Spilyay Tymoò, Warm Springs, Oregon May 24-, 2 0 0 7 Page 11 Tribal Council Resolutions (The following are 2007 resolu- industrial park; and, tions of the 23 rd Tribal Council Be it further resolved by the of the Confederated Tribes of Tribal Council that if and when \ Warm Springs.) WSCP notifies the Secretary- Treasurer that it is ready to pro­ \ ceed with construction of the building the Secretary-Treasurer shall so notify the Tribal Coun­ cil and present to the Tribal Whereas Warm Springs Council the actions necessary to ! Composite Products (“WSCP”) make such funds available to I is an enterprise of the Confed- WSCP as a capital contribution j crated Tribes of the Warm of the Tribe. (Resolution no. | Springs Reservation of Oregon 10,742.) j (“Tribe”) chartered pursuant to J Section 12 of the federal cor- i porate charter of the Tribe; and, Whereas WSCP has success- j fully established itself and is j now in. the process of expand- Whereas the Metolius River | ing its business and revenue gen­ Basin, off the Reservation, is erating capability; and, part of the area ceded by the Whereas the Board of Direc­ Tribe in the Treaty of June 25, tors of WSCP believes that in 1855 to the United States (the j the relatively near future that it %855 Treaty”); and, j will be necessary to add addi- Whereas in the 1855 Treaty, I tional physical facilities by con­ the Tribe retained important le­ structing a new building in the gal rights in these lands, includ­ | Tribe’s existing industrial park; ing the right to hunt, fish, gather | arid, roots and.berries and pasture Whereas the WSCP Board livestock; and. I has presented to Tribal Council Whereas the Tribe has im­ its concept for expansion; and, portant cultural, economic and Whereas the Tribal Council religious interests in the area, j approves the. concept and need including the réintroduction of for expansion; and, anadramous fish in the Basin in Whereas in light of the suc­ connection with the Tribe’s cess of WSCP and its projected Pelton Round-Butte Hydroelec­ j growth it is prudent on the part tric Project; ahd, j of the Tribe to increase its in- Whereas the Tribe has con­ j vestment in WSCP and thereby sistently participated in major j strengthen WSCP so that it can federal, state, and local legisla­ i successfully undertake expan- tion and plans that impact the j sion activities, increase revenue Metolitis River Basin, including j capability, improve market po- OS. Forest Service recreation | sitton, and expand employment management plans, the Metolius i opportunity; and, River Federal Wild and Scenic i • Whereas the * Tribal :G<5ttftcil- ’ RiVèr Plan ândjfeffërs’orr Cbunty I desires to take action now to local plan amendments; and, expedite construction of the Whereas the Metolius River new WSCP building once the Basin has unique ecological and |w |C P Board of Directors has hydrological attributes; and, l de|ettnined that it is timely to Whereas Senate Bill 30 has Tconstruct the building; now, been introduced to limit devel­ jtlptefore, opment in die Metolius River I Be it reso lved by the Basin; and, I Twenty-Third Tribal Council of Whereas the state legislature I the. Confederated Tribes of the is forming a task force to exam­ |WSrm Springs Reservation of. ine the legislation and any l Oregon, pursuant to Article V, amendments to the proposed I Section l(t), of the Tribal Con- bill; and, I stitution and By-Laws, and Sec­ Whereas the Tribal Council tion V of the Tribal Federal deems it desirable to participate /C orporate Charter that the on the task force because it will I Tribal Council hereby directs the be considering legislation that [ Secretary-Treasurer to identify could directly impact develop­ ; available tribal funds, up to $2.9 ment within the Metolius River | million, to be available for ap- Basin that could impact the j propriadon for use by WSCP to' M Tribe’s interests in the Basin; i construct a new building in the and, | • J Composite Products ^expansion Metolius River taskforce Whereas the Tribal Council desires to designate Robert Brunoe, the Tribe’s Branch of Natural Resources General Manager, as its representative on the task force to represent the Tribe’s interests noted above and as they have been consis­ tently expressed in the legisla­ tive and planning efforts noted above; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Third Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (a) and (lj of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws, and Section 4 of the Tribal Corpo­ rate Charter, that Robert Brunoe is hereby designated as the Tribal Council representative on the task force related to Senate Bill 30 dealing with the Metolius River Basin. (Resolution hoi ;10,746.) Road project Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation . of Oregon (“Tribe”) is a federally recog­ nized Jndian Tribe; and, Whereas the Tribe has formed a number of business organizations which are solely owned by the tribe to provide to the Tribe dividends for the support of the tribal govern­ ment; and, Whereas one such business organization is the Warm Springs Construction Enter­ prise (“WSCE”) which was chartered by Tribal Council Resolution Number 9967’bh January 22nd, 2ÓÓ1, as a subor­ dinate organization for eco­ nomic purposes pursuant to Article V, Section l(o) òf the Tribal Constitution; and, Whereas the Warm Springs Construction Enterprise’s mis­ sion is to ensure that the Con­ federated Tribes of Warm Springs retains maximum eco­ nomic benefits from construc­ tion projects on and near the Reservation; and, Whereas by Resolution No.r 10,663 dated July 7th, 2006, The Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIA”) and the Tribes ap­ proved construction project number WSIR 33(1), for County Line Rd. Reconstruction, Phase I estimated in the amount of $1,000,000; and, Madras Design Center m iv id u i •Shaw Flooring ‘ Manufactured Stone Whereas this project can best be expedited and accomplished by the