May 10, 2 0 07 Spilyay Tyrnoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Page 6 Museum golf tourney a great success Second benefit tourney set for July Madras Pub and Deli NOW OPEN! 7 days a week ______7 a.m. - 1 a.m.______ All Lottery Games Video Poker! $ 1 . 2 5 Domestic Beers Anytime! $3.00 Appetizers 2-5 p.m. All-U-Can-Eat Salad Bar Daily Lunch Specials 475-6044 118 S.W. 5th Street in Madras “Across the street from U.S. Bank” T h e M useùm A t Warm Springs would like to thank all o f the golfefs and the hole sponsors who supported the Museum at Warm Springs during its first o f two ben efit go lf tournaments sched uled for 2007. T h e m useum 's b e n e fit g o lf tournam ent’was held Saturday, April 28. Twenty- two .teams o f foursomes en joyed a perfect sunny day o f golfing, which included a salmon dinner, green fées and two carts per team for an en try fee o f $150. We congratulate the fol lowing winners o f the golf tournament held at the Kah- Nee-Ta G o lf Course whp re ceived team gift certificates for the K ah -N ee-T a G o lf Pro Shop. G ift certificates were sponsored by Orrick: First N et: Shawn Harry T eam . F ir s t G ro ss : E d McDaniel Team. S e co n d N e t: ■ W arm Springs Forest Products In- dustries/Wells Fargo Team. Second Gross: John Katchia Sr. Team Longest Putt: Jo h n . . M at thew. Men’s Longest Drive: Patch Adams. Làdies. Closest to the Pin: Saphronia Katchia. Ladies Longest-Drive: . Saphronia Katchia. We thank the following $500 Hole Sponsors: . M errill Lynchj5l7* holes. berry Harvest scheduled for July 13-14. . Team pri^el- received:^ al ready incluH^v jG o lfin g at Grosswaters^a $750 value. A \ golfing package ¿tTjJCildhorse, and Kah-Nee-Ta. ikore gdliP* ing packages are com ing in and we expect to hsav! well hole/- A huge thank you to Dpug over $2,000 in g o lf package prizes. Registration forms are Goe| O rrick, H errington- Sutcliffe, LLP who sponsored available at the museum, and the prizes. We thank Aequitas jj KaL-Nee-Ta G o lf Pro Shop.“ for sending over 100 classy pens \ The success o f this golf that went in fo lh e g o lf players!- tburiiey could not have been i achieved without the April 28, thank-you gift bags. ^ We^also^ thank Kah-Nee-Ta G d lf To,urney Committee: G o e , ; , O rric k , High Desert Resort and Casino D o h g G o lf Pro, Jo e Rauschenburg, Herrington & Sutcliffe,rJim Arianne, and their staff for the M aniqn, V W a r m . Springs great job they did. Thank you Pow ert, E n te rp ris e , Jim K a rn o p p , to Jo e Rauschenburg for the N oteb.qo m . putter and wood he donated to PetersefijLLT, Chief Delvis our free raffle which included a Heath, Sr., Thank you to Natalie Kirk •museum gift shop basket, an original oil painting, and two t- who did thevgraphics for the H ole Sponspr Signs, Chey shirts with pictogratpjbis/golfer. Thank ypqfo Dancing Light and Woody for constructing, who preparedDoiig Gpe’s huge the signs, Martha Winishut birthday cake* We appreciate for preparing the golfer gift Kah-Nee-Ta’s staff who helped bags, the G ift Shop staff for prepare i the delicious salmon their beautiful basket, on-site staff, Carol Leone, Evaline d in ner,jM ary Kay, D u stin... Patt, Beulah Tsumpti, Martha T h an k ypti ,tp K a h -N e e -T a High D esert Resort & Casino Winishut, Woody Picard, and fo r . your su p p o rt o f the G o lf Tourney .Coordinator, Dorfc Gondy.Smitii. f museum’s golf tournament. J The Museum must T h e second tourney is the over three quarters o f it’s an Museum A t Warm Springs An nual o perating bud get in nual C h ief Dfelvis H eath Sr. 2007. Over $8,000 was raised Benefit G o lf Tournamentj-ben- during this April 28th Benefit efiting the museum. This tour G o lf Tournament, which ;is- nament is.scheduledfbr Sunday, a tremendous help to support July 15. It -is in conjunction with th e M u seu m A t W arm the Tw elfth Annual H uckle Springs. Deutsche Bank, 2 holes. BPA, 1 hole. Seattle 'Securities, 1 hole. H D R Engineering, 1 ho le. Aequteas-, 1 h o le. L um berm en’s, L iable. K ah - Nee-Ta High Desert Resort and C asinb, 1 hole.- O rric k , Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP, 1 Fry Breadtournament duringFi4im e-Sha Friday, June 22 >r Practice round after 1 0 ¿aim. Saturday, June 23 — Driving range and regis tration, 8 a.m.; tee times, 9 to 11:30 a.m.; horse race at 4 p.m. Course. The tournament is in conjunction with the Pi- Sunday, June 24 — Driving range, 8 a.m.; and Ume-ShaTreaty Days Powwow. Entry fee for the tee times, 9 to 11:30 a.m. For tournament information, call Janell Smith, Fry Bread tourney is $135 before June' 15, and $150 after. The fee includes^tournament entity,' Kah-Nee-Ta G o lf Association, at (541) 553-7829, Saturday and Sunday green feesjitee prize and Sat or 553-2167; or Michelle Stacona, Kah-N ee-Ta urday lunch. G o lf Association at 553.-6726. Schedule o f events: The All-Indian Fry Bread G o lf Tournament is set for Saturday and Sunday, June 23-24 at the Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Resort and Casino G o lf Spring Time Cleanup is Here! ^ MADRAS ^ Paint & Glass MADRAS PAINT & GLASS Your L o ca l P aint & Glass E xp erts PAINTS xpressions L GALLERY' Madras Paint & Glass 1076 SW H w y 97 in Madras, ph. 475-2166 OPEN 8-5:30 M -F; 9-4 Sat