Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 12, 2011, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Spilyay classifieds
Tribal jobs
A partial listing of job openings
with the Warm Springs Tribes. See
Amelia Tewee in the personnel de­
partment to submit an application, or
call 541-553-3262. View full de­
scrip tio ns and apply online at
w w w .ctw s.o rg
Children Protective Care
Center--CPS Specialist
Provide services for fam ilies
designated as at-risk of abuse and/
or neglect and in need of protective
services. Annual Salary: $20,000.
Contact Elizabeth Hisatake, 541-553-
Fire Management
Assistant Officer-Logistics
To assist the Fire Management Office
in directing a program with a high
com plexity level. Contact Trey
Leonard, 541-553-1146.
Forest Planner
responsibility for forest inventory,
calculation of the Annual Allowable
Cut, projection of forest condition,
watershed studies, surveys and
reports. Annual Salary Range:
$60,000-$75,000. Contact Deepak
Sehgal, 541-553-2022.
Inventory Forester
Primarily responsibilities include
forestland inventory and all aspects
of data collection through data
analysis. Annual Salary Range:
$45,000-$55,000. Contact Jim Rice,
541-553-2006. Apply by Jan. 21.
Public Safety
Sergeant of Corrections
High School Diploma or equivalent.
P^ge 8 Spily^y Tyvnoo January 12, 2011
Two years of college credits
preferred Oregon DPSST Certified
Corrections Officer. Minimum of three
years corrections experience.
Annual Salary Range: $32,977-
$42,199. Contact Lt. Priscilla
Whittenburg, 541-553-3272.
Public Safety
Corrections Officers
One for males; two for females.
Supervise and enforce rules in the
daily operation of the facility by
ensuring the safety and security of
the inmates, staff, and public. Salary:
$24,037. Contact Lt. P. Whittenburg,
Executive Director sought
Potlatch Fund seeks an Executive Director. Significant experience with
and knowledge of Indian Country required. Must have proven track
record of strategic planning, fund-raising and ability to cultivate growing
base of diverse local volunteers, and to inspire support of Potlatch
Fund’s mission. Submit letter outlining skills/ background; a resume and
letters of reference to: Executive Director Position, Potlatch Fund, 801
2nd Ave., Suite 304, Seattle, WA 98104. Telephone Ken Gordon 206-
624-6076 or Board President Kirby Jock 253-926-0276 for details.
High Lookee Lodge
Bus Driver
High Lookee Lodge seeks a part-time,
on call driver to transport residents
in the facilities bus. Hourly pay: $10-
$12 an hour. Contact Lawrence
Macy, 541-553-1182.
In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
H E AR IN G : CTW S, p e ti­
tioner, vs. Phoebe Eagle/
Steven Joe, respondents, case
no. D 06 4-10 / D 03 5-0 3. To
Phoebe E agle/Steven Joe:
You are hereby notified that a
custody review has been filed
with the Warm Springs Tribal
Court. By this notice you are
summoned to appear in this
matter at a hearing scheduled
for 3 p.m. for the 24th day of
Jan u ary 2011 at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. All of
the facts o f the case w ill be
heard at this hearing, including
evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
H E AR IN G : CTW S, p e ti­
tioner, vs. Danica Greene/
Richard "Remo" Smith, re­
spondents, case no. JV55-96.
To Danica Greene/Richard
"Remo" Sm ith: You are
hereby notified that a custody
review has been filed with the
Warm Springs Tribal Court. By
this notice you are summoned
to appear in this m atter at a
hearing scheduled for 4 p.m.
for the 19th day of January
2011 at the W arm Springs
Tribal Court, All of the facts
of the case will be heard at this
hearing, including evidence you
wish to present. You must ap­
pear to present your argument
or the other side will automati­
cally win. If you desire to per­
sonally argue your side of the
case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney ap­
pear on your behalf at your ex­
pense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
CTW S, p etitio n e r, vs.
N icole Chee, respondents,
case no. DO71-10. To Nicole
Chee: You are hereby notified
that a custody review has been
filed with the Warm Springs
Tribal Court. By this notice you
are summoned to appear in this
matter at a hearing scheduled
for 9 a.m. for the 14th day of
Jan u ary 2011 at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. All of
the facts o f the case w ill be
heard at this hearing, including
evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
C TW S, p e titio n e r, vs.