Tribes, by. and through its ConstructionEnterprise, act­ ing under Public Law 93-638 contract with the BIA and by utilizing materials located on the Reservation and in close prox­ imity to the projects; and, Whereas thé BIA has awarded $1,898,809 for this project; and, Whereas the BIA and the Tribes’ Construction Enterprise estimate that the cost to con­ struct this project is $2,441,971, leaving a funding shortage of $543,162; and, ' Whereas to enable WSCE to complete this project the BIA requires a Tribal Council reso­ lution authorizing $543,162 be transferred from the 2007 BIA project funds in accordance with the 2Ô07 TIP; and, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Third Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (a) and (d) of the Con­ stitution and By-Laws, that the Warm Springs Tribes approves the request to transfer $543,162 from the 2007 project funds to enable construction to accom­ plish Warm Springs: WSIR 33(1) — County Line Rd. Reconstruc­ tion Phase I project; and, Be it further resolved that the Secretary-Tteasurer o f the Tribes or his authorized désig­ née is hereby authorized to make application for, negotiate and execute said contract and any amendments thereto, on behalf of the Tribes. (Resolution no. 10,739.) Childrens’ justice currently using grant award number 2006-VI-GX-0006 to fund an investigator and assis­ tant prosecutor dedicated to public education, investigation and prosecution of child abuse, neglect, and or exploitation for FY 2006 (from October 1,2006 to September 30,2007) for the benefit of on-reservation 'chil­ dren and their families; and, Whereas Tribal Council un*. derstands that there are many factors that contribute to the victimization of tribal commu­ nity children, including, but not limited to the use' and abuse of alcohol, methamphetamine and other illegal drugs by some in­ dividuals within the boundaries of the reservation; and, Whereas Tribal Council con­ siders that continuing support of public education, investiga­ tion and prosecution of abuse, neglect, and or exploitation to children on the reservation to be of essential importance; and,' Whereas our tribal commu­ nity members and their families will benefit from continued funding for crime victim ser­ vices in fiscal years 2007, and 2008 from the Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Grant Program; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty-Third Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (d) and (1) of the Tribal Constitution and By- Laws, that the Secretary-Trea­ surer is authorized to apply for the Children’s Justice Act Part- . nerships. for Indian Communi­ ties Grant Program Continua­ tion funding for FY 2007 and FY 2008 from the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women; and, Be it further resolved that the Secretary-Treasurer is autho­ rized to negotiate and execute any application or award docu­ ments in connection herewith, including any modifications thereto as required. (Resolution 10,730.) Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs In­ dian Reservation of Oregon has received funding1 from the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Children Justice Act (CJA) Partnerships for Indian Communities Grant Program (US DOJ Award number 2006- VI-GX-0006 for years 2005 to 2006, also know as FY 2006); and, Whereas the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs In­ $ Be it resolved by the Twenty- dian Reservation of Oregon is Third Tribal Council of the Housing commissioners Confederated Tribes of thé Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant tô Article V, Section 1 (s) of the Constitution and By-Laws #and WSTC 400.022 (2) and (6) of the Tribal Code, that the following are hereby appointed Commission­ ers of the Warm Springs Local Housing Authority: Commissioners : Vesta Johnson, Gerald Danzuka, Priscilla Frank. Terms to be determined af­ ter selection of all seven mem­ bers. Gaming board Whereas the second amended and restated plan of opefatiqn of Warm Springs Gaming Enterprise provides for the appointment by the Tribal Council of nine members of the Board of Directors of Warm Springs Gaming Enterprise (WSGÈ), doing business as Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Re­ sort and Casino; and, Whereas the Tribal Council deems it appropriate to continue the current members of the Board of Directors and to es­ tablish the terms of office of all members of the Board; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Twenty- Third Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (f), (o), and (s), of the Constitution and By-Laws arid Section 12 of the Corporate Charter, that the following in­ dividuals are appointed to the TBbârcf o f D irectorof ^SG E , with initial terms of office to end on the dates specified: Class II Directors with initial terms ending De­ cember 31,2009: Ken Smith, tribal member; Priscilla Frank, tribal member; Richard Donaca, non-member. Be it further resolved, the Restated Plan of Operation of WSGE, that the fees for direc­ tors of WSGE shall be set at $500 per day, beginning August, and that such fees shall be an expense of WSGE. ¿> ( ' rfs . |p |E \ _ J W arm Springs, P lease support the businesses yoù ¿see in th e S pilyay Tym oo — They give back to the local com m unity! V. ~ ._ _ .. :.y:y _ f a x iJH 732 SW 6th St., at the “Y ” in Redm ond Desks, Living Room, Dining Room, Tables, Lamps, Recliners, Mattresses, Bedroom, Daybeds, Sleepers, Bunk Beds, Leather, Entertainment Centers, and MORE! FREE D E L IV E R Y to M O S T Central Oregon areas. • W indow s • Flooring • Cabinets • Tile/Vinyl Open • C o unter Tops • A rea Rugs • Fire Places 7 Days a week 10-6 Mon.-Sat. • Siding ‘ Vinyl Fencing 11-5 Sun. • M olding • Light Fixtures "Aeé as take, cave, cfc aU ycav design needs! Hours: M onday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday by appointment only. 1825 S.W. 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