Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 26, 2007, Page Page 11, Image 11

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    Spilÿsy Tyrooo, Wgmi Springs, Oregon
April 26, 2 0 0 7
Page 11
Alvis Smith IH
Self discipline, pride and
teamwork were taught in the
My üame is Alvis Smith
ring, on the mat, oh the field
III. I am 38 years old, and
and on the court It is also
taught in youth workshops
work as project manager for
the Warm Springs Housing
and conferences. We need to
address the lack o f attention
• On Tribal Council I would
to these extra-curricular ac­
tivities that keep our youth
look to tribal members for
thèir input. There are a lot o f
excelling, and see what we
can offer all our kids, regard­
gdod answers out thefe that
less o f their talent.
afe n o t being heard. I would
try to have open ears and an
In 19861 was one o f four
opéri mind.
students elected as a youth
Grouting up as a teenager
council, and its purpose was
Ideveloped leadership skills
to report to Tribal Council on
that led me to Washington, tioii'iis a weakness which has the necessities and needs we
D .C , BYU and other confer­ oyetâdïhe riotonlyourtribe but felt our youth needed. I feel
ences. I have two years o f also individual families.
this should happen again and
I think’" a lt the '^r'pbrêms^ on a monthly basis mini­
general studies in collège. I
evolving here are due to per­ mum.
arii a U.S. A fm y Veteran.
As a tournament director
B iif m o st o f all I was sonal interest becoming a fac­
raised here on the reserva­ tor. How many individuals have and founder (with wife) o f
tion. I acquired a Journeyman pursued education and outside the LiT Springers H EA RT:
License as a carpenter and experience only fo come home (Health, Education and Rec­
several workshop certificates to be loosed down upon for reation Tourney), it has be­
for jo b related trainings. I feel exposing the necessary changes come obvious- how to get
the most important qualifica­ needed to prqgper, and then th ese y o u th s’ atten tion ,
tion is the respect and pride I shut down knd sent away be­ which is the first step to edu­
hâvè.fôr this Nation and the cause thèse ideas are a threat to cation. • j
individual status that has been a ' I believe we are investing
tribal people living here.
I think that lack o f com­ p o itio f - a falling nation due to too much in pursuing con­
m unication is du e to the an ongoing system that is not victs and not enough in edu­
amount o f issues we hayé tyorkitig'for us as a whole.
cating people not to become
here on the reservation, and
We have a high unemploy­ one. The beltV ay to get rid
hoyywé tend to become over­ ment rate and nothing to offer o f a drug dealer is to take
whelming to our leaders. I do because every venture wë seek away their customer. Teach
believe every voice has a right we want high revenue. Let’s pur­ kids to say no. Invest more
to be heard and it just as im­ sue ventures that will feed our in courts, fields, stages, Boys
portant as the next, but at the people and not just for wealth.
& Girls Club, heritage and
This is when never forgetting education.
same time we need to come
I believe our weakness is
together and remember what your past comes at hand. I grew
is important to us as a nation, up with a generation where segregation, I also believe in
apd set our personal conflicts sports and grades were priori­ my people being our number
.aside to think and purspe •; ties. I feel it. started in the house­ one resource.
short and long term goals as hold but the tools were supplied
Alvis Smith III.
a one tribe, because segrega- by the trib e/ '
/ ’o „I
j * t
Leslie Mitts/Spilyay
A happy Glërin Brunoe Jr. visits with presenters at the Early ChildtiöÖdTEducation 5
Center Month of the Young Child Information Fair. The fair, held April 12, included a
732 SW 6th St., at the “Y” in Redmond
Desks, Living Room, Dining
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Candidates of the Seekseequa District:
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your favorite T-fome 7umis fimas
W ilson Wewa Jr.
Reuben Henry
Lauraina Hintsala
In MAY.:... Museum a t W arm Springs Exhibit "Beads and Baskets"
Friday May 11th_______ " S E E D S O F D IS C O VER Y " a t th e Museum a t Warm Springs
ôollisim. Center
% 6.Z .
Inter-Industry Conference
On Auto Collision Repair (¡-CAR)
Saturday May 19th C jn$|RB
We repair all makes and models!
to get in - kids under 12 - FREE... Live Music, Food, Dancing, Fun
Headliner a t 7pm - D IA M O N D R IO , also ja z z w/Dave Milne Band,
Story-Songw riter S teve N eth <5t Los Palomitos
Saturday May 26th
H orse Regalia Presentation at the Museum a t W arm Springs
Monday May 28th
N o School Day A ctiv ity at th e Museum at Warm Springs
Friday June 1st
Com e see us first
$ 5
Teen Center, Kids A ctiv ity A re a , Balloon Rally E a rly Saturday
OjZ 7 7 7 4 /
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE) Certified
C O LLA G E O F C U L T U R E a t th e J e ffe rs o n County Fairgrounds in M adras
Saturday June 2nd
Sunday June 3rd
Last day f o r M adras High School Seniors
Spechtrum Youth Center "Grill O u t 1 fo r fam ilies 6-9pm
Dip-Set N e t Fishing Demonstration a t th e Museum a t W arm Springs
Thursday June 7 th
Spechtrum Youth Certter hosting a F R EE C O N C E R T
Saturday June 9th
Memories o f Celilo Falls Demonstration a t th e Museum at Worm Springs
Thursday June 14th.
Last Day o f School 5 0 9 J schools
Friday June 15th
Kah-Nee-Ta Summer Youth W orker S hu ttle s ta rts - daily transportation
Oregon College o f A r t s A C ra fts Salss Workshop 6/15-6/18 a t Museum @ W .S.
Let us help negotiate your vehicle damage claim
Saturday June 16th
Monday June 18th
Walook Sha and G -G -Y demonstration a t th e Museum at Warm Springs
Summer Program S ta rts a t Warm Springs Boys and G irls Club
H E A L I N G W O U N D E D S P IR IT S a t H eH e Longhouse June 18-22
We honor all insurance company estimates.
Factory trained technicians, factory quality
repairs & craftmenship, frame
straightening rack, with laser precision
body alignment.
No matter what happens to your car, you
can count on the Autobody Repair
specialists at Miller Ford Nissan collision
center to take care of it from the smallest
scratch to the biggest dent.
f o r High School Youth
24-Hour Towing
Rental cars available
5 4 1 -4 7 5 -6 1 5 3
Parent-Child Moccasin making class 6/18-6/20 a t th e Museum a t Warm Springs
Wednesday June '20th
Thursday June 21st
Pi-Ume-Sha Health Fair - Community Center 9am - 1pm
O P E N IN G o f Remembering Celilo Fads exhibit a t th e Museum;af Warm Springs
Warm Springs Community Center and Recreation Program Hours
> *
Mon-Thurs 8am-7pm, F ri 8am-5pm
Warm Springs Boys and ©iris Club School Day Hours - 3-5:30pm
Summer Hours M -F 12:30-^5:30pm
Spechtrum youth Center Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thrusday 3:30-8pm
i Fri-Sun June 22nd-24th
Spechtrum “Young L ife Club" meets Tuesday 8-9:30pm
Spectrum Youth Center Open Friday and Saturday 4pm - midnight