Spiíyay Tyrooo, Warrn Springs, Oregon Page 10 Howlak Tichum William Moody Scott, 1961-2007 W illiam M oody S co tt o f Warm Springs passed away on Septem ber 22, 2007. H e was 46* Mr. Scott was born on August, i , 1961 at Redmond to parents Leonard Scott and Evelyn Moody. Mr. Scott was employed as a fire fighter with the Confederated Tribes o f Warm Springs. H e is survived by his son Justin Miller o f Warm Springs; brother Melvin Scott o f Warm Springs; sisters Linda Allen, Lucy Smith and Sandra Scott, all o f Warm Springs. H e was pre­ ceded in death by two sisters. Harlan E Waheneka and Mellissa D. K ibby o f Warm Springs are pleased to an­ nounce the birth o f their son Redsky G ra n t W aheneka, bo m on September 14,2007. R ed sk y jo in s b r o th e r D evontre Jam es, and sister Tyra. Isaiah Christopher Boise L eC laire C y n th ia L e C la ire f tis pleased to a n n o u n ce the birth o f her son Isaiah Chris­ topher B oise LeClaire, born on Septem ber 1 3 ,2 0 0 7 . Isaiah joins twin brothers T h o m a s an d C a t t i n o . G ra n d p a re n ts are L e a h Boise. G reat grandmother is Margaret Boise. on Septem ber 8 ,2 0 0 7 . Jasod joins brother Taron, 9, and sister Trinity, 7..-/ Grandparents on the father’s side are Myra Orange, and R ob­ ert Rabbie Sr., o f Warm Springs. G ra n d p a re n ts . * o n th e m other ’s side are Holly Jackson p f Warm Springs, and Simone G eorge o f Tacoma. William W olfe-Esquiro and Stephanie W olfe-E squiro are pleased to announce the birth o f , their son Zain Josep h W olfe- E squiro, born on August 30, 2007. Zain joins brother Izaak, 6. Grandparents on the father’s side are the late Eunice Wolfe- Esquiro, and G eorge Esquiro, o f Washington. Culps o f W arm Springs, and Jam es Pratt o f Washington. Jasón Rabbie Sr. and Eva Rabbie o f Warm Spririgs are pleased to. an n ou n ce th e b irth o f th e ir so n Ja s o n Christopher Ràtìbièjii/bóltii N. Johnson o f Warm Springs are pleased to announce the b irth o f th e ir d au g h ter Kadance Diondra Pettibone, born on August 31,,2007. G ra n d m o th e r o n th e fa th e r ’s sid e is K a re n a Nichols o f Black River Falls, W ise Grandparents on the m o th e r’s side are M arcia M in th o rn and R oger M inthorn o f Warm Springs. (DHS). T h e conference this year is entitled, “Empowering Families Through it Circle o f Tradition and Culture.” Mary M cNevins* D I JS In ­ dian Child Welfare A ct manager, says the conference is a forum to learn m ore abo u t N ative American issues, and ah oppor­ tunity to build and strengthen relationships between the state and tribes. . ^‘A child protection system that embraces tribal values can achieve better and lasting out­ comes for Indian children and their families,” said McNevins. “Protecting the safety, stabil­ ity and well-being o f our Indian children is the key to the pres­ ervation and continued exist­ ence o f O regon’s tribes.” . T h e co n feren ce began on Wednesday o f this week, and continues today, Thursday, Sept. 27, at Kah-N ee-Ta. A t the conference, national and local Indian child welfare experts are providing education and training on the importance o f traditions, family connections and child safety. Participants also are receiving training on the importance o f the Indian Child Welfare Act. Passed in 1978 by Congress, ICWA protects the best interests o f Indian children and p ro­ m otes the stability and security o f Indian tribes and families. I t also ensures that Indian children will be placed in. foster or adoptive homes that reflect the unique values o f Indian cul­ ture. Som e fast facts about chil­ dren who are tribal members: Approximately 2 million In ­ dians belong to m ore than 550 fed erally reco g n iz ed In d ian tribes nationwide, nine o f which are in Oregon. O f those tribal members; 33 percent are under the age o f .18, compared with 26 percent o f the total population. In 2 0 0 4 ,1 0 ,3 9 8 Indian chil­ dren nationwide were victims o f child m altreatm ent In O regon, 12.4 percent o f the m ore than 16,000 O regon children in foster care last year w ere Native A m erican, while Native Americans account- for just 1.3 percent o f the O regon population 18 and younger. A t any given time, 400 Indian children are in O regon foster care. Radance D ipudra Petti ho ne Charles. K labor John Jr. Maternal grandparents are Richard and Michelle Elliot o f Madras. Paternal grand­ m other is Angeline John. V G reat grandparents in ­ clude Raymond and the late Irene- Wells o f Olympia and Louise Jo h n o f Puyallup. T h e baby weighed 6 lbs, 9 ' oz and was 20 inches long. H e was born at 6:05 a.m. ^ ^£,péfribd nd ?