Ifilyw Tyrrioo, Warm Springs, Oregon Psge 7 September 15/2007 Museum Arts and Entertainment Festival M v* 1 ? I Salile Polk Adams (a b o v e ). performs the Lord’s Prayer. • r K ¡¡¡¡Basil Also among the entertainers at the festival were Izraii “Izzy” Mendez (above at right); and the Warm Springs 4-H Dancers (right). MI m IC And James Greeley, flutist, and Arigon Starr, singer and songwriter, (picture at far right) performed at the festival. Forum focuses on future of the Columbia Gorge The Columbia Gorge Future Forum is a one-day event to guide future growth in the Co­ lumbia Gorge toward sustaining the region^ quality o f life, envi­ ronment and economic well-be­ nities. Two small group discussion sessions will provide an oppor­ tunity for attendees 'to/discuss shared values and visión ideas for the future o f the Gorge. The Future Forum is a kick­ ing- Thè, *evetìt Will be Monday*, o ff'e ’frerit for á larger pró'céSs October 2 9 ,2 0 0 7 at the Colutti- o f small' community-based dia­ bia Gorge Discovery Center in logues throughout the Goige. At The Dalles, Oregon from 8 a.in. these free events, community members will have the oppor­ to 4 p.m. The forum will reach across tunity to hear what was discussed tribal, city, county and state bor­ at the Future Forum and voice ders in an effort to approach the their , desires fo r the future o f future o f this magnificent area the Gorge. Registration for the Future in an integrated way. The event will feature key­ Forum is currently open. The note speaker and futurist Rick registration brochure and addi­ Smyre, who specializes in assist­ tional event information can be ing local communities build the found at the Future Forum ’s capacity to harness their future website a t . - www.gorgecommission.org/ from citizen leaders. An interactive panel discus­ futureforum.cfm. sion with experts in the fields o f ; Please contact Jessica Metra, climate change, long-range plan­ Coordinator for the Columbia ning, renewable energy, tourism Gorge Future Forum, with ques­ com m ents at and high tech businesses will tio n s t>r provide information about key metta@gorgecommission.org or trends from outside the region 509-493-3323 ext 228. that could affect Gorge commu- - The M useum a t W arm Springs 'last Saturday In addition to the perform ing arts an d hum ani­ yhasted the F irst A n n u al T ribal A rts an d E n ter­ ties, the museum A rts arid Entertanim ent F estival tainm ent F estiv aL ' H eadlining the event was award-winning enter­ supported health, prevention, cultural and trib a l in i­ tiatives. The event was p a r t o f the official closing o f ta in er A rigon Starr, who last y ea r won th ep resti­ t h e ‘% ementhering C elilpT folis” exhibition in the mu*■ giou s N ative A m erican M usic A w ard fo r B est In de­ pen den t Recording with her f ir s f CD. seunt Changing E x h ib its G allery . Apparel Express Huge Summer Clearance Sale save an additional 50% off Entire stock Summer Clearance Example: Girls Shorts MSRP: $16 Our price: $7.99 Save an additional 50% off You pay only $3.99 Lots of new inventory for all of your Back to School Shopping!! Layaway available. See store for details. Apparel Express-475-4262 located at 510 SW 5th Street in Madras General Council (Continued from page 1) With $239.1 million in ex­ penses, that would leave a $3 million projected cash profit after one year. However, after five years the p ro jected cash p ro fit should total about $65 mil­ lion. : After 10 years, the Bridge o f the G ods casino’s pro­ jected revenues total about $406.6 million. With $274.9 million in ex­ penses, that would total a $131.7 million cash profit for the tribes. Howie Arnett, a tribal at- totney, said they are pres­ ently waiting to get the land in Cascade Locks approved for a trust in order to con­ duct gambling on the prop­ erty. : jg Currently they’re waiting for a Federal Registry Notice that will announce the intent' to create a trust to the pub­ lic. After that, Arnett said, five public meetings will be held regarding the m a tte r-o n e in Warm Springs, three through­ out the Columbia Gorge, and the final meeting in the Port­ land area. Wärm Springs M ärkot bdiäjx Ar& Cräfis Scrap Metal Used Auto & Truck Parts Wrecking Service Diesel Trucks Pick-ups & Cars ZI32 Wktm Springs St* Wärm Springs, CR97761 (541)559-1597 VISA 181 SW Merritt Lane, Madras