Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 13, 2007, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
R em em bering
9 / 1 1 , keeping
frien d s and
fa m ily close
B y S elen a B o ise
Management Successor
So, what do you think o f the
world situation? Which is always
an important question to ask*
becau se it m akes you think
about it. W fe t is the
world situation?
As we see the six
year anniversary o f
the 9/11 attack on
the United States, we really must
look at the situation, as this.
v event has affectéd mâny lives—
not only those who were lost due
to the terrorist acts, but the
troops that are now overseas to
fight the terrorists;
I remember waking up that
morning and drinking coffee,
and watching the news and star­
ing in disbelief that it was actu-
; ally happening. The Twin Tow­
ers had smoke drifting o ff in£®.
the sky. To hie it Was like some-1
thing ypu only seen in the mov­
ies. I almost didn’t believe it.
I watched further and saw
the Pentagon was. attacked. It
was hard to believe it was hap­
pening in our country.
I cam e to w ork and go t
iphone calls from friends about;
it. By then it had sunk in that it
was actually real. Since then I
have remémbered the people
who lost their lives in thisfer-
rorist act. I feel for them and
their families.
^ U ntil recently I couldn’tfcven
imagine losing family It is some^
thing you never forget once' ie
happens to you, §
• ' 'So,*noW I appreciate family
who are there for; me in times
o f grief. I appreciate the troOp#
who are overseas and stateside
who dedicate their time and ef­
forts for all Americans.
I treasure allriiy new memo­
ries o f family and friends, as I
have been hearing, “tomorrow
is not promised.” We appreci-,
ate everyone today because o f
^this. Anyone who has lost fam­
ily and friends will know what
•'fois means*. .
My son is still in Iraq and will-
be there until this fall. I -truly
miss him and wish that I could
see him now. But I am sO' proud
Letters to the Editor
Salmon Camp
W arm Springs should re­
We would like to say thank member that fateful day, as it
you to the following for |heir rivas' equivalent t o Celilo. I t
help with th e recent Salmon 1 should be commemorated. To­
-day they still want what we have:.
T he Bonneville Power Ad­ * land, natural resources-and jobs.
ministration, for the grant to * They have consultants coming
conduct the camp.
out o f the woodwork. Some ex­
The Confederated Tribes ©f perts that specialize in deceptive
Warm Springs and Tribal Coun­ jargon promises that appealing
cil1 for use o f the vehicle. .•£>
like white washing things o f that
Thank yo'u to Larry Holliday,' ■nature. O ne example' is that
Louie Ritt, Paul Young, Harold l cigarette smoke does not cause
BlackW olf, J o e M oses, Tedi , lung* ca n een O th ers do
Tanewashaj and the Siletz Tribal- ;: greenwashing* convincing people
CouncM and staff for participat- | that cutting down and clear cut­
. ing and supporting the activity. ting theiforest is the best thing
And thankyou to the many vol­ ' that eOuld have happened to it*'
unteers who helped with Salmon §What will we pass on to the fu-
Campi i l s p e c if thahks to Chh- $ ture? Six generations from now
nook Winds staff, EJawnieUe ' -hopefully not just memories o f
and JèÉse Kirk.
;SM tinct sacred* wild spring Chi-
D o ris ¡M iller and F ritz
G reat tim e
?nook salmon.; As stewards o f
the Rez we should think of.fu-
■ ture generations as the tteaty
^signers were thinking ©fus. Re­
spectfully, Tony Littleleaf.
I was a Student in Salmon-
Camp this year. I had a great'
The W.S. Police Department ner from her, telling Rae how family and friends know she is
s ta ff C arm en Sm ith, B ru ce proud she was; encouraging her real happy w ith her career
Fones and Rob Moran.
to get her education arid be choice. She remained in good
spirits and left on a happy note.
W.S. Credit Enterprise Lori Miss Warm Springs.
ju s t
chu ckled We got to meet a few 'o f her
Fuentes for personal loan.
,, Mary Calica Bailey for all the about being Miss Warm Springs, friends, and they all seem ‘very
f e e told her “Maybe... some­ close knit. I was real sad leav­
baked goods.
ing her.
Nelson Zumont, sponsor. . day” g r
Everyday gets a. bit easier.
Earlene Tufti, for labeling my
With die memorial coming
up, she w anted me: to give She keeps in e-mailcontact with
t D ’s
' Erm a Garcia for doing all the A nson and Mackie the C D I other service men and women,
made with her dancing, which I powwow friends, mySpace bud­
Raylene wanted to let Anson in tum did.
