Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, June 07, 2007, Page Page 10, Image 10

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fir om Incido Country Page 10
O fficials looking for American Indian foster homes
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) _ .Goodhouse's pregnancy.
Burleigh and Morton counties
Mike Mabin, the owner o f
have just one licensed Americans Agency MABU, the Bismarck
Indian foster home even though marketing firm helping with the
nearly 70 Indian children need foster care search, said being
foster care each year, say orga­ .©laced with an American Indian
nizers o f an effort to find more jamily can give Indian young­
sters more comfort and security.
Indian foster homes..
Two public fq r u m s , aps if- “A lready th ey 're going
planned next month td discuss through a lot o f stress and tur­
the details o f being a foster par­ m oil in going in to an o th er
home,” said Mabin, who is an
The licensed American In­ enrolled member o f the Turtle
dian foster home in Burleigh Mountain Band o f Chippewa.
and Morton counties belongs to
Mabin said hide, things can
Dakota and Casey Goodhouse. make daily life less jarring for the
They have two children of their children, such as having foster
own and are taking a break from parents who look similar to
foster care because o f Casey them.
Burleigh (founty is part o f a
project started by the state Hu­
man Services Department more
than a year ago to try to find
Indian foster families. .
Mabin's marketing firm was
given the task o f conducting
research and organizing the
p ro ject. A task fo rc e was
formed, and Mabin set a goal o f
finding six new foster families.
United Tribes Technical Col­
lege and A m erican -In d ian
owned businesses have been
helping to get the word o u t
.. Barb Stegmillef, a task force
member and social worker for
Burleigh County Social Services,
said it usually takes about a year
Coàëh Works
Collision Repair
85 S.W. H Street, Madras, OR 97741
before a family can make the fi­
nal decision to become a foster
home. She hopes people come .
forward in the next year.
Mabin said research indicates
that American Indian leaders ,
need to help spread the message
so people understand that "th is
is a need in Indian Country."
He said people may shy away |
from attempting to become a .,
licensed foster home after find­
ing out it means many hours of
training, a home study, a back­
ground check Mid other require­
ments. “It takes a very unique
person at the right time in life
to be able to step forward at that i
level,” Mabin said. §
Spilysy Tymoo
June 7, 2007
Iowa allows state courts
to honor Meskwaki rulings
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — Gov. Chet Culver has
signed into, law a bill allowing Iowa courts to honor and
/ enforce Meskwaki Tribal Court civil rulings, despite the .ob­
jections o f many Meskwakis. State courts will now-recog-,
nize and enforce tribal court judgments filed in a, state Court,
■unless a timely objection is filed.
■ Brit several Meskwakis are concerned about’the bill.
Former Tribal Council member „Ray Young Bear believes
that it could subject sacred tribal lands to legal claims arid
„.court judgments. He also said the Tribal Council made -the
>i«bill a legislative priority without first detailing its likelyrim-:
l pact to tribe members.
Tribal member Leodean Peters said the new law will m m
minish tribal sovereignty by giving the state undue influence
on the Meskwaki Settlement, which i$ located in eastern Iowa.
Peters said that the Meskwaki people are intelligent enough
not to let this pass without some resistance to the logic be­
hind this deception.
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