Antonia Wahsise/Casey Gra­
ham, respondents, case no.
JV 5 8 -0 9 .
A n ton ia
Wahsise/Casey Graham: You
are hereby notified that a cus­
tody review has been filed with
the Warm Springs Tribal Court.
By this notice you are sum­
moned to appear in this matter
at a hearing scheduled for 10
a.m. for the 24th day of Janu­
ary 2011 at the Warm Springs
Tribal Court. All of the facts
of the case will be heard at this
hearing, including evidence you
wish to present. You must ap­
pear to present your argument
or the other side will automati­
cally w in.'If you desire to per­
sonally argue your side of the
case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney ap­
pear on your behalf at your ex­
pense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
K irby H eath Sr., p e ti­
tioner, vs. Rim a C rooked
Arm , respondent, case no.
DO158-10. To You are hereby
notified that an elder protection
order has been filed with the
Warm Springs Tribal Court. To
K irby H eath Sr./R im a
Crooked Arm: By this notice
you are summoned to appear in
this matter at a hearing sched­
uled for 11 a.m. for the 31st
day o f January 2011 at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court.
All of the facts of the case will
be heard at this hearing, includ­
ing evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
Sheree Kenyon, petitioner,
vs. Rodney Kenyon, respon­
dent, case no. D 0103-09. To
Rodney Kenyon: By this no­
tice you are summoned to ap­
pear in this matter at a hearing
scheduled for 10 a.m. for the
17th day of January 2011 at
the W arm Springs T ribal
Court. All of the facts of the
case will be heard at this hear­
ing, including evidence you wish
to present. You must appear to
present your argument or the
other side will automatically win.
If you desire to personally ar­
gue your side of the case, you
may have a legal aide, spokes­
person or attorney appear on
your behalf at your expense, If
you have any questions, you
should seek legal advice imme­
CTW S, p etitio n e r, vs.
V eronica R edfox, resp o n ­
dent, case nos. JV 49, 50, 51-
10. To Veronica Redfox/Jose
Alvarez Sr./Marlin Barboni:
You are hereby notified that a
review has been filed with the
Warm Springs Tribal Court. By
this notice you are summoned
to appear in this m atter at a
hearing scheduled for 9 a.m.
for the 21st day of January
2011 at the W arm Springs
Tribal Court. All of the facts
of the case will be heard at this
hearing, including evidence you
wish to present. You must ap­
pear to present your argument
or the other side will automati­
cally win. If you desire to per­
sonally argue your side of the
case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney ap­
pear on your behalf at your ex­
pense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
CTW S, p etitio n er, vs.
Keith Charley, respondent,
case nos. JV 244, 243, 242,
241-01 & JV30-07. To Keith
Charley Jr.: You are hereby
notified that a custody review
has been filed with the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. By this
notice you are summoned to ap­
pear in this matter at a hearing
scheduled for 3 p.m. for the
2nd day of February 2011 at
the W arm Springs T ribal
Court. All of the facts of the
case will be heard at this hear­
ing, including evidence you wish
to present. You must appear to
present your argument or the
other side will automatically win.
If you desire to personally ar­
gue your side of the case, you
may have a legal aide, spokes­
person or attorney appear on
your behalf at your expense. If
you have any questions, you
should seek legal advice imme­
Valerie Wheeler-Tias, pe­
titioner, vs. Vernon Tias, Jr.,
respondent, case no. D 0149-
10. To Valerie Wheeler-Tias/
V ernon T ias, Jr.: You are
hereby notified that a dissolu­
tion of marriage has been filed
with the Warm Springs Tribal
Court. By this notice you are
summoned to appear in this mat­
ter at a hearing scheduled for
10 a.m. for the 3rd day of
February 2011 at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. All of
the facts o f the case w ill be
heard at this hearing, including
evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
O rvie
D anzuka, p etitio n er, vs.