I ’m very proud o f her, and I
: Overall, *we raised just over
and Mackie Begay know she was
just want to thank the commu­
sorry for not being able to at­ $ ,
tend th eir A utw ai’ m o m ’s
The average heat down in the nity for supporting the cause.
funeral. Rae was very saddened Middle East is 130-140 degrees.* We had alot o f love and laugh­
w hen I told her ab o u t the She was in Kuwait getting ready ter before her deployment;
Lovie Ike.
loss. Rae received $30 and a to head fo r Ira q w hen she
small set o f eagle feathers at her emailed me.
Raylene wanted to let all her
2005 high school graduation din­
1 000
C oast run
time; th ere.. I f they, have a
Salmon Gamp next year, I en­
RayleheWrote her first e-mail
courage m ore kids to go be- to me on August 30. She wanted
eaus# it is «fun .and the Warm me t® be rine aridfoank eVety-
springs kids need fun things like, ;( one involved in the fundraiser.
this to do.
She was a bit overwhelmed
; I would like to thank Tribal o f the turn out we received.
W ith that, Rae received her
Council and the Siletz Tribe.
láptop, including a trip to the
Theresa WiniShut.
■ S b $ FIBA U S. Men’s Basket­
ball Tournament.
Her favorite player^ Detroit
I had a*great time at Salmon* I Pistons Tayshaun Ptirice, was
Camp. Thank you*, to everyone Ipkying, and f e e grit to watch
who helped, I hôpe todo it again. from the froni-aisle for her birth­
day. f e e ’s eyes were beaming,
Cassie Warner.
A thank you
hireling me that was the best
Ipresenj: ever having her family
‘' with her. She was treated to a
The Wasco Tribeáatone time ^Caesars Palace'dinner. One s o f
were numerous, approximately %the last decent meáis she’]! get
over 20;otfc, They fished both for along timé.
T h e family in .atten d an ce
sides b f the. Long Narrows lo­
cated at, Bbnneville dam, Cas­ were her Aunt Leona, Uncle Ty
cade Ldcks area.' T he im m i­ "and ’Venus ana- boys, brother
grants .arrived in the so-called; "Wakey, sister’s Dena and Daisy
“new world.” They were greedy * (Jand myself.
arid wanted eveiything that was | Rae and her siblings had a lot
ours. The Wasco resistance w p ¡Í o f fuii,- máking me take a deep
much too powerful, so the aliens breath with alot o f memories o f
distributed gift blankets which them growing up.
As Raylene’s móm, I would
were,laced with deadly smallpox
germs, estimated 20,000 unsus­ like to thank the following:
All the Veterans in attendance
pecting W ascos Innassacred by
germ warfare. They spread meir* 3 \ A id y L ebnard ^ C ena Wolfe
smallpox germs again five years? ** for CWC facilities use.
- A ngie B la c k w o lf, M arcie
aft^r Lstyds and Clark came by.
¡fLálÉf the "immigirahts built? Staco ria and T.J., F o ltz fo r
Bonneville dam andón Decém - th e food and additional drink
* |
;:b e f 1 ,;|l9^|jA hf y- .elosed th§ ; '¿donation.
gates, noodihg the Long Nat-- * . Joannié 'Gonzales and Lu-C
-rows and .the entire área for. I Torrez, Agnes and K endrick
m ieá The feds promised money .Arthur for cooking.
N eda W esley and H ilda
and to rebuild structures and
villages* but so fa r the promises 4-Culpus for the W.S. Auxilary
and obligation o f compensation Stand’. 11
The Confederated Tribes o f
is still-unfulfilled. The wrongdo^
ing to the WasCO caused ¡enbr- 'foe. Grand R©ncie and Yakama
-mous*' cultural áhd econom ic, ..’Nation ’
h isjp atiio tism because, he
takes this very sejjtOusly and
enlisted not only for himself but
our country. Hé . ha-s seen s<f
much in this world, and that
makes me happy for him. ft’S
"«g,ood to get o u t and See the
world; but always make time to
visit family at home. Remember
to cherish your family and friends,
because you never know what
may happen tomorrow. Never let
small things keep'you apart, be-
• cause it is only time wasted.
i lÓSS:"
|| i m ¡Bji B/sie Hvntaret
P u b lish e r Iifttfitu é : Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMeehari
Management Successor: Selena T. Boise
Reporter: Leslie Mitts
Advertising Manager: Sam Howard
Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades
Spiiyay Tynrioo is published bi-weekly by the Confeder­
ated Tribes of Warm Springs'.
Our offices are located in the white house at 1100 Wasco
Any written materials s u iifiittid to S p ily à y Tym oo
should be addressed-fo:
Spiiyay Tyrhoo, P.Ô. Box 870, Warm Springs, O R
Phone: (541 ) 553-1644 or 553-3274.
FAXN®. (541) 553-3539.
E-Maii: spiiyay @wètribès;éii^.