#li¿f fteidra plained. In the future, .Quaid said, they hope to be able to offer book clubs and access to more periodicals like Indian newspa­ pers from around the country. “We’d like to really increase the amount o f periodicals and subscriptions that we have,” she said. > A noth er im portant aspect that staff wishes to maintain is a friendly atmosphere in general, Quaid added. O n O ctober 1 the library will be featuring expanded hours for the school year. - T h e library will rem ain open until 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and until 5 p.m. on Friday. Each m orn­ ing the library opens at 9 a.m. Custom Designed & Hand Made Memorials - Made One At A Time For Over 22 years P IO N E E R Sc RO C K M O N U M EN T "TWO LOCATIONS" GOLDENDALE, WA 509-773-4702 201 Crafton Hoad THE DALLES, OR 2937 E 2nd St #6 A lm i to ann ou nce the b irth o f their so n, Charles K lab o r Joh n Jr.,; b o m on September 14 in Olympia, Wash. MEMORIES TO STONE O n lin e s t o r e T h e opportunity com es at the annual Indian Child Welfare Conference, hosted by the Con- fed era ted T rib e s o f W arm Springs and the Oregon D epart­ m e n t o f H u m an S e rv ic e s Desrai Wells and Charles K labor Joh n Sr. are pleased Library: planning for the future (Continued from page l)(;g: T h e library also serves as the district-assigned tutoring site for the community dur­ ing the .school year. Primarily it is a resource to ; help students and those seeking access to inform a­ tion, Quaid said. “I t ’s focused on literacy fo r our community,” she ex­ F o r nearly three d ecades* tribes and state agencies have been working together to keep Oregon’s Indian children safe in permanent, stable homes while preserving their family and tribal relationships. Zain Joseph W olfe-Esquiro G ra n d p a r e n ts '.' o n th e m o th e r’s side are E liz a b e th Jason Christopher R abbje Jr. Tribes, state hosting Indian Child Welfare conference at Kah-Nee-Ta This week the tribes and their state partner have another op­ portunity to collaborate in the best interests o f Indian children. Births Redsky G rant W aheneka September 27, 20 0 7 541-296-4934 A cro ss From "Big Jim ’s" - www.pioneerrock.com '/ « e fe , N a t i v e D e v e lo p m e n t » fill N e w T e c h n o lo g y "Con«ectÌTtg you to the fu tu re” Our goal at NDN Technology is to provide quality technical support to the Warm Springs community at a competitive rate, from a Native owned company: Computer technical support provides: 1. Computer support, troubleshooting, software update and upgrades 2. In-home computer training (P.C.’s) 3. Internet connection: dial up, DSL, Satellite 4. CD/DVD burning, music and movie downloading, .... 5. Virus scan and removal. 6. Reloading of corrup Operating Systems 7. Fixing "error" messages 8. -Advise on how to buy a computer 9. Information saving and backups 10. Printer and other peripheral device hookups 11. Digital picture printing, file backups ■ Other electronic services include: 1. Home Entertainment installation 2. Car stereo installation 3. Consulting of electronics purchase 4. Cell phone training 5. Home security consulting Questions regarding what kind of services we have to offer and what we charge please feel free to call (541) 553-1284. Douglas Maurice Jackson Computer and Electronics Technician A.A.S. Founder of NDN Tech. With all o f our services we include a report on what we have done to your PC (as to blear up any liability issues in the future). 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