Sh an eel K alam a, resp o n ­
dent, case no. DO112-10. To
Sh an eel K alam a: You are
hereby notified that a petition
for con servato rsh ip and/or
guardian has been filed with the
Warm Springs Tribal Court. By
this notice you are summoned
to appear in this matter at a
hearing scheduled for 4 p.m.
for the 3rd day of February
2011 at the W arm Springs
Tribal Court. All of the facts
of the case will be heard at this
hearing, including evidence you
wish to present. You must ap­
pear to present your argument
or the other side will automati­
cally win. If you desire to per­
sonally argue your side of the
case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney ap­
pear on your behalf at your ex­
pense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
CTW S, p etitio n er, vs.
Rosalina Arce-Martin/Mar-
tin Pineda-M aldonado, re­
spondents, case no. JV165-
05. To Rosalina Arce-M ar-
tin / M artin
P ineda-
Maldonado: You are hereby
notified that a petition for cus­
tody review has been filed with
the Warm Springs Tribal Court.
By this notice you are sum ­
moned to appear in this matter
at a hearing scheduled for 10
a.m. for the 4th day of Feb­
ru a ry 2011 at the W arm
Springs Tribal Court. All of
the facts of the case w ill be
heard at this hearing, including
evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
CTWS, petitioner, vs. Tera
W allulatum , resp o n d en t,
case no. JV121-07. To Tera
Wallulatum: You are hereby
notified that a petition for as­
sisted guardianship review has
been filed w ith the W arm
Springs Tribal Court. By this
notice you are summoned to
appear in this matter at a hear­
ing scheduled for 9 a.m. for the
4th day o f February 2011 at
the W arm Springs T ribal
Court. All of the facts of the
case will be heard at this hear­
ing, including evidence you wish
to present. You must appear to
present your argument or the
other side will automatically win.
If you desire to personally ar­
gue your side of the case, you
may have a legal aide, spokes­
person or attorney appear on
your behalf at your expense. If
you have any questions, you
should seek legal advice imme­
CTW S, p etitio n er, vs.
A m anda Sw itzler/ W esley
H orton, respondents, case
no. JV 91-09. To Am anda
Switzler/Wesley Horton: You
are hereby notified that a peti­
tion for custody review has been
filed with the Warm Springs
Tribal Court. By this notice you
are summoned to appear in this
matter at a hearing scheduled
for 3 p.m. for the 10th day of
February 2011 at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. All of
the facts o f the case w ill be
heard at this hearing, including
evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present your
argument or the other side will
automatically win. If you desire
to personally argue your side of
the case, you may have a legal
aide, spokesperson or attorney
appear on your behalf at your
expense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
H E AR IN G : CTW S, p e ti­
tioner, vs. Kista Flores/Dia-
mond Tewee, respondents,
case nos. JV09-09, 110-09. To
K ista
F lores/ D iam on d
Tewee: You are hereby notified
that a petition for custody re­
view has been filed with the
RB> D es to ri
& C onstruction
Warm Springs Tribal Court. By
this notice you are summoned
to appear in this m atter at a
hearing scheduled for 9 a.m.
for the 16th day of February
2011 at the Warm Springs Tribal
Court. All of the facts of the
case will be heard at this hear­
ing, including evidence you wish
to present. You must appear to
present your argument or the
other side will automatically win.
If you desire to personally ar­
gue your side of the case, you
may have a legal aide, spokes­
person or attorney appear on
your behalf at your expense. If
you have any questions, you
should seek legal advice imme­
CTWS, petitioner, vs.
Regina Bisner/Alan Hanson,
respondents, case no. JV96-
05. Regina Bisner/Alan
Hanson: You are hereby notified
that a petition for assisted guard­
ianship review has been filed with
the Warm Springs Tribal Court.
By this notice you are summoned
to appear in this matter at a hear­
ing scheduled for 9 a.m. for the
18th day of February 2011 at
the Warm Springs Tribal
Court. All of the facts of the case
will be heard at this hearing, in­
cluding evidence you wish to
present. You must appear to
present your argument or the
other side will automatically win.
If you desire to personally argue
your side of the case, you may
have a legal aide, spokesperson or
attorney appear on your behalf
at your expense. If you have any
questions, you should seek legal
advice immediately.
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------------- Maurice Langsev ------------
___________________________________________________________________________________ _ ____________