High. Boys Varsity basket­
ball are at th e P h o e n ix
Today is the 48th Annual
Warm Springs All Indian
Men’s Holiday Basket­
ball Tournament at the
C o m m u n ity C enter. For
m o re in fo rm a tio n , c a ll
Austin Greene at 541-553-
ginning with dinner at 6:00
There’s a cardio circuit
class today at 12:10 in the
aerobics room at the Com ­
munity Center.
Today in Recreation, it’s
CSI Prom Prep. T hen
Beading with Marge at 4:00
Today in Madras Prep
Sports: the Varsity G irls
Basketball team is at the
M a rs h fie ld T o u rn am e nt.
The Freshm an girls and
boys are at the S um m it
Today is an early re­
lease day at ECE. Please
rem em ber to pick up your
child at 3:30 p.m.
There will be a senior fit­
ness class this morning at
10:45 at the Senior Building.
S tre n g th T ra in in g
Class w ith Edm und is at
12:10 p.m. at the C om m u­
nity Center.
Today in Recreation, it’s
the New Year Movie and
T h e Boys and Girls
Club will be closing at
Happy New Year!
T here is no school for
509-J students return to
school today.
The Community Advi­
sory Board m eeting for
KW SO w ill start at 10:00
a.m. Anyone interested in
participating and learning
more about what KW SO is
w o rkin g on and offering
feedback is invited to at­
In Madras Prep Sports,
the Freshmen, JV and Var­
sity Girls Basketball team s
a re h o s tin g S u m m it.
G am es are at 3:30, 5:15
and 7:00 p.m. The boys
team s are at Summit.
In Madras Prep Sports,
the Freshmen, JV and Var­
sity Boys Basketball teams
host C rook County. The
girls travel to Crook County.
3:30 p.m.
The End of the Year
Round Dance will be at the
Sim nasho Longhouse be­
T h e E lvis B irth d a y
Bash w ill be at the C om ­
munity Center from 2:00 to
4:00 p.m.
Madras Varsity Wres­
tling is at the Bend Invita-
There is a two hour late
start for all 509-J schools.
A d ult B asic Skills GED
classes begin this week.
Reading and Writing will be
on T u e s d a y s fro m 9:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon. Math
is Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 noon. Come to class
to register, the fee is $20.
For m ore inform ation, call
Legal Aid S ervices of
Oregon will be at the Com ­
munity Action Team Office.
For m ore inform ation, call
T he re w ill be a Food
Handler’s Class beginning
at 2:00 p.m. in the clinic
The M adras Freshmen,
JV and Varsity Boys Bas­
ketball te a m s w ill h o st
LaPine. The girls teams are
at LaPine.
The M adras Freshm en
and Sophomore wrestling
team s host Bend at 4:00
Eel plan:
returns have
been at all-time lows
(Continued from page 1)
Pacific lamprey are thought
to be the oldest fish found in
the Columbia River system, with
some species appearing in fos­
sils 450 m illion years back.
Their numbers have plummeted
in recent years.
At one time, according to
CRITFC, the species returned
to the Columbia River by the
millions. Only 48,000 returned
to Bonneville Dam in 2011.
Lamprey returns were at an
all-time low of 23,000 during
2010 .
“Time is not a luxury that
lamprey have, so we must act
now,” said Paul Lumley, execu­
tive d irecto r for C R ITFC.
“This plan represents the best
of both situations.”
The plan will actively address
facing lamprey and will develop
a better understanding of those
issues. “We can’t sit on our
hands and study them into ex­
Today, eels continue to be a
lasting part o f tribal customs.
However, with dwindling num­
bers found by those who con­
tinue traveling to gathering lo­
cations, prepared asm is getting
harder and harder to find, said
Dallas Winishut with the tribal
language program.
“I didn’t get any this year.
Part o f that could stem from
other tribes who aren’t part of
the Columbia River treaty tribes
coming in to harvest more than
their share of the eels.”
The Tribal Pacific Lamprey
Restoration Plan is available on
the CRITFC w eb site at
Legal Aid Services in Warm Springs
on the second Monday in Jan.
Legal A id S e rv ic e s o f O re g o n p ro v id e s fre e
assistance to low-income Oregonians in many civil
Speak with an attorney during drop-in hours 1 to 4
p.m. on the second Monday of the January at the
Warm Springs Community Action Team building,
1136 Paiute Ave, Warm Springs.
Legal Aid Services is usually in Warm Springs on
the first Monday of the month, but the first Monday
in January is a holiday, so Legal Aid will be here on
Monday, Jan. 9.
Call 385-6944 Monday through Thursday between
9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (at lunch from noon-1 p.m.)
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