Spilyay Tyrooo, Warm Springs, Oregon A ugust 30, 2 0 0 7 Page 7 Kah-Nee-Ta stables employ 15 youth workers B y L e slie M itts Spilyay Tymoo f For Whitley Ruiz, working at Ikiutan Stables this summer pro­ vides an opportunity to enjoy something she already knows plenty about: working w ith horses. , Ruiz, a recent graduate of Madras High School, is one o f several youth working at the stables this summer. I “It’s exciting,” she said o f the job. “it’s fun.” Ruiz, 18, works as a guide along with Atcitty Begay, 17, and varibtis other local youth. ”, She and Begay both have ex­ tensive experience with horses that they bring to the job. “I’ve been.around horses my whole life,” Begay said. ; Both of them described the same aspect as their favorite part o f the job: meeting new people and interacting with customers from a variety of locations. 1 Chris Buller, president o f Sanctuary and Faith Trails- is overseeing the management of the stables, this summerin. conr junction'with Kah-Nee-Ta. Because they ”w ork in con­ junction w ith K ah-N ee-T a, Buller said, they are able to em­ ploys local youth through the W ED P rogram and H igher Education. “We can actually employ a lot more kids than if we were just a 'business,” Buller explained. This summer 15 local youth«* * are employed at the stables. The total includes less experienced youth employed as hands, those employed as guides, and even .^ttidents in college working as mahajgers ‘ whb help" w ith the' administrative and financial as­ Leslie Mitts/Spilyay Whitley Ruiz is one of several youth working at the Kah-Nee-Ta stable this summer. pect of the business. In order to work as a guide, Buller said, the .youth have to meet.several requirements. • “Thçre’s. a certain level o f maturity you nave to have to do that too,” he added. In addition to working on their skills with horses, he said, the youth have gotten a chance^ to interact with alT different types of-people. “Every one of my guides, and even tfie hands and ‘staff ©ut So f a r this summer they have led over 1,000 rides:f people,” Buller said. • They’ve had plenty o f oppor­ tunities to inaprove upon their people skills in addition to many other skills this summer— so far Buller said they .have led over 1^,000. rides,., - K efê^av#”% bfteri^n«‘édibry7 ' ' Buller added th '^w o rk tn g good at advocating for their with youth is part of 'their suc­ Madras X)&>ign Centex cess. “We’ve been lucky that we’ve just had phenom enal young people to work with,” he said., Though some of the youth w orkers already know a lot about w orking w ith horses, Buller said, others have to be taught certain aspects. “It’s a blend,” he explained. “Even the ones thiat know a lot will know a lot in a certain area.” Because o f that, Buller said, th u v o jith o fte n ,teach each ptfietf^-uor instance,1 pe ¡saicif they’ve explored different op­ tions for starting horses that they might not have known be­ The deadline for sub­ fore; m ission to’ the Tribal ^Puller said they are also striv­ Member Art Exhibit at the ing to use the. stable to interact Museum at Warm Springs more with the local community. is Friday, Sept. 21. The ex­ t h e y ’ve h o stted ' several hibit will run from Oct. 4 barbeques this summer, and of­ through Jan.’6. fered free horseback rides,to Applicants must be 18 veterans on. veteran’s day. Of- yejtrs of age or older and : ten local people will stop by to enrolled in the Confeder­ visit’as well, Buller said. a te d Tribes) o f W arm Several changes are notable Springs. Applicants may at the stables since Sanctuary submit up to five items and Faith Trails begap working along with application be­ in conjunction with Kah-Nee- fore the deadline. All en­ Ta: for example, they now offer tries m ust be n o more the opportunity for tourists to than five years, old and lease a pen and bring their-own have not been exhibited in horse onto the reservation. any other exhibits at the People can then hire a>guide and Museum at Warm Springs. ride their own horse in the area. y Submitted works must Recently, Buller said, they remain on display through began offering a horse sale in ibe qntire deration o f the May while working with college exhibit dates. Applications students or high'school seniors. are now- available at the ,ko start horse(s, , museum. Contact Natalie .The student then keeps a M oody at the museum* portion o f the proceeds Tor 553-3^3V est. 412 V spending money while purstiing higher education;—an opportu- nity that doesn’t ,come often, Buller said, when many schol­ arships apply only to tuition and other related expenses. There will be a 30 and over Many o f their horses are horses that . have been saved basketball tournament on Oct. . from slaughter or been donated, 26-28. First place winners in the and guides working with the men’s and women’s competition . stables can even bring their own receive eight leather sleeve jack­ horses to work with throughout ets. Second place, eight hooded sw ëatshirts. T h ird , :i.qight the summer, Buller added., • The stables offer one-hour sweatshirts. There will be one rides, 4two-hour rides, half-day MVP and 10 all-stars, men’s and women’s, ¿Contact the Tulalip rides and full-day rides, i Buller said they plan to re­ Recreation Department for in­ main open throughout the year, fo rm a tio n , (360) 651-4389. Çheckç^ le ¿gÉggj ¡Tulajip , egp^cija^j^y a p p o in tn i® |^ ‘wy r W p e information” Call Tribes, Recreation Department, 54,1) 553-1112 ext 3375. 6700 Totem Beach Rd., Tulalip, WA 98271. Entry fee is $300. Hoops tourney Oct. 26-28 MEMORIES IN STONE ■ - - Custom Designed & Hand Made Memorials - Made One At A Time For Over 22 years P IO N E E R R O C K St M O N U M E N T W indow s • Flooring • Cabinets • Tile/Vinyl • C o unter Tops • A rea Rugs • Fire Places • Siding • Vinyl Fencing • Molding • Light Fixtures 'A e t ns take cave ofc a l l tfcnv design needs! Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday by appointment only. 1825 S,W. Hwy 97, Madras • South of Miller Ford *475-1107 W e are looking for families with 8-16 year-olds to participate in the Commu­ nity Shadow Project wtih the Child and Family Center at the University of Or­ egon. W hile learning family managem ent skills, you can earn money by complet­ ing individual assessments, family inter- vention and working with a family thera­ pist. For more information contact Alison Ball, Child and Family Center, (541) 346- 4088; or at aball@uoregon.edu. Or contact the Shadow Project staff at the Warm Springs Community Counsel­ ing Center, 553-4918. J§* **TW0 GOLDENDALE, WA •S haw Flooring I Manufactured Stone Deadline approaching fo r tribal art show LOCA 509-773-4702 201 Crafton Road THE DALLES, OR 2937 E 2nd St «6 O n lin e 541-296-4934 Across From "Big Jim ’s“ store - www.pioneerrock.com