Page 14 October 25 , 2 0 0 7 Spilyay Tyrooo, W ^m Springs, Oregon Business aw ardfor N 8T V A dventures N 8TV Adventures has re ceived the. Madras-Jefferson County Chamber o f Com m erce B usiness D ev elo p ment Recognition Award for outstanding contributions to the community in 2007. The award was presented to N 8TV Adventures owners and operators Randy Nathan and Brenda Williams at the C h am ber o f C om m erce awards banquet held last Sat urday at Kah-Neé-Ta. N ath an and W illiam s started the business in May o f this year. T h ey o ffe r guided kayaking tours as well as guided river trips. A cco rd in g to N athan, business for their first year- was great. They hope to con tinue to expand their business- during the next season. The business office is lo cated at the Warm Springs Plaza. * For more information on the services the business of fers/ call 553-1200 or visit www.n8tvadventures.coin. BM K S5 Kent W right Owner 380 SW 5th Street-Madras, OR 97741 Ph: 541-475-5656 Fax: 541-475-5662 kwrlght@crestviewcable.coin **•'»'* r \ N e x t deadline to su bm it item s to the Spilyay Tymoo is Friday, N o n 2 . ress ice Automotive & Towing since 755 S.W. Hwy 97, Madras, OR 97741 Leslie Mitts/Spilyay CALL 475-6663 Randy Nathan with business recognition award. or stop by fo r an appointment Giant fish weir heads upstream ; WALLA WALLA, Wash. (AP) A. giant slide designed to help migrating salmon and steelhead get past one o f the massive hy d roelectric dams in E astern Washington is headed upstream from Portland, Ore. T h e ILS. Arm y Corps o f E n g in e e rs says the spillway w eir will be installed at th'e Low er Monumental Lock and Dam on the Snakd^River, near Kahlptus./t- The weir is a 120-foot high, 8Q-fbpt wide, 2 million piound fish slide that will be fitted into the dam's existing spillway. It will allow juvenile salmon, and steel- head to pass m e darn'near the water's surface as they; migrate to the ocean. , The contraption left Portland oM Saturday, attached''to two grain barges b e in g ’p ushed by -Approved Auto Repair -Approved Towing two tugboats.: v; Traveling at 4-5 miles per hour, it's expected to reach the Lowe^,Monumental dam early Wednesday. The- corps says similar weirs at Lowfer Granite and Ice Har bor dams have allowed survival rates o f 96 percent to '98§*per- cent for fish using the slides td pass the dams. Judge considers unsealing documents in nickname case G R A N D F O R K S , N .D. ;(AP) _ Sealing documents to aid in a settlement' is not enough reason to override; the public right to view them, an attorney ¡for Forum Communications Co., told a judge Monday* Judge Lawrence Jah n k e is considering a motion to unseal documents in the University o f North Dakota's lawsuit against the NCAA over the Fighting Sioux nickname. After hearing arguments from Forpm attorney Mike Andrews* Jahnke said he might rule later in the day. tJN D .is- Challenging an NCAA ban on the use o f the nicknam e jj: and logo in postseason play, and on being a playoff host. The case is set for trial in December. . Jahnke postponed a pretrial conference for the case until Nov. 5. Representatives from the NCAA and Attorney G en eral Wayne Stenehjem's office did not appear in court Mon-; has filed a motion seeking to exp an d the case to fncludè UND's relationship with Siomx tribes;" 1 24-Hour Towing " 'f U ND has filed a motion ask ing Jahn ke to rule from the bench in its a favor. The NCAA Rez Express Fundraiser Please support our youth! Pens for sale: $3 each. Proceeds go for travel expenses of the Rez Express Boys High School Basketball Team. The team is planning to travel to Phoenix, Ariz., for the 2008 Native American Basketball Invitational (NABI). See Sammi O ’R eilly o r Val Squiemphen to get yours I Bottle drive to help team travel There- is an on-going bottle drive fundraiser ben efiting the Rez Express, the All-Indian high school boys basketball team represent ing Warm Springs. Proceeds go toward travel expenses for the team to travel to the 2008 Native American Basketball Invita- tional Tournament in Phoe nix. F or d on atio ns, and pickup, p le a s e co n tact S am m i O ’R eilly, V al S q u iem p h en or R ita Squiemphen. : The fund-raiser will be on-going through July of 2008. X y o u SHOULD BE HERE $17*95 Fall Saturday N i 9 ht Buffet Enjoy Carved Baron of Beef and much more b e^nn ing at 5 pm Wednesday N i$h t D inner Specials only $14*95 W in up to $ 2,500 w ith Cash Prize W heel Drawings Fridays and Saturdays Every H o u r fro m 6 pm - to p m M Alito Repair * * * * * H ours: 8 a m . 5 4 1 -4 7 5 *6 1 4 0 - 5 p .m . Mon. ■ Fri. FREE ESTIMATES • GUARANTEED WORK CUSTOM EXHAUST • MUFFLERS • RADIATORS ENGINES • TRANSMISSIONS • HEATERS AIR CONDITIONING • ELECTRICAL » BRAKES SUSPENSION AND M O R E .. . Fax: 475*2677 i 880 S. Adams Dr., Madras, OR Boo Bucks Giveaways Enter to W in $ io ,o o o on Saturday, October 27 at n p m Congratulations to Mark, our w inner of a $ 25,000 Zodiac Slots Jackpot! Oo to and dick on What's N ew for more details • Warm Sprinçs, OR • 541-553MMZ C A S IN O • G O L F • SPA • P O O L • D IN IN G • LO D G E • STABLES i KAHNttTA HIGH DESERT RESORT SCASINO t