Annual Subscription rates: Within Ù.S.: $15.00.
Photo courtesy of Val Squiemphen
Congratulations to the 2007 Nike Hood To Coast Relay Team. The team members are
Front rowi Ina Schuster, Angela Anderson, Juanita Simpson, Leslie Davis, Karlen Yallup,
Yvette Leecy and Val Squiemphen; back row: Shawn Harry, LexAnguiano, Ray
Anderson, Andy Leonard, Rich Lehman and Edmond Francis.
M Once again, I would like
to take this opportunity to
thank everyone for their sup­
port o f our Hood to Coagt
Sp ecial thanks ,]to our;
sponsors: Warm.Spririgs?For-
est P ro d u cts In d u stries,
W arm Springs C om posite
Products, Tom cat Logging,
Brunoe Logging, Kah-nee-ta
High Desert Resort & Casino;
Warm Springs Market, DM J
A u to m o tiv e and G ary
Sampson. M
I would a|so like to thank
the following people foi'their
su pport: T h e M useum at
Warm Springs, Earl and Rita;
Squiemphen, Kâipo Akakâ,
Saphronia Katehia, M onica
Leonard, Karen Bush (Au-
¿burn, W ash in gto n }, Sam
Heath and anyone eke that as­
sisted us in our fund-raising en­
I have always been lucky in
getting the runners I do. This
year was no exception. Those
runners were: Ray Anderson,
LexAnguiano, Angela Anderson,
Leslie Davis, Edmond Francis,
Shawn Harry, Y v e tte Leecy, i
Andy Leonard, Rich Lohman,
Ina Schuster, Juanita Simpson
and Karien Yallup. Special thanks
to Geri Polk for being our other
driver. Everyone did a great job,
as aiwafk ; j
This was their year! This team
was finally able to break the 50
hohrs. They ran it in ,2 9 hours,
17 m inutes; ju st 18 minutes
short; o f breaking the 29 hour
barrier. T h at ig their goal for
next year, to break the 29 hours.
Myths and facts about diabetes
Spilyay l^ÿtrxpo
CCoyote News, Est., 1976)
Page 4 V Spiiyay Tyrnòo SepterpBéf 13, 2 0 0 7
M ythlYoti canonlt^ettiia-
betes if it runs iri" yout family.
- i ■ F a c t : While it is triie that.dia-
•betes tends to iun iri the family,
‘ s©me people who develop dia-
Xbetes have rib history o f diabe-
, tes in their family,
iiealth wise management.
Fleasti c o n ta ct me i f you.
Researchers, believe there are
both genetic and environmen­ have any questions at 553-2478.
tal factors that cause diabetes.
E ls ie H o w ard , D iabetes
Diabetes can be prevented or* Nurse Educator, Warm Springs
the onset can be dekyed, also it ; D kbetes Program.
can be controlled by proper
Happy birthday wishes ...
On Sept.- 7, a Happy Births
t:|day to S kqnti Ydsmir Rodrigué^
and a H appy 7th Birthday to
H a p p y f ir s t b irth d a y ,
bafey Jessie D ean Stwyer-
B o b b on S e p te m b e r 8.
Love you , the whole fam ­
’ P 1. f^ i0 'm u ch J 0 Í , /¿u’jhm íiy/ ily: G reat-gram m y M yrna,
Freddy and B utter, Travis,
arid friends.
Amy, Kendall and Bobb.
H appy
B ir t h d a y
X Jn cle H u m p h o n S e p t 2 2 .
D o n ’t b e a s trä n g e t, V isit
u s . W e lo v e y o u . F r o m
y & u r ' n e i& e
L a n ed a ,
g r a n d k i d s W alt J , a n d
E la in a .
What a team! Thanks, every­
one. ,
AsusuaL, everyonriis look­
ing forward to next year and
m ost o f ; them have already
startedfheir training. You can
see them out there running
the hill at Fire Management
or around - “the loop.” They
have been a dedicated bunch
.-of people.
I appreciate their dedica­
tion and the whole team ap­
preciates everyone’s support
o f th e ir end eavors. We
couldn’t do it without pur
sponsors and they couldn’t
do it without the support of-
their families and friends..
Thank yoti; everyone.
Val Squiemphen, cap-
•¿tain, Reservation Runners.
Regarding letters
Thank you for writing
.to the Spiiyay Tym oo.
• Pleasfe, w h e n w riting,
keep in mind that letters
should b e o f no m ore
than 350 words.
L etters - that are too
long will have to be cut.
Please submit only one
letter per person per edi-
. tip m .
N o lib e lo u s s t a t e ­
ments may be printed in
the paper.
“ Again, thank you.
' The nesit , deadline to suk-
mit letters to the Spiiyay is
Friday, Sept. 24 . Thankyou.