News from Indian Country Page 9 Spilyay Tyrnoo October 11, 2007 wm California voters may be asked to decide casino expansion SACRAMENTO (AP)—O p ­ ponents o f a nearly 30 percent expansion o f tribal gambling be­ gan turning in petition signatures Friday for what could prove to be latest ballot fight over Indian casinos in California. A group opposing deals be­ tween four wealthy Southern Cali­ fornia tribes and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it has col­ lected enough signatures to let voters decide if the agreements should be revoked. It said the rest o f the signatures will be turned in by Monday to the secretary o f state’s office. T he deals, w hich were ap­ p ro v ed by th e Legislature in June, would allow the four tribes to install a? many as 17,000 ad­ ditional slot machines. In e x ch an g e, th e A gua Caliente Band o f Cahuilla Indi­ ans in P a lm S p rin g s, th e M orongo Band o f Mission In­ dians in Cabazon, thé Pechanga B and o f L u isén o In d ian s in Temecula and Sycuan Band o f th e Kumeyaay N atio n in San Diego would share à percentage o f their earnings with the state. But a coalitioft o f two other tribes, horsetrack owners and a casino workers’ union say the deals are flawed. The coalition consists o f the United Auburn Indian Comm unity east o f Sac­ ramento, the Pala Band o f Mis­ sio n In d ia n s in R iv ersid e County, Unite H È R E Interna­ tional Union and Terry Fancher, managing partner o f the parent company o f Bay Meadows and Filmmaker makes mark with film featuring Navajos AL B U Q U E R Q U E , N.M., (AP)— W hen Travis Hamilton set out to make his first feature length film on the Navajo Nation, he lacked money and experience as a director and had a crew that knew ev en less a b o u t moviemaking than he did. B u t n eith er he n o r his crew .were short on desire to capture a Navajo sfoty j n its true setting. “It really came down to I believed in them and they be­ lieved in me,” he said. H am ilton now boasts, a m ovie, “T urquoise Rose,” that features Navajos in ev­ ery Navajo role and a crew th at is 90 p ercent Navajo. That, he believes, is- some­ thing unique in the film in­ dustry “I really feel th at w e’re just on the very tip o f N a­ tive cinema,” he said. “For m erit’s humbling to kind o f look and realize I had a little tiny hand in getting some o f that moving.” ‘Turquoise Rose” is the story o f a big-city Nayajo girl w ho has plans to vacation in E urope for the summer with her roommate. B ut w hen her grandm other on the reservation becomes sick, she m ust choose between car­ ing for her or sticking tp her vacation plan. Hamilton crafted the script after being pulled from film school at Scottsdale Community College in A rizona for a 15- m onth deploym ent to Iraq. It was there w here two N avajo wom en in his National G uard unit gave him the idea for the story line. I t h a s n ’t far o f f from his first short film he had produced in school about a young Navajo girl on the reservation. , “I don’t know why I was writ­ ing a chick flick,” he said. “It’s just th at that’s what happened.” Hamilton’s main fear was that his idea would be rejected by Na- vajos, who he said often are leary o f a story being told through the eyes o f a non-Native. “I knew going into what I was trying to do that that would be way that it was more real,” a factor,” he said. “I f I was na­ she said. ‘P eo p le that were tive, I would feel the same way.” a part o f that were actually But Hamilton arm ed himself N ative A m ericans, young with the Navajo cast and crew, and also Navajo. They could cultural advisers, letters o f sup­ po rtray w hat they w ere a. p o rt from tribal leaders and a p art o f because this is the resume that included at least 12 way that they live.” other productions filmed on the Hamilton has two other Navajo Nation. productions lined up . to be Hamilton also had lived on filmed o n the Navajo reser­ th e v ast reserv atio n fo r two vation, but he said he’s hold­ years before he began writing ing o ff until he breaks even the script for “Turquoise Rose.” on “Turquoise Rose.” V The film, which for the As a M orm on missionary, he butchered sheep, hauled wood majority o f the actors was from the mountains and made their first tim e on screen, was show n ip Gallup this bread from scratch. “I t was th e n up to, ‘L et’s' week. make the best movie we can and “It was a very true and let the movie speak for itself” positive story., In the end, hopefully if fostered pride he said. Lorie Lee, media production especially with thè youth that specialist for the Navajo Nation they need to stay connected Film Office, said the nearly $1 to our traditional homeland,” million film, which debuted in said Lee, w ho has seen the the tribe’s capital o f W indow film. “W hat we have as Dine Rock, Ariz., has a sense o f au­ bu t also knowing we have to thenticity n o t seen in other pro­ live sometimes ,jn the m od­ ern world.” ductions. ; “I think it was unique in the C om pany begins sellin g buffalo-cranberiy energy bars R A PID CITY, S.D. (AP)-^~. A n A m erican In d ian -o w n ed company has gone back to its roots for a healthy, natural al­ ternative to the energy bars now on the market: the Tanka Bar, made w ith South D akota bison and Wisconsin cranberries. The Pine Ridge Indian Res­ ervation company came up with the Tanka Bar as a modern-day spinoff o f a traditional Lakota food called “wasna” that sus­ tained G reat Plains Indians dur­ ing long trips centuries ago. T he Tanka Bar is produced and marketed by Native Alneri- can N atural Foods, who^e pri­ mary owners, Karlene H unter and Mark Tilsen, also run a di­ re c t marketing company, Lakota Express. After two years o f develop­ ment, the bars launch Friday at the Black Hills Pow Wow in Rapid City arid will be available for sale online a t and eventually at some stores. H u n ter said native people were healthy before they started eating fo o d w ith w hiçh they were unaccustomed. T hat has led to epidemic rates o f diabe­ tes an d o th e r h e alth -related probleiris, she said. “W e’ré- g e ttin g back to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet,” H unter said o f the new venture. “The buffalo supported everything to us — meat, uten­ sils, clothing. I t ’s com ing full circle.” ■ < Bison m eatis high in protein and low in cholesterol. The cran­ berries add antioxidants and a sweet, natural flavor, Tilsen said. The bars look like jerky but have a lotfriaorë water in them than the dried meat, he said. Each package is'sealed with a unique card that keeps the bars fresh. “It will be the first protein bar on the market with meat in it and the first dried meat product that has fruit in jt,” Tilsen said. E a c h 1-o u n ce b a r has 70 calories and will retail fori$2.25. T he smaller Tanka Bites, which are half th e’size, also go on sale Friday. Tanka Trail, a mix o f sh re d d e d b u ffa lo and d ried cranberries, is due o u t in the spfing- Chiidren o n the Pine Ridge Reservation w ho helped test the v ario u s recip es d u b b e d th e T anka B ar “b u ffa lo candy,” Tilsen said. The buffalo snacks are a lot health ier th a n cheap snacks loaded w ith processed ingredi­ ents, said D r. K evin Weiland, an internal medicine physician from Rapid City w ho w rote a book called “The D akota D iet” a b o u t th e health benefits o f eating grass-fed buffalo and o th e r su c h fo o d fro m th e plains. Weiland was part , o f an up­ c o m in g PB S d o c u m e n ta ry filmed earlier this year featur­ ing Beau LeBeau, a Lakota man w ho lost m ore than 60 pounds in 100 days, lowered his choles­ terol and reduced the fat in his liver simply by eating bison and other natural foods. “H e basically is a diet-qO&-.( trolled diabetic by what he’s eat­ ing,” Weiland said. O n e o f th e p e o p le w h o helped vtith development o fth e T an k a B ar, b u ffa lo e x p e rt Duane Lammers o f Hermosa, said more Americans are discov­ ering the benefits o f eating bi­ son, though the market is mi­ nuscule compared to beef. M ost jerky eaters are yourig m en, b u t the Tanka Bar’s sweet taste and softer texture will at­ tract health-conscious people o f all ages because they taste good, aren’t salty and stick to the ribs, he said. “I think this is a product that is going to appeal to people as a. snack, w h eth er it’s at a g o lf course o r ju s t o u t fp r a day hike,” Lammers said. - “I f you’re n o t starv ed to death when you eat the first one, jjt seems to carry you pretty well to the next meal.” Hollywood Park race tracks. They point to a state analyst’s report that found the gambling expansion for the four tribes w ould n o t p rovide as m uch money to die state as promised. They also argue the deals amount to one o f the single hugest expan­ sions o f gambling in the nation’s history and a major shift in , the state’s policy toward Indian gam­ bling. A1 Lundeen, spokesman for the coalition, said the group be­ gan turning in nearly (700,000 signatures to p u t four referenda against the compacts on the Feb. 5 presidential primary ballot. “Voters want to have a say, and they want to say no to this drastic change in gaming policy,” Lundeen said. G roups ask U C Berkley to return artifacts BERKELEY, Calif. (AP)— Native American groups have asked the University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley, to return th o u ­ sands o f m useum artifacts to tribes from California to Alaska. U niversity s ta ff m em bers joined tribal representatives in a p ro te s t Friday, calling fo r tribes to be given a say in the H earst Museum’s decisions on which items in its collection must be returned. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. is the only museum in the coun­ try that has a larger collection o f remains than the Hearst. A reorganization o f the m u­ seum stripped tribal representa­ tives o f their say in deciding which o f the museum’s artifacts get chosen for return. Now, the decision making in the hands o f museum staff. “It’s our ancestral right to bury our dead,” said 43-year-old Lenora Starr, a descendant o f Oregon’s Warm Springs tribe. “Regardless o f which nation you are a mem­ ber of, I consider this our people.” Native American groups are trying to get possession o f hu­ man remains and cultural arti­ facts using the Native American ■Graves Protection and Repatria­ tion A ctil^r a law th at -orders museums and federal agencies to return as many o f the esti­ m ated 200,0.00 rem ains being held for study as possible. A ssistant Chancellor Beata FitzPatrick said the university is abiding by the law. “I would like to say our chan­ cellor has very great respect for native peoples,” FitzPatrick said. “We believe the university is in compliance with (the law).” Former Miss South Dakota promotes new Nike shoe RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP)—-A fo rm e r M iss S outh D akota, Vanessa Shortbull, is a spokes­ woman for Nike’s new Air-Na­ tive N -7, a shoe the company says is designed specifically for the foot "structure o f American Indians. The shoes w on’t be available from retailers. Nike plans to sell the shoes wholesale, for $42.80 a pair, to Indian wellness pro­ grams, reservation schools, the Indian Health Service and simi­ lar organizations. Shortbull said the proceeds will go back to In ­ dian health and wellness” pro- grams. Air Natives will be offered free as incentives to participate in programs to prevent obesity and diabetes. Nike said the N-*7 is m ade to fit the w ider arid “taller” feet o f Indians. - Shortbull, 28, was b o rn in Pine Ridge and grew up in Rapid City. She was' Miss South D a­ kota in 2(302. She’ll travel and speak on behalf o f Nike as time allows. Shortbull is employed with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board in O regon and is in the U.S. Army Reserve. Muckleshoot tribe buying Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls S N O Q U A L M IE , W ash. (AP) _ T he Muckleshoot Tribe is buying the Salish Ldjdge at Snoqualmie Falls. The Muckleshoots beat out the Snoqualm ie T ribe, w hich regards the falls as sacred. A Muckleshoot spokesman, Rollin Fatiand, says -it respects the significance o f the site and bought the resort as a business opportunity The tribe plans no change in the lodge, which was built in 1919. T he sale price was n o t an­ n o u n c e d , b u t K in g C o u n ty records show the property is válued at more than $16 million. Tribes sift for history in road project KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. (AP) p Some clues to ancient life , may em erge fro m th e c a re fu l e x c a v a tio n o f an A m erican Iridian site th a t Could be paved over w hen highway crews begin construc­ tion on a safety im provem ent project. The last day o f the four- week archaeological dig by U n iv ersity o f O re g o n re ­ searchers and tribal members was Friday. Testing o f arti­ facts from the site indicate that people lived there as far Back as 1,500 years ago. O ne portion o f the site has primarily prehistoric signifi­ cance while another portion is th e lo c a tio n o f p o te n tia l hofnes built on top o f prehis­ toric remains, said Pat OGrady, staff archaeologist. Artifacts found include obsid­ ian flakés called debitage and bone and shell fragments. Ar­ rowheads were unearthed as well as blue beads and even fish scalesl O ne m em ber o f the dig was D eborah Herrera, w ho grew up in th e sm all to w n o f B eatty along Highway 140 near Kla­ m ath Falls. A descendant o f the Modoc, Yahooskin and Pamte tribes, Herrera's grandfather was given an allotment p f land near Beatty in the early 20th century. “W hatever they found o u t here I wanted to witness first hand,’’.Herrera said. The state first' sought to improve a dangerous curve on the highway in the 1970s, when artifacts were discov­ ered during land surveys. The curve is a regular site for accidents because vehicles don't slow down enough to m ake th e tu rn safely, said Tom Connolly, University o f O regon research director. T h e d isco v ery o f a rti­ facts c o m b in e d w ith th e p resen ce o f w etlands and fish spawning grounds com ­ plicated efforts to im prove the highway. MttflflÜtfl Senate panel OKs bill to return bones to tribes R IC H L A N D , W ash. (AP)— A U.S. Senate com m it­ tee has approved a bill th a t could allow American Indian trib e s to claim th e an cie n t bones o f K ennewick Man, a 9,300-year-old skeleton found- o n the banks o f the C olum ­ bia River in 1996. T h is is th e th ird tim e a change has been proposed to the N ative A m erican G raves P ro te c tio n and R ep atriatio n Act. T he change would ensure th at federally recognized tribes could claim Ancient rem ains even if a direct link to a ,tribe can’t be proven. The act governs the control o f American Indian skeletons, requiring museums and federal agencies to return them to tribes if there is evidence that links the remains to the tribes. COmpnnr 541 - 475-6900 541 - 410-4557 COB# I